My Research covid-19 In South Asian. sri-lanka Position best in South Asian prevent covid-19. World wide position 16th

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago (edited)

My first post in @steem-sri-Lanka.It my research covid-19 situations in South Asian countries. Best position and worsen position. I have showed my research.

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South Asian region has eight countries India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan Sri-Lanka, Bhutan. One-fifth of population lives in this region. South Asian region is too much density and overpopulated to consider high risks also another reason high burden of comorbidities socio- economic and poor health system, weak infrastructure system. South Asia has been affected by the covid- 19 pandemic. At fast Nepal have been affected by the COVID-19 in 23 January, 2020. The coronavirus patient had been come from Wuhan in China. In 2 July report has been published all South Asia countries has been affected by corona COVID-19 pandemic. South Asian countries concern about covid-19 an implemented lockdown, quarantine curfews. Bangladesh has been affected by coronavirus 8 March in 2020. South Asian countries leader take some initiative for prevent Covid-19 such as Modi call a conference, create emergency or pandemic fund, share Medical equipment each countries. South Asian policy maker Follow some method suck lockdown, increase corona test, vaccination, screening etc. some countries has been completely sealed up their land border as well as international flight. Under success full countries Maldives and Bhutan and line of failures countries India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri-Lanka.

Where is it(covid-19) from?

The corona virus was spread fast identified at Wuhan in China. From Wuhan this virus outbroke Europe, North America, Latin America was step by step outbroke all over the world. we know that India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan those countries has land border in China. In December 2019 WHO announced that COVID-19 was pandemic over the world. 29 March 2020 report has been published 190 countries has been affected by Nobel Corona virus about 7,08,000 people and approximately 33500 deaths more than 150,000 people recovered from Covid-19. In the mean time, may India was the 1st South Asian country to overtake in China by corona patient and second position Pakistan, third position Bangladesh was affected by coronavirus. In 22 March Afghanistan confirmed official death. As a country Nepal was affected by coronavirus on 23 January 2020 with South Asian counties was had returned from Wuhan 9 January Bhutan and Maldives dead ratio less than other South Asian countries.

South Asian countries covid19 condition


India was affected by COVID-19 30 January 2020 COVID-19 out- broke India by students from Wuhan and tourist group from Italy with March COVID-19 transmission grew after several people firstly. Tablighi jamaat gathering emerged as a high speed adding more than 4000 patients. on 22 March Indian government completely announced lockdown in 82 district in 22 state 80 cities including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata were put under lockdown Indian government take a emergency action invest in healthcare, fiscal stimulus investment buying vaccine and drug. India has more than 5 million one confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world after USA. USA is the fast position death scenario India position third in the world India total 29.2 million cases and recover 20 7.7 million as well as death at 356K.


On 24 February Afghanistan government that fast COVID-19 cases from Herat province on 7th month three people was affected by COVID-19 in Herat. Afghanistan government first announced dead news 22 March 2020 Afghanistan start testing 29 march to talk 120 cases had been confirmed and three recoveries as well as four patient deaths. Afghanistan is stimulated nearby Iran territory and close it border with Iran and Pakistan. On 23 February Afghanistan government decided that Herat border had been closed with Iran. in March stick restriction on movement of people and public crowding and also impose lockdown including Kabul and Kandahar province total cases Afghanistan 87716 and recover 59871 as well as 3305 corona patients had been .
Bangladesh fist covid-19 patient founded. On 07 March 2020 that was officially confirmed. On 8 March Bangladesh government health institute has confirmed testing 1095 samples. On 29 March 2020 among them testing kit 48 confirmed patient 15 recoveries and five death. On 22 March government of Bangladesh declared 10 days lockdown effective from March 29 two April. Bangladesh last update 11 June 2021 Covid-19 patients 818 k and recovered 758k deaths 12949 so Bangladesh COVID-19 scenario also Worsen.


On 6 months Bhutan government officially confirmed COVID-19 cases who travelled to the country India. Bhutan emergency imposed entry of tourist for three weeks. 20 March American tourist tested COVID-19 positive. On 22 March Bhutan announced in a nation address that the countries land border would be closed with India and China. Bhutan government impose hard restriction her mass people movement every citizen must be maintained lockdown. Bhutan last update 11 June 2021 corona virus total cases 1739 recovered 1424 and deaths only 1 person.


