Steemalive Engagement League (SEL) Tracker by @ladyofpolicy
Edited with flier maker
Greetings my wonderful steemalive family,how are you all doing today?? Great I believe that's the response. Indeed,these past few days has been very busy for everyone in the community as we all has been working back to back both in recruitment,mentoring and supporting #club5050. Am super excited that amidst everything,the admin of this great Community still brought out this wonderful project called #SEL to enable us engage with one another's work,I really love this idea.
#SEL is a recent project launched by the @steemalive admin few days back to engage members of the community with each other. The main aim of this project is to propel members of the community to engage and drop meaningful comments on other people's work in order to promote steemit as a social medial platform not just an earning site.
Guess what?
Commenting meaningfully on other people's work can burst out a reasonable argument of communication between one another thereby creating room and atmosphere for interpersonal relationship and also it encourages the author to keep up the good work he or she is doing.
So knowing how important this project is,I pledge my loyalty to be a part of it because I believe that when I appreciate others I will also be appreciated. So with respect to this project,here is my tracker for this week, enjoy reading this post💃💃💃.
My comment for 8/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | comment link |
1. | @fredquantum | Link |
2. | @patience90 | Link |
3. | @justiceanietie | Link |
4. | @bright15 | Link |
5. | @eliany | Link |
6. | @samuel20 | Link |
7. | @jovita30 | Link |
My comment for 9/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | Link |
1. | @steemalive | Link |
2. | @charlie36 | Link |
3. | @steemalive | Link |
4. | @venon | Link |
5. | @steemalive | Link |
6. | @jueco | Link |
7. | @misterfab | Link |
8. | @flashimagery | Link |
9. | @davosimple | Link |
My comment for 10/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | Comment Link |
1. | @uzoma24 | Link |
2. | @simeon00 | Link |
3. | @harmony55 | Link |
4. | @helency | Link |
5. | @kingreechy | Link |
6. | @princesshope | Link |
7. | @joeboi | Link |
8. | @steemalive | Link |
My comment for 11/11/2021
S/N Comment recipient Comment Link
1. @goodybest Link
2. @ngobaby Link
3. @emmyrubby Link
4. @dreyzevibez Link
5. @queensleey Link
6. @ederra Link
7. @ijelady Link
8. @humblesoul Link
9. @ngoenyi Link

My Comment for 12/11/2021
S/N Comment recipient Comment Link
1. @thebeloved001 Link
2. @gee-akpan Link
3. @ngoenyi Link
4. @amadib Link
5. @justice009 Link
6. @patience-otis Link

My Comment for 13/11/2021
S/N Comment recipient Comment Link
1. @kingreechy Link
2. @peterabagi Link
3. @zomatex Link
4. @chigold Link
5. @ederra Link
6. @ijebest Link
7. @ninapenda Link
8. @steemalive Link

My comment for 14/11/2021
S/N Comment recipient Comment Link
1. @simeon00 Link
2. @barnabie Link
3. @ijelady Link
4. @mm-writes Link
5. @udyliciouz Link
6. @samuel20 Link
7. @kingreechy Link
8. @ijelady Link
I will do my best to keep the project going as I will always update my daily tracker. Also,I beseech every member of this Community to join this moving train,let's hit the comment session and encourage one another, remember that we're a team and the strength of a team lies in team work.
I love you all,let's keep steeming hot.
Written by @ladyofpolicy
S/N | Comment recipient | Comment Link |
1. | @goodybest | Link |
2. | @ngobaby | Link |
3. | @emmyrubby | Link |
4. | @dreyzevibez | Link |
5. | @queensleey | Link |
6. | @ederra | Link |
7. | @ijelady | Link |
8. | @humblesoul | Link |
9. | @ngoenyi | Link |
My Comment for 12/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | Comment Link |
1. | @thebeloved001 | Link |
2. | @gee-akpan | Link |
3. | @ngoenyi | Link |
4. | @amadib | Link |
5. | @justice009 | Link |
6. | @patience-otis | Link |
My Comment for 13/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | Comment Link |
1. | @kingreechy | Link |
2. | @peterabagi | Link |
3. | @zomatex | Link |
4. | @chigold | Link |
5. | @ederra | Link |
6. | @ijebest | Link |
7. | @ninapenda | Link |
8. | @steemalive | Link |
My comment for 14/11/2021
S/N | Comment recipient | Comment Link |
1. | @simeon00 | Link |
2. | @barnabie | Link |
3. | @ijelady | Link |
4. | @mm-writes | Link |
5. | @udyliciouz | Link |
6. | @samuel20 | Link |
7. | @kingreechy | Link |
8. | @ijelady | Link |
I will do my best to keep the project going as I will always update my daily tracker. Also,I beseech every member of this Community to join this moving train,let's hit the comment session and encourage one another, remember that we're a team and the strength of a team lies in team work.
I love you all,let's keep steeming hot.
Written by @ladyofpolicy
Hi @ladyofpolicy,
Thank you for participating and being a member of SEL... Commenting is an important way to foster engagement on Steemit especially in our community Steemalive.It gives an author a special motivation when he or she sees comments on his post.
Thank you so much boss for always being supportive
God bless you