SEC | S20W2: How to cultivate a paddy

in Steem-Agro6 months ago

How to cultivate a paddy || Steemit engagement Challenge for season 20, week 2

Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

First of all welcome to my steemit blog. Today's article of mine is written to join SEC S20W2 Challenge "How to Cultivate a Paddy". Respected teacher @mainuna discussed the topic in a very good way and after reading second week lesson I am very much excited and able to complete the homework. I answered all the questions understanding the objective situation of my region and village . I did my best effort to answer. Let's move on to the questions on this topic.


What is the method of rice seedbed preparation and what steps are taken in preparing the soil for rice cultivation

In the area where I live, rice is not widely cultivated, but rice is being cultivated in some places. Two years ago I cultivated rice myself but due to the yield not being good I stopped rice cultivation but during rice cultivation we have to do many steps.

The most important step is the preparation of rice land. Seed preparation is one of the most important steps for rice crop. Rice seed is prepared for cultivation in summer season. The seed of the rice crop is prepared for forty to thirty days before it is transferred to the fields. The method of rice seed preparation is to first select a good type of rice that can withstand the climatic conditions of the area. We grow two types of rice in our area.

One type of rice we call Colonel Basmati, the other type is called Kachi Basmati. These two seeds can withstand the climatic conditions of my region. Before preparing the rice seed, we flatten part of the land where the crop seed is prepared. The land where the seed is produced is sprayed with pesticides and a very small amount of DAP fertilizer is applied to the soil for its fertility and strength. DAP fertilizer is kept low in the land produced. The ground is leveled and seed is sown in it.

When the seed blooms, the water content is kept up to an inch. When the plant with the seeds of the rice crop is ten to fifteen days old, it is checked on a regular daily basis so that if there is any disease or insect attack on the rice seeds, then the medicine is used according to the disease immediately.

A rice seed plant matures in thirty to thirty five days. The most important thing to prepare rice seed is to remember to always choose a soft and sandy mix soil because when the rice seed is transferred to the fields for cultivation. So it should be easy to remove the seed from the ground, because if the rice seed is prepared in hard ground, then the roots of the rice seed will break in the hard ground, thus there is a fear of spoiling the seed.

Water must be present in the rice seed, but if for some reason there is a lack of water in the ready seed, the seed should not be removed until the soil is soft. Leave water in the soil to soften the soil and when When the ground becomes soft with water, then cut the rice seed to transfer it to the field, but always remember that the root should be protected while uprooting the seed. The root of the rice seed will be safe only when the soil is soft. Pluck the same amount of seeds as you plant or transfer them in the field on the same day. If you have plucked the seeds, but you do not transfer them to the field for two days, the roots of the seeds dry up, which increases the chances of the fruit or the seeds dying.

If we talk about different regions of Pakistan, rice cultivation in Pakistan is not done on sandy soil, famous rice varieties which are cultivated in different regions are KS 282, Ari 6, KSK 133, Nayab 2013 These varieties are very popular and cultivated by farmers. Apart from these varieties Super Gold and Super Basmati 2019 are cultivated in my area.

If we talk about sowing time, almost all varieties can be cultivated from 1st June to 7th July. If we talk about seeds, farmers in my area use seven to eight kilograms of seeds per acre for cultivation and if the cultivation is too late, then the rate of seeds per acre is increased.

Before seeding , the seed is poisoned and if the land is very weedy, then before planting, the land is also poisoned and plowed to level the land so that the water can reach properly . If a seeds gets fungal disease, then it is necessary to apply antidote against this disease. Paddy cultivation is done in different ways in our village all over Punjab.

Before planting the paddy crop, rice seed paneer is prepared. There are two popular methods of making paneer. The most popular method is to soak rice seeds in water. Some farmers add salt to the water to make the water salty Then put the seed in the salty water to separates bad seeds or demage seed .

When the seed is cleaned, then wash the seed thoroughly with clean water and keep the seed in a shady place to germinate. Be sure to cover with a cloth soaked in water and keep turning the seed every twenty hours.

