The Contest “Happy Universal Children’s Day” 2021/Nigeria/27th May 2021|Entry @neche
I can remember my junior secondary school days, I attended this boarding school that never allowed her students come with provisions. So, on that day we were sure of some free snacks and drinks with some freedom from serious work, that made me look forward to 27th May with full joy and anticipation.
What the Children's day is all about and why is it celebrated universally,
Children are like ornaments in our society and homes. The joy they bring is incomparable. In my place, they are believed and seen as angels.

In 1925, it was first proclaimed in Geneva during the world conference on child welfare. In 1920, Children's Day was first officially declared a national holiday by the Republic of Turkey with the set date of 23 April. In 1954, the United Kingdom encouraged other countries to institute a day in order to promote mutual understanding amongst children and the welfare of the children by proclaiming a day. On 20th November 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.'s_Day
Why celebrate children's day
Children's day just like other international dates is an occasion or opportunity to educate people on the Rights of children, mobilize both will and resources as well as celebrate and reinforce the achievement of humanity. It predates the establishment of United Nations.
Hence, World Children's Day is celebrated to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1959.
what I have learned from the children who are close to me
Anyone that has any child or children close, has a lot to learn from them. Ranging from their absolute faith in person's above them to their happy and stress-free life. They don't bother themselves like the adults. I have learnt a lot of things from the children close to me.
Pure heart. They don't carry grudges for anyone not keep malice, they could fight this minute and still play the next minute.
Trying everything. They try every new sport or game they see despite having little or no knowledge of it. They don't consider what it might take, even if they could get hurt.
Friendly. They easily make friends and keep true to them. They do everything within their power to satisfy their friends. My kid brother will keep disturbing so we can get whatever we get him for his friend.
Active. Children are very energetic, you can clearly see it especially when they are doing something new or something they're interested in
Advice for parents/guardians
Firstly, I have learnt that every child is not the same. Some are quite smart while the others can be see as dull. Whichever one, you mustn't compare your child to any other child because it makes them feel less of themselves. Find out what works for your child and apply that.
Secondly, do not raise your voice at your child it launches an attack on their self esteem. Always try to praise them when they do well and caution them when they are wrong. Do not always resort to canes, the cane can be used when necessary. Treat them right.
Do not let your children know your hardships, challenges and failures until they're old enough to understand. Let them know how limitless they are and they'll break records.
Learn to trust your children, it helps them trust themselves and gives them high self-esteem.
Don't joke with their basic/foundational education. Get them a good school that would give them what they need. Whatever a child is supposed to have gotten but didn't get at that basic level is difficult to learn later on.
The last thing I'd like to say here is the children should be given a voice to help them be outspoken. This can be done by giving them opportunity to express themselves, there could be some sense lying in the nonsense you think they're saying.
What I think would be the best gift given to a kid that will make him/her feel loved.
However, there are some things that have proven to be acceptable by every kid which includes confectionaries (biscuits, sweets, chocolates, drinks, ice cream, etc), teddy bears and dolls for girls, football and toy guns or motorcars for boys.
Like the kids I have with me, the girl prefers books that she can read while the boy prefers drawing materials or toy cars.
The best gift for a child as I think would be anything that could help the child develop his/her potentials and enhance the skills. Like a child that can sing and is interested in music, his best gift would be either a piano or any of the musicals.
Or whatever the kid needs currently like clothes, school materials, shoes,etc.
In conclusion, the Child is like a raw clay that needs to be molded into shape. Whatever you mold it into is your masterpiece. Children's day is a great day for children, let's all help them feel loved and encourage them. Let every child be given the privilege to celebrate for they're priceless jewels.
Thanks @bright-obias for the privilege to contest and a very happy children's day to every child out there.
Nice content @neche, it was great reading from you...