26 February 2020 Pakistan officially announced COVID-19. one person came from Iran and other person returned from Islambad. On 18 March 2020 enlisted four province provinces. 5th position of Pakistan in the world for their population Pakistan share their border with Afghanistan, Iran, India. In-mid June when daily report confirmed cases number and Daily News deaths high point. In early November of 2020 started second wave in Pakistan the county third wave began in March 2021. Punjab province is the most populated has so far the high confirmed cases 334000 and date 9770 sindhu is the second populated province the confirmed death 4910 and cases 308000. Pakistan was put under wide lockdown from April to 9 May. On 7 may 2021 the city of Karachi has recorded about 819000 from cases. Last update June 11, 2021 total cases 939K and recovered 874K and deaths 21576.


On 7 March 2020 Maldives was confirmed to have his spread COVID-19 by Italian tourist who had came Italy after spending holiday. Two resort employees was affected by coronavirus by Italian tourist. On 12 March 2020 government of Maldives declared a public health emergency over covid-19.The country foreign worker community living quarter composed of Nepal, India, Bangladesh migrant worker in may 2020. Bangladeshi 118571 migrant worker was affected 1857 coronavirus in Maldives. 24 May 2021 Maldives had the world's faster growing COVID-19 epidemic highest number of infection per million over the 7 to 14 days. Last update 11 June 2021 total cases 69536 and recovered 55055 and deaths 191 patients.


On 23 January 2020 as a South Asian county Nepal was affected firstly. Nepali students who had returned who wuhan in China the first cases of the country. On 4 April first case of the local transmission inside the country was confirmed government of Nepal officially announced. On 4 may 2020 first covid-19 deaths. Nepal declared lockdown four months nationwide between 24 March and 21 July. Last update 11 June 2021 the country has a total of 604396 confirmed cases 520816 recovered and 8305 deaths.


27 January 2020 first identified corona patient and officially announced. On 12 may 2021 a total of 131098 active cases have been recorded in the country 107657 patients recover 850 patients had died from pandemic. On 23 March 45 quarantine centre had been established in Sri- Lanka around 3500 people were placed under quarantine in 45 Quarantine center. On 11 May 2020 the Sri-Lanka government lifted the lockdown. Sri-Lanka total confirmed cases to 218366 and deaths 2011 and recovered 184090 patients.

Compare South Asian countries covid-19 situations

Bangladesh totally population has 164.69. Covid-19 cases 818k, recovered 758k, deaths 12949. Indian amount of population 1.38 billions, corona Cases 29.2m, recovered 27.7m and deaths 356k. Afghanistan total population is 32.2 million, corona Cases 87716 and recovered 60598 & death 3412. Bhutan total population is 0.76 million, corona cases 1739, recovered 1424 & deaths 1 patent. Pakistan total population is 208.57 million, corona cases 939k, recovered 874k, deaths 21576. Maldives total Population are 0.60 million, corona cases 69536, recovered 55055, deaths 191 patients. Nepal current people are 604396, recovered 520816,death amounts 8305 patients. Sri-Lanka population are 21 million corona cases 218366, recovered 184090 and deaths 2011. We see the corona cases report the best position is Sri-Lanka Only 0.7% death sri-lanka. India position worsen in the world. Indian positions first in South Asia and world wide position 3rd. As a South Asian countries Bangladesh position 3rd. Bhutan and Maldives position also good in South Asia. Bhutan only one person had been died by coronavirus. Pakistan position is 2nd in South Asian countries as well as Afghanistan position 5th affected by covid-19.

Initiative and method to prevent covid-19

On 15 March conference called by Narendra Modi

On 13 March Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for all joint regional response to the COVID-19 pandemic through SAARC. SAARC countries response was positive without Pakistan all SAARC state head attended the joint conference. Indian Prime Minister Modi proposed creating a common response platform to coordination Research within SAARC reason. Afghanistan president proposed creating a common work for tele-medicine and share information and data.

SAARC COVID-19 Create Emergency fund.

On 15 March 2020 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called a conference international consumer right day. Modi emphasize emergency fund creating. The fund only use for tackle and reduce the risks as the associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in South Asia. Maximums South Asian state welcomed the decision of Narendra Modi proposal of coronavirus emergency fund. India agreed to provide $10 million dollar as it first contribution to support emergency fund. Bangladesh declared it would contribute $1.5 million. Afghanistan and Nepal announced that they would voluntarily contributed $1 millions. On April 10 Pakistan announced a contribution of 3 million. Sri-Lanka was the second highest contributor in this fund $5 million. Maldives declared $200000. Bhutan also contributed $100 000.

