ONE MAN ROADSHOW DAY 4 DELTA ASABA, OPERATION REVIVE ALL THE ASABA CITY #club75// @caleb-marvel , 10% payout to the @steemalive community

Hello my dear promoter and members of the @steemalive community, how are you all doing today and how was the promotion exercise yesterday?
Am @caleb-marvel, your promoter from Asaba and also you loyal friend in the steemalive community.
As we also know that promotion is a very good way of multiplying in any society etc, even in scripture makes us to understand that==
- And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:28 ASV
So the Lord has already bless and the members of this community and has instructed us to good without fair to be fruitful in all aspects of our lives. So my dear steemians let keep on our good works because the Lord is with us.
And is not enough just to give birth, but as we registere new users let's try to mentor them so that they can stand very well.
Because one thing that I have decided is to make all my recruit to be serious in the steemit business and know more about it, not to have many that are not productive.
My Promotion activities in details
At 10:30am I dressed up and decided to go out for my Road work because I came back form the school that I always go to teach her children on Marching, when I came back I decided to dress up and go for the road show although I was tired, but I need to go out.

On my way I saw the mother of @nikecruz, she was going to church together with her pretty 🦋🦋 baby, so I great her as I decided to take some photos with her because she is my baby friend and she is always happy when she sees me...
After that I saw a friend of mind as I was going to check on @goldengifted and @kelvinstar In there shop.
So I told him that I hope that he is at home because I will be coming soon to see him, so he said no problem that he is going to wait for me until I come.
I was so pleased with his response as I head on.
When I got there I saw the both of them and encouraged them to try and be making a post and I tried to know why they have not being making post for now, but they didn't give me any good reason.😊😊😊

I encourage them because I knew that they are looking at me to see some changes In me and more evidence that steemit pays.
My dear I want to assure you all that steemit pays if only you believe in it and do all your best by posting quality content and be consistence in your posting which is the key to your success in #steemit.
Even the scripture makes us to understand that=
Jesus said unto him, “Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”
So to you are that believe that steemalive is the best platform to be, blessed are you because very soon you will receive your rewards.
As time goes on, I left to see @wisdomdarlington and when I got to his house I saw him doing some construction work, he was 🪚 sawing some wood that he want to use to construct a cage for birds🐔🐔🐔.

When I got closer to him, we now greeted as friends as i assisted him in holding the woods because he was the only person that is doing the work. As we continued, I now started telling him about steemit and I told him more details about steemit and at the end he ask me..
How can I register because I really want to be in the platform, and how much is my registration?
I told him that you don't need to give me money to registere you, all I need from you is being active and your mind set towards it in grow and moving with us in the Running train 🚃🚃.

So I took his user name and registere him, but during the process of registration, the network was not too clare so I call My @steemalive Mummy @ijelady and she assisted me with a link that will be more better for me to register him.
After the registration, I know ask him to write and Introductory post and I took time to mentor him on posting and uploading images.
That took us to 3:14pm when I decided to go home because I was tired due to my last my work in the studio doing some editing.
Even when my body system was week in the morning time, I still tried my best to go out for the road show and I must say that is not by my power, but it was the mercy of God and his Love towards us.
I really want to appreciate all the members of the steemalive community and to all the promoter also.. @ijelady @chichieze @marajah @akpan@ ekemini5 etc.
My Introductory post
One man Road Show | @caleb-marvel |
State | Delta State Asaba, Nigeria. |
recruit | 1 |
Names | @wisdomdarlington |
Appreciation | Thanks for checking on my #blog please do try to drop your comments |
This Promotion is no longer one man Promotion, the Angels are with you yes I believe that, you can't succeed in anything onles they guide you, what you are doing is empowerment in a disguise but millions are yet to understand it, operation revive is really working in Asaba, they are looking up to you, soon they will see it, it is a gradual process not get rich quick
One man road show ...... You are doing well @caleb-marvel, this road show is really going well. Please invite me naa let me join you next week.
Good job!
Thanks dear @ninapenda you are always welcome to join me oooh..
You deed enough work yesterday honestly. I love your decision of helping your recruits to remain active user's of Steemit platform. Don't give up dear. We will keep on mutiplaying every day
Thanks for you compliment,,, up steemalive.,.... Up steemalive...
👍👍👍👍 yes o
I love your one man squad promotion. I remember, I once tried this but yours is mega. If I join you, it will turn to two men squad promotion.
I love your promotional style bro. Revive them all.
Thanks very much brooo.... I do appreciate you....
You can be doing your own Promotion wherever you are.... As a one man squad. You can even pick a day outside the normal promotional day and do yours..... 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Thanks once more
Yeah, you are very correct. I will do so as soon as I'm strong again.
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