The Meltdown Miracle - eBook EBooks.

The Meltdown Miracle - eBook
How To Transform Tantrum-Throwing Toddlers Into Calm, Cooperative Kids In Just 14 Days...Without Time-Outs, Yelling, or Giving In!
Discover the 28 Little-Known Strategies Child Psychologists
Use to Instantly Defuse Tantrums and Meltdowns - Even If You've Tried Everything Else!
What is The Meltdown Miracle?
The Meltdown Miracle is your battle-tested blueprint for ending tantrums and meltdowns, combining cutting-edge child psychology with real-world parenting wisdom that works when you need it most - in the heat of a toddler meltdown.
Created by Jennifer Anderson – renowned child psychologist, behavioral therapy pioneer, #1 best-selling parenting author, and battle-hardened mom of three strong-willed kids who has transformed over 87,000 chaotic homes into peaceful sanctuaries...