The most important thing is not to let the seed dry out, but to water the seed periodically. When the seeds start to sprout, then level the ground, then fill the ground with water. Let the water stand in the soil for four days and then transfer the seeds well into the soil by hand. The second method of Paneri is to prepare the ground and first throw the seeds in the ground and then add a little soil on top and apply water.

Thus, in both the methods, paddy paneer or seed will be ready in 35 to 40 days. In our region, paddy seed or early cheese is prepared by the same methods.

Now, after transferring the paddy seeds or paddy to the field for cultivation, we water the paddy so that the paddy paddy is easy to uproot and the roots are not damaged. I have mentioned the same thing above. Remove the grass and then pull the rice husk and make small bundlle. We call these bundle lob in our native language.

Plant the rice seeds in the soil in two to three inches of water. There are no modern machines in our area, all the work of planting the seeds in the field is done by hand. The most important thing is not to make too many holes while applying the lob.

When the paddy seed or paddy is sown in the soil, it is very important to have water in it now. I have seen that in crops after transfering rice seed to land then weeds are produced in two weeks, then the weeds should be destroyed by us .

Another important thing is that if the soil is less fertile, farmers in my area apply nitrogen, zinc, DAP and urea fertilizers during the three weeks of transplanting, when the crop is ripe and the upper grains or stalks are completely dry. The crop is ready to harvest if there is some moisture in the soil and the lower stalks.

In our area people also harvest paddy with their hands and some farmers also use harvester machines. I have given all this information according to my area how we prepare paddy seed and land paddy seed is cultivated.


What is the importance of planting rice seeds at the right time?

Cultivation of crop on time is better in all respects but time is very important for cultivation of paddy crop. If the paddy crop is not cultivated on time, the crop is also attacked by diseases due to the weather. Failure to harvest crops on time reduces yield. The paddy crop is cultivated in two stages. The most important is the preparation of paddy seeds or paneer. If the paddy seed is not prepared on time, then the paddy will be sown late in the land, due to which the expenses will also increase. The main advantage of timely cultivation is that the attack of diseases on the crop is reduced to a great extent and the land becomes available for cultivation of other crops.
At present, if seen, climatic changes are having a great impact on the cultivation of paddy crop.

Sometimes there is more rain and sometimes there is no rain, so it is very important to take into account all these conditions. Some varieties of rice are suitable for awareness cultivation and some for late cultivation. If the crop is cultivated late, then the crop will not be able to bear due to changing weather conditions, so timely cultivation is essential in all respects.

Timely cultivation protects the crop from the effects of climate change and withstands the harshness of the weather. If the rice paddy is prepared on time and the rice seed is transferred to the field on time, then the crop will ripen in the right way on time. And timely cultivation gives good yield per acre


How is regular irrigation and fertilizer applied after sowing rice seeds?

After sowing the paddy seed, fertilizer must be given after ten days as the amount of fertility varies in different types of soil. In my area, manure is used in a few ways. In soils that can hold water, zinc and urea fertilizers are used to strengthen the crop, while in soils that do not have the ability to hold water, zinc and phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the paddy crop. is used. Thus zinc, phosphorus, urea and DAP fertilizers are used in paddy crop but their quantity is used per acre.

Fertilizers are used to get more yield, then zinc and phosphorus are such fertilizers whose proper time and proper use prove to be helpful in getting better yield.

In my area people apply zinc, phosphorus, urea and DAP in the first week or eight days of crop but as per requirement, zinc and urea are necessary if crop deficiency is to be met. And it is necessary to use phosphorus and DAP fertilizers in the twenty-day-old crop. But it should also be seen how long the water can be stored in the soil. Zinc and DAP should be given in order to increase the vigor of the crop and then in twenty days of harvest.

Another thing to remember in the use of fertilizers is that you have to use the fertilizer according to the type of crop because some crops are of long duration and some are of short duration. Apply phosphorus first week. Zinc application in the second week, nitrogen application in the third week and zinc and urea in the fifth week, thus DAP and potash should be completed by the sixth week and then potash should be done in the last sixty days.

