DEMONIC ACTIVITIES. (10% to @steem4nigeria)

One of the activities of the devil is to perform counterfeit miracles. I devoted time to explain this in my book titled: “Beware of false miracle workers”. Look for that book and read it.
Whether you believe it or not, the devil is using miracles to deceive many people today and God has given us the reasons He allowed this in the book of second Thessalonians, let us read it.
“Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And as a result they become reprobates.
This passage is showing us why people who refuse to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ still go from one prayer house to the other looking for miracles and deliverance from their physical problems only. And why we have prayer houses open for the temporal deliverance of such people.
Yes, when a person rejects the truth presented to him through the preaching of the gospel, he has no other choice than to believe the lies of the devil.
The Lord promised the Christians that signs (miracles) shall follow them, as they go about preaching the gospel of Christ (Mk. 16: 15-18). Today, the reverse is the case. Believers are the ones running everywhere seeking for miracles and wonders. This is why Satan and demons are very active in the field of false miracles and deceitful wonders and many are their converts.
Satan can inspire people to teach or preach good sermons and perform miracles that looks as if it is genuine, using the name of Yeshua. Yeshua forewarned us about the influx of false prophets who shall deceive even the genuine believers.
Some of these men and women who operate “prayer houses” are his agents. They see visions, interpret dreams and tell fortune in the name of prophecy. Look at what God is saying to such agents;
“They have lying spirits, saying; and saying Jehovah has not said. They also made their hearers believe falsehood. Deception is their major tool.
For the fact that you received vision or prophetic utterance that seem to explain your problem where you went for prayer does not always mean that you are saved from these agents of the devil.
If the person praying for you fail to lead you to the saving knowledge of Christ that brings salvation of your soul, will not give you complete freedom because God is not interested to offer you physical relief and allow your soul in bondage. We are admonished by bible book not to believe every spirit, but try the spirit whether they are of God.
“And when he was come out of the boat, immediately, there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs: and no man could bind him no not with chains: for he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him” (Mk. 5:2-4). Here we see that these demons gave the man strength that no man can withstand.

He does this by causing them to have feelings of anger, suicide, murder, lust (which leads to sexual sins), and fear. He also cause some people to develop low self-esteem and in most cases depression which may lead them to the point of developing mental disorder which is characterized by defective or loss of contact with reality and this experience is called psychosis. They are also responsible for most of the afflictions suffered by people as they cause or afflict people with sickness, blindness, dumbness, deafness, lameness etc and diseases and sicknesses defy all medication.
Satan hates any family that is living in peace. Most of the problems in many homes and in the communities, such as: disobedience, fighting, quarreling, killings and destruction of lives and properties are sponsored by him
Do you still remember that old song we sing from time to time? “When Satan is in the family, trouble all the time, fighting all the time sickness all the time, when Satan is in the family, nagging all the time, O! trouble, trouble O!”.
Jesus said “The thief (that is Satan) cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy….” Jn.10:10.
Therefore, be on your guard as to discern when the enemies are around in your family and battle them through the word of God and prayer.
Finally, demons induce humans to sin against God, live lawless lives, prove very stubborn etc, (Eph. 2:1-3; 1 Jn. 3:8; Jn. 8:44), refuse to accept the gospel and even prosecute the believers for their faith in God. These and more are some of the demonic activities.
Those who are not yet saved through Christ are open to demonic attacks and can be used by these forces to accomplish their desires on earth. Any Christian who is not faithful to God is open to their attacks and can be used by these evil spirits.
To avoid demon’s harassment and possession, you must give your life to Christ, for Him to come into your life and destroy all the works of the devil. John. 3:8

10% to @steem4nigeria