#club100 💪||Betterlife || Contest ||What I Will Do When I Become The President Of Ghana ||06-06-2022||#club100 💪

in Steem4Nigeria3 years ago

Good evening honorable people on steemit. I am gratified to take part in this contest. I must cease this opportunity to thank @steem4nigeria for always giving us an exciting and life changing contest.

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Ghana a country in a West Africa Sub Region, which shares border with Togo, Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire. It has a population of about 30 million (2021) with capital per income of 2200 dollars. In the past two and half decade it has taken major stripes in democracy and has enjoyed peaceful and successful elections for decades now. It is one of the most peaceful and stable country in the West African Region with higher regards to human right and rule of law. Ghana is a country with several valuable resources such as gold, bauxite, timber, oil, gas, iron ore etc.

As time sweeps on from childhood, I have always led my group not because of the prestige or probably of the gains but I'm always influenced by the love for humanity and my passion to see the goodness of others. This passion for the welfare of humanity have never stopped me from dreaming of becoming a president to restore the goodwill of the people in my country. My ambition of becoming the president is grounded on some major critical problems ( challenges) that the country is confronted with of which I'm determined to deal with when the time is right.
As a patriotic citizen I'm always overwhelmed with the negative effects of these predicament.
First and foremost, one major problem my country faces today is


financial crises which of cause I believe is a major issue not only in my country. However the rate at which this has become insurmountable has always set my heart ablaze. In fact, a careful analysis of the major cause of this challenge is corruption which has indeed poison the hearts of our leaders in governance. This purportedly an idea that a the winner takes it all. They therefore neglect the abilities in expense win and take. Like the saying goes " in a corruptible society, the honest found it difficult to live with" This ordeal is causing the good people of my country in despair.This has since been a focal determinate of the difficulties this country goes through in terms of abandoned projects, judgement debts and so on. In fact, this daily act of corruption is causing a lot of insecurities in this country. I will intensify the office of the special prosecutor, whoever indulge in corrupt act will be prosecuted. This will help to fight against corruption.


Additionally, I'm sometimes convinced that the leaders of this country has neglected an essential character which of cause is the cause of so many anxieties, perplexities, falls and struggles everywhere.This is eminent in the way projects are implemented in this country.
Lack of vision as the good books say is the cause of perishness. The leaders as a result of this golden rule has resulted into misappropriation of values, mismatch priorities Today the leadership including the populace is gradually droning monotonously with misappropriate value as a result of lack of vision . A classical example is what is currently happening in my country. A nation which is unable to pay workers, children learning under trees, people suffering from poor roads, citizen been drown with flood but still can provide to build a cathedral. I'm never against this ideology but my concern is that, as a nation we have so many projects, organizations, industries that are inoperative. some of which are still under completion, others though completed but not functional. This is because always the party in power is hesitant to complete a project that was started by the other leaving office. The most disheartening however is that, Some projects could not serve the purpose for which they are made. Others too although could serve the intended purpose but since they are not established by the party in governance they feel belittled to use it.The major cause of this is simply because as a nation we don't have any developmental agenda and so whatever comes in the minds of those in power, they just do it without a careful analysis of it. The reality is that because we do not have a developmental agenda we lack the forecast to plan the country and like the saying goes, " if you fail to plan you plan to fail" And as a country I think that's is one of our major failure in terms of development. We invest in so many things which later become Nuisance. As the president of Ghana, a lot of consultation would be made from stake holders and good people of Ghana before any project is initiated. The most alarming and critical ones will be considered based on people choice.


Majority of the country’s population are youth and the average age in the state is 23 years, in 2021 the percentage of unemployment rate in the country is 12% of the labor force, unemployment rate are the labor forces actively looking for job at the existing wage rate but are not getting jobs. the rate of unemployment has been on the rise for the past three years and still counting, this year about 500 thousand students are expected to graduate, adding up to the state unemployment.

  • As a president of Ghana solving unemployment in the country will be the up most priority of my administration. These are some of the policies I will adopt to help reduce the unemployment rate in the country.

  • Adopting good fiscal policies, thus my administration will exercise fiscal discipline by cutting the country fiscal deficit through reduction of compensation, payment of interest rate and raising of government revenue etc., this will give us fiscal space to spend on education, infrastructure and health care etc., this will help drive private investment into the manufacturing sector of the economy. This will help reduce unemployment rate in the country.