Water is very important to get the best yield of paddy crop. First of all, it is necessary to leave and stand the water when the monjhi is moved to the field. Then if the land does not hold water, then water should be left every ten days so that the land remains wet and in the land where water stands, then it is necessary to give water when needed and at the time of each fertilizer application. But the most important water is the last water. The last water should be given when the upper fruit of the paddy crop is ripe and the lower one is milky, then in any case, the last water should be given. last water is Mandatory.


What are the major pests and diseases of rice crops, and how can they be controlled?

Different diseases and pests attack the paddy crop at different times due to climate change. The famous disease in my area is fungal. Due to fungal disease the crop starts turning yellow and the crop starts burning. This disease is caused by high humidity. If the fungus is not treated in time, there is a risk of spreading the disease. Timely treatment of fungal blast is very important and another popular disease is Bacterial Blight. The symptoms of this disease are similar to fungal but it has striped marks on the leaves of the plant and this disease is very deadly and this disease is more dangerous than fungal blast causing great damage to the crop. Both these diseases are very popular. For their treatment, different poisons are sprayed and water is applied by adding different medicines during irrigation.

Apart from these diseases, there is an attack of various insects that eat the leaves of the crop and these insects and insects are known by different names, some are green and black and some are white and striped. my villager people Spray the Tori and the landowners in my area spray the Alum and Nyala Thothia periodically.


What are the next steps after harvesting the paddy and what are the steps to be taken to preserve the paddy?

in my village people After harvesting, the paddy is left in the field to dry, it is very much important to dry the paddy before harvesting it. if rice will be moisture then harvesting time will be difficulty in harvesting the seed so reducing its moisture content is first we Spread the paddy in open spaces, drying it in sunlight. after drying the paddy then we start Threshing separates the grain from the chaff. some people use machine for this and This can be done manually or mechanically both way , people thresh the pedday with hands also in group after thresing paddy then next process is to Proper storage of rice and it is very important to maintain the quality of paddy to store rice. people keep rice in big bori type bags these bag keep the rice save, and some shop keepr store the rice in plastic bag after dry them . Effective post-harvest management and conservation of paddy is essential to maintain quality and quantity. my villager are adopting these measures and techniques, we can reduce losses, ensure better prices, and contribute to food security. when my villager sell the rice in the market, then factory owner buy the rice and they store the rice in factory . in factory they clean the rice, then pack in packet, big bags then supply them to shop , then customer buy i think it is the process adopts in my area that i saw

I hope you will like this entry of mine. I invite @anwar1976 , @mile16 and @teukuipul87 in this contest to participate in this challenge.

Exclusive to Steemit: This article original creations of @yousafharoonkhan, published on Sep 19, 2024.

Best wishes







Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:
. No doubt, I could vividly read through your practical knowledge on rice cultivation. The manner you handled seebed and soil preparations shows positive business.
. Exactly, it is important we plant at the right time to reduce pest and disease infestation. The importance of planting at the right time far outweighs less of that.

. Generally, you have good knowledge on paddy cultivation.

We appreciate your participation and hope to see you in week 3.


it is my success that you liked my entry , and thank for grading my assignment

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 5 months ago 

Wa Alaikum Assalam! 🌾

Welcome to your blog! Your detailed article on cultivating paddy is impressive and provides valuable insights into the practices in your region. You've put in a lot of effort to cover every aspect of rice cultivation, from seedbed preparation to post-harvest management. 📅

The explanations about the local varieties of rice 🌱, the importance of timely planting ⏰, and pest control methods are especially useful. Your personal experiences add a nice touch and help connect readers to the reality of farming. 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

Best of luck with the SEC S20W2 Challenge! 🎉 I'm sure your hard work will be recognized.

If you need any more assistance or have questions, feel free to ask! 😊

 5 months ago 

My pleasure!

When do you think it is the right time to make rice seed bed? Good luck with your contest.

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