Tourism is comparable to taking a vacation to a foreign country other than your own. There's no issue there. What would make me very happy is if you are familiar with tourism or have previously participated in a tour. When you were younger, your parents may have taken you to a different country for the holidays. Just remember that whatever scenario you were in was a type of tourism. Let's look into the topic I've assigned to us.
Tourism is the process or act of bringing people to places of interest where they can relax, have fun, and be entertained. It is also the act of discovering nature's free gifts and how man protects them from extinction.
Tourist or Resort Centres are places where such people visit, and the people who visit such places are known as Tourists.

The National Theatre, Lagos.
The Game Reserves like Yankari Game Reserve (Bauchi), Borgu Game Reserve (Kwara State).
The Beaches of Lagos: Bar Beach, Lekki, and Badagri Suntan Beach.
The Zuma Rocks, Suleja (Niger State), and Olumo Rocks (Ogun State).
The Museums in Lagos, Benin, Ife, and Jos.
Obudu Plateau and Cattle Ranch (Cross River State).
Some important 5-Star Hotels in Nigeria:
(a) Sheraton Hotels and Towers (Lagos and Abuja);
(b) Nicon Noga Hilton Hotel in Abuja;
(c) Federal Palace Hotel in Lagos.
- Some Traditional Festivals:
(a) Argungu Fishing Festival in Argungu (Kebbi State);
(b) Ibo Masquerade Festival, Enugu;
(c) New Yam Festival (throughout Igboland).
(d) Itsekiri – Ijaw Regatta in Warri, Delta State.
The following factors encourage the growth of tourism in Nigeria:

Availability of Funds: Enough money should be invested in it to attract people.
Political Stability: There should be a conducive environment or stability for development.
Beautiful Highlands: Obudu Plateau, Oluma Rocks, Zuma Rocks, Bar, Lekki Beaches, etc.
Abundance of Wild Life: Yankari and Borgu Game Reserves have a wide range of wildlife.
Easy Modes of Transportation and Communication: Tourist centers should be located in areas where people are able to get around and communicate with one another.
Effective Management and Publicity: The government should establish a management team comprised of professionals who are dedicated to providing the best services. They should ensure that the tourism project receives the most exposure possible.
Comfortable Accommodations: Comfortable accommodations, such as hotels of international standing, must be provided.
Foreign Exchange: Tourist centers provide the government with foreign exchange because tourists pay in hard currency to visit or see the tourist centers, such as Egypt.
Job Opportunities: It employs a large number of people, including graduates and undergraduates.
Education: It teaches you about the new places you've visited.
Development: It results in the enhancement of specific facilities, such as good roads, hotels, seaports, river ports, and airports. It also promotes local crafts.
It helps with wildlife conservation.
Culture Improvement: It results in positive changes in people's lives.
Idea Diffusion: It results in the diffusion or exchange of ideas between tourists and locals.
Poor Aculturization: It can lead to a breakdown of people's traditional values and ways of life.
Overdependence on Tourism Economic Sector: Overdependence of a country on the tourism industry is risky - mono-economy.
Epidemic: It can result in the spread of contagious diseases such as venereal diseases: STDs, STIs, HIV/AIDS, mad cow disease, Ebola disease, cholera outbreak, bird flu, coronavirus or COVID-19 disease, and other diseases.
As you can see, tourism is not only about the good. Tourism has both benefits and drawbacks. However, everything about tourism is fantastic in my opinion.
Everyone would be interested in visiting another country and spending time there, so there is a high rate of benefits. However, there will be economic consequences, as well as those caused by pandemics such as the ones we experienced or are currently experiencing. Coronavirus is a type of virus.
Please excuse my poor English in some sections of this article; they are simply tourist attractions, cities, and festivals in Nigeria.
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Thank you, @thomaso for sharing this information with the Steem4Nigeria community. There are a number of beautiful places in my area that could be developed for this purpose.
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