7day challenge Day4 writing challenge @goodseed 26/08/2021
Day 4 writing challange about my school history...
Goodday my people how are you all I hope you do have a splendid day today , my day was great just that I went home early to make sure that I attend meetings today .......
I have to tell you all what I understand what school is all about,A school is a place where children are educated or A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred and also learn, and is also a place where people go to and acquire knowledge for future purposes......
The name of the school I attanded in my nursery section is wisdom nursery school academy
I so muchly love the school because my teacher then was a good and caring woman who treats school pupils like her own children, she teaches us the things that our head will be able to carry, she makes sure that we all are regular to school.....
After my nursery three standard I did my graduation to show that I have graduated from nursery one to nursery three 😅😅😅😅
My 2 school was ogbor hill primary by name
The school is located at ovom Street ,After my graduation I entered my primary school section at ogbor hill primary School ll where I spend six years in my primary section , I was punctual and regular to school and always make sure that I pay attention to my studies and also I make sure that I keep my school uniform clean...it shows that im serious with my studies In school..😆😆😆
I also participate in projects that comes from the government, and I mean so many awards which the school received I participate in running of vacation act competition building of generator ,Fans and clocks with some other electrical device that one can build by it's hand with carton....
I take my common entrance and firstchool leaving in the same school, which I have my results here with me
This is my primary six school leaving testimonial
And also my first school leaving certificate
After my primary school i entered secondary at senior secondary technical School ABA.
Where i finsh up my secondary school section, I was also good in my studies I met a friend his name is Mathias chinedu
I @goodseed and my best friend martins chinedu
He is my best friend and he always like to be by my side,we always be together like one family, we share alot of things to make sure that we keep our friendship together and always last for ever.....
Some activities that I enjoyed in school
I enjoyed watching football because watching football is my hobby ,I enjoyed the kind of plays we do that time , the way we share things together because we love each other,and some times the way we read our test book,so that we will get ready for our examination comeing up next...🥰🥰🥰
In my secondary school I always make sure that we treat ourselves like one family ,and the kind of love we have since our secondary school keep growing up till now I thank God for the kind of Friends I keep since I'm in school,sometimes we also meet each other and are working place, to make sure that our friendship last....😂😂😂👬👬..
Thank you for reading my contest