@rahul00 Fighting Against Abuse on Steemit! | Plagiarism, Copyright & Repeat Content | Report - 133
When we include an image or article owned by a person/site in our own post, crediting the owner with the name or source link purifies the image or article we use. But if we use someone else's text or image without giving any credit to its owner or continue as our own, then it is plagiarism.
Previous Posts, Guides, and Project Information:
Guidelines for Steemit Users. [ Abuse Watcher ]
Report - 23-08-2023
Sl No | Date | Abuser name | post link | Source Link | Explanation | Downvote stutas | Handle By |
1 | 23-08-2023 | @mukada | POST LINK | Source Link | Repeat Content | No | @rahul00 |
2 | 23-08-2023 | @udibekwe | POST LINK | Source Link | Plagiarism Content | No | @rahul00 |
3 | 23-08-2023 | @cleaste | POST LINK | Source Link | Repeat Content | No | @rahul00 |
4 | 23-08-2023 | @erosales | POST LINK | Source Link | Copyright Infringement | No | @rahul00 |
5 | 23-08-2023 | @kailashp | POST LINK | Source Link | Plagiarism Content | No | @rahul00 |
6 | 23-08-2023 | @mukada | POST LINK | Source Link | Repeat Content | No | @rahul00 |
1 Guidelines for Steemit Users. [ Abuse Watcher ]
2 Our Downvote Policy - "Aggressively downvoting posts is not a solution"
Identity theft
Copyright infringement
Reward farming communitie
Scamming or any financial fraud on steemit
Phishing attacks or, any kind of hacking attempt
Fake crypto ICO, IPO or, any scam coin campaig

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Mis artículos y poemas son estrictamente originales, la imagen es tomada para adornar el texto, de ninguna manera para sustanciarlo. Busco la imagen que sea libre de publicación, si esto no ha ocurrido es por algún error. Antes decía la fuente de la imagen pero los adminastradores me dijeron que no hacía falta y bastaba hacer el señalamiento. Creo que estás errado en tus apreciaciones y por favor escríbeme en español.