Medical response coordination

On 26 2020 SAARC county’s director general of health service to discuss a framework for increasing cooperation themselves. They agreed in the 15 March conference they were committed that SAARC countries will share electronic platform, share information, knowledge, data and experience was proposed.


screening is an established preventive tool COVID-19 has reached all the South Asian countries. Screening measures will no longer be limited to international traveller and intra-mobility purpose. the effectiveness of symptom and risks scanning has measured that even in a best cases scenario, airport is screening out miss More done half of the infected cases due to the undetectability of sub clinical cases. apart from thermal and symptom monitoring individual risks assessment of traveller local authority certification from the source of travel and post travel quarantine options should be included rapid testing subject to screening verification of selected as protection measure could be good option for most of the South Asian countries.


Non-pharmaceutical interventions include contact tracing, quarantine, social distancing, and lockdown. Lockdown has been the most popular measure during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure of physical distancing and stop human-to-human movements. Lockdown was to reduce the basic covid-19. This control measure is generally aided by other control measures, mainly case testing, followed by case contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. South Asian countries came under severe criticism for their low testing ratios and for that being failure in finding active cases. In terms of policy implications, South Asia may have missed an opportunity presented by the lockdown window. As a result, the epidemic management ignored lockdown’s strategic goal, namely, to contain the infection within a geographical area and accordingly make it infection free —succinctly a disease containment strategy in a given geographical area.
The lockdown was initially beneficial for all eight South Asia coun tries. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan have managed to contain the initial spike in the number of new cases reported fort- nightly. Afghanistan and Bangladesh also had a equally trajectory, al though they started to regulate the spike from fortnight three onwards instead of fortnight two.


Lockdown is one of the many conditionals situations where both disease containment and planning for disease reduced go hand-in-hand. It is that a lack of resources leaves most South Asian countries stuck between 2 choices: prioritizing disease containment or decrease action. Testing as a prevention measure could contain & reduce the disease since it is primarily a case-finding mechanism. Testing rate is extremely low in most of the South Asian countries, except Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives. 50 , 68 The cost of testing and operation mostly through public provisioning are the main reasons behind governments’ constrained testing practice. Needs to skilled human resources, technologically advanced laboratories, and accessible collection-cum-testing canters, which are altogether a challenging combination for most of the South Asian countries. The South Asian experience indeed revealed the exercise of test rationing in COVID-19 control. The stringent testing guidelines imposed by many governments restricted enter to testing to risk exposed population. Such as the ICMR, India’s apex health research institute,

Success and failure in South Asian countries

Success of South Asian countries
Most of the South Asians countries are failure but they have some success. If we notice death and cases scenarios in the world. USA total death was 600k and cases 33.4 millions and France total cases 4.7 millions and death 110k. Italy total death scenarios cases 4.24 millions & death 127k. UK coronavirus 4.56 millions and deaths 128k patients. All developed countries coronavirus is worsen. One -third population lives in this region most of the countries are poor. Two- third people income $2 dollar below. But if you notice South Asians countries cases and deaths scenarios rather than good from EU countries. Total cases in South Asian countries 4076416, recovered 9047826 and deaths scenarios 158625 patients. Sri-Lanka success position 16th in the world and Bhutan and Maldives position also good. One covid-19 patients had been died. Already South Asians countries has started vaccination programme. On 16 January 2021 Indian has Started vaccination Astrazeneca vaccines and pfizer-bionteeh vaccines. Bangladesh has started vaccination on 27 January 2021.South Asian countries have made emergency fund for protection covid-19.

Failures of South Asian countries

Most of the South Asians countries were failures protect covid-19. When covid-19 first attacked Wuhan in China. 2nd attacked was EU and 3rd attacked American. South Asians countries got enough times to prepare themselves. South Asian countries and people didn’t concern about covid-19. South Asian countries didn’t’ ensure lockdown, screening, covid-19 test, quarantine, stop flights from others countries. South Asian countries didn’t’ manage covid-29 vaccine yet for all citizens. Only Sri-Lanka has been completed 53% vaccine only one doze complete. Total population of South Asian countries one -third have been come under vaccination. Government of Bangladesh can't manage vaccine yet. But developed countries already have completed vaccine all citizens. South Asian leaders didn’t concerns about covid-19 devastating face. EU could have done work commonly but South Asia countries could not done work commonly because of India vs Pakistan conflict and