Hello, steemians and good day. I hope your day went very well. Yesterday was not a very exciting day for me, but still I appreciate God for his mercies and safeguarding for me and my family.
Yesterday I engaged in some activities, I slept a lot yesterday because I didn't have a lot to do. Let me quickly run you through my events yesterday.
My Activities Yesterday ( 5/02/2021).
Morning ( 6am-11am)
I woke up late this morning. I had been awake through the night reading and watching movies. I also had midnight prayers with my mom for about half an hour or an hour. So I woke this morning by about 7am.
I did some chores and then went online to execute some tasks. After that I felt exhausted so I slept off again.
Afternoon ( 12pm-5pm)
I woke up in the afternoon. I prepared some food to eat. In our location, there is usually power outage around noon. So I quickly prepared eba and soup. I also bought some beverages and some snacks. I ate the food and drank the beverage. I also ate some fruits.
After that I helped my mom slaughter and prepare two chickens that she bought. I put the meat in the refrigerator.
Around 5pm, it was fellowship time, but I was too tired to go. So I slept a little bit, while I plugged my phone to charge.
Evening/Night ( 6pm-10pm).
When I woke up, it was already full night at around 9 o'clock. I unplugged my phone and checked my Forex trades, well made a few profits and was happy. The Forex market closed at 11pm, so I will wait till Sunday night to trade again.
I came I came into the sitting room, I met my father eating dinner. They had had the night devotion while I was sleeping. So I ate dinner of boiled slices of yam and red palm oil. Delicious. I went back to sleep some hour later after taking my antidepressant drugs.
Things That Made Yesterday Special For Me
Yesterday was special for me because it was a holiday. I love holidays, because I get to do certain things and achieve my goals.
Yesterday was special for me because I achieved my goals.
Yesterday was special for me because I had nice moments alone and with my family members.
Things I Missed Yesterday Which I will Do Today
Yesterday, I didn't read much. On a normal day, I usually read at up to 2 hours. I will read more today.
I didn't pray much. I will pray enough today.
Yesterday, I didn't visit friends. I will most likely visit some friends today. I will also spend a lot of time outside today, mostly at school.
Yesterday I didn't do a lot of chores. Today, I will definitely do more chores today.
In conclusion, I usually have more exciting days, but I still appreciate God for his goodness. I believe tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow is always better, because with each passing day, life grows fuller and more interesting.