  • My administration will also promote the country to international tourist as a tourist destination hub, by advertising the various tourist sites like kakum national park, Elmina castle, cape coast castle etc., on the international communication network platforms such as CCN, fox news, BBC and internet etc., tourism is one of the sectors of the economy creating employment in this era because of the rapidly growing of the world economy hence increasing disposable income around the world which they can spend on tourism. Tourism can creates employment through accommodations, restaurants, transportation, tourist guide, selling of local artifacts etc. For Ghana to reduce unemployment, it has to create around 1 million every year for the next decade (2032).


This is another alarming problem facing the country right now, the rate at which people are migrating to the urban centers in the country is increasing every year for the past five years, causing over population, high pressure on the city infrastructure, and unemployment in the cities. As a president, my administration will address the root cause of these problem by developing the agricultural sector in the rural areas, provision of modern health care facilities and provision of educational infrastructures etc.


, as a president of Ghana addressing health issue will be of great importance to my administration because in the absence of high quality health care there will be inadequate healthy labor which will delay the development of the country. The hospitals in ghana are not well equipped, at times patient has to be sent to other countries to receive treatment. I will invest in the health sector by providing the requisite equipment required by hospitals, the use of technologies to solve problems will be enhanced and also research in the health sector will be improved by providing adequate funds to facilitate it.


The education system in Ghana is facing a lot of challenges both secondary and tertiary. New curriculum has been designed for basic schools but no single text books has been provided. This make it very difficult for teachers in basic schools to deliver their lessons. The problems facing the education sector is further explained below

  • The government of Ghana has initiated free education for senior high schools which commenced in 2017. Students don't pay fees neither do they pay for feeding. Everything is absolutely free. They are provided with pamphlets and note books. Teachers motivation fee and Parent and Teachers Association fee (P. T. A dues) has also be catered for. This has created room for the poor and less privilege people to enroll in secondary schools. The challenges faced by free education is the inability of the government to provide food for the students. Students are starved, some times the food they eat are not balanced which affect the initiative greatly. As the president of the republic of Ghana, I will initiate state farms in all the district across the country. That's each district will own a state farm where crops like maize, yam, cassava, plantain and cocoyam are planted. This will ease the burden of the government from financial crisis because the produce from the farm will be use to feed the students.

  • Tertiary students under college of education are paid stipends monthly. These students at times have their stipends delayed for months, their feeding also becomes a problem which affect the students. These same students graduates without getting job to do. As the president of Ghana, I will cancel the allowance giving to the students,and rely on the state farms that will be created to support the secondary schools. This will help the students to get food to eat without starving and also the allowance money will be channel to the ministry of finance which will help the government to employ the students after graduation.


I am so much optimistic that, as a country if we get a leader like my type, who has clear foresight, love for humanity and one who's patriotic enough, it will magnanimously go a long way to bring a renew impetus in this

I invite @bmaxzi, @prof2 and @pandev to take part in this contest.

My regards

 3 years ago 

Wow, I enjoyed reading your manifesto because I can see you are so concern about the problem facing the country and you mapped out a great solution to all these problems. Restructuring of the health care facilities is important, it should be well equiped in such in a way that people do not need to go elsewhere for treatment.

Corruption is everywhere and I hope it can be eradicate totally. Thank you for sharing and I'm endorsing you as the President because I can see that you will deliver and bring greatness to your country.

I am enthused with this valuable comment. Thank you friend

 3 years ago 

You are welcome

Great entry friend. I have always admire how you write. You always take time to make your write-up beautiful, interesting and lucid. Every community gets happy immediately they see your post. I have visited you again because of how well you write. I very well know that this contest will find a place for you. Steem on! friend.

@juzkid upvoted you 😄🎉🎉🎉🎉

Thank you for this important feedback.

 3 years ago 

All this factors are general issues because the bible has already said it that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, that is why things are not getting any better.
Good entry.

Thank you for your visit

This post is not related to the context of "Learn with Steem". Please refrain from using the #learnwithsteem tag inappropriately. The tag is used for content related to courses, lessons, and tutorials.


Thank you for the feedback. Going forward I will check the tags very well. I appreciate your guidance

I have been readin every post submitted as regard this contest in this community i have seen a strong polical view as this. Maybe you are a politician i donnt know, but if you are, my advice is to keep up with the good work you really have a olace in the political sector you view are indept as to what the situation of the ciuntry is and your solution are the exact idea to solve this problem
Kind regards
Your execellency

I am glad you took your precious time to read every bit of my manifesto, your kind words and positive feedback are well appreciated. Thank you for the visit

You are much welcomed
Best wishes

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