Contest : SV Creative #81 Free theme : Shadow Drawing of myself and my beloved kids.
Participating in this contest is one of the greatest things I choose to do today. I want to do what I like doing most at my leisure which is drawing and painting. It is one of the things that gives me joy and inspirations as I could translate my mind, imaginations or what my eyes captured somewhere into drawings.
I am a mother of two beautiful girls, the first one is 2years and 4 months, while the second one is two months old. My love and care for them is 100 percent within my capacity. I played with both of them and teach them the right path.
Sunday evening was a calm and lovely moment for three of us. We carried out our normal play outside. After that, they both slept off and l decided to drawing a shadowing shading of the moment to be explained to them in future. Pictures and art work can not lost in steemit platform, so I see that it is the best place to save this scenario for future reference.
Material use:
A4 white paper
A bowl plate
Coloured Drawing pens
The first thing I did was to assemble my drawing material as shown in the picture above.
In my second step, I place my bowl on the white paper an draw a big circle. Actually, the proper thing I would have use here is compass but I have misplaced mine, I decided to improvise so-far I get what I want.
In the third step, l demarcate the lower surface with a thick curve line and also made a sketch of a tree and it branches but no leaves.
Since it is a shadow drawing, I use black 🖤 colour drawing pen to shade the tree, it branches and the surface of the earth. Shading with black colour makes drawing beautiful, very easy to come by and attractive, like you are seeing in my drawing.
The next step, I made a sketch of my beautiful daughter, her name is Saleem, she is two months old, dark in complexion. Her beautiful smile is always contagious and attractive with her dimples . My innocent girl is cute and lovely, we cherish her dearly.
Now was the right time for me to also make a sketch of my self. I started with my hands that is holding my princess. This is what everyone mother does. They like carrying their children upwards and downward...very gently... playing, singing and talking to them. It creates bonds between the child and the mother. Children are precious gift so as such, they deserve precious moments.
I still choosed to use black drawing pen for shadings. I started with my baby to shade. After completing the shading of both us.
I now use pencil and make a sketch of my first daughter of about 2 and half years, her name is Blossom, she is intelligent and smart. She raised hand to play with her baby sister as the mother did.
I coloured her as well with black, I drew growing grass on the earth surface then I bolded the grass with black pencil and shaded it with dark black colour.
My final step was shading of the upper part of the drawing with HB pencil. If you checked the picture. It's really beautiful, I love black colour because it is a powerful colour that doesn't selects.
I wrote my username and date, this will help me to remember the day and explain the moment to them in future.
Looking at pictures gladden my heart.It is my greatest joy to be blessed among women. They are my precious gift, l love them like no man business.
I save this art work here remember the saying "A good work of ART any where is a good work of ART everywhere"
My special thanks goes to the admin and all the MOD in this unique community, who works tirelessly to maintain this community. I would like to invite @ulfatulrahmah, @cruzamilcar63, @pandora2010, @alexanderpeace to participate in this contest.
Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate your time and nice comments.
10% goes to @teamvenezuela
Qué buen legado deja para sus hijas, amiga. Si ya el amor y todo cuanto una madre realiza por sus hijos son manifestaciones sagradas del corazón, mucho más se debe valorar cuando esa madre es una artista como usted que eterniza esos tiernos momentos a través de una obra de arte. Mis felicitaciones y deseos de éxitos, amiga.
Oh thank so much for your kind words,I deeply appreciate.
Woow. This had a beautiful effect on me. A pointer to the joy of motherhood. This piece of art is so awesome. I love it and everything it represents. I don’t know how you people are able to draw so well. The show of talent is so commendable. Success in the contest.
Thanks so much for your commendation and excellent comments..
Hola amiga @dequeen, hermoso retrato creaste que quedará guardado en esta plataforma. Bien hecho., felicitaciones amiga, el dibujo en blanco y negro ha quedado hermoso. Un abrazo.
Thanks so much for dear.
Greetings @dequeen!
This piece of art is so awesome. I love it and everything it represents. The black and white drawing is beautiful. The show of talent is so appreciative.
Thanks for your commendation, I appreciate.
You are a good artist yourself. Your drawings or art are really amazing and admirable. Best wishes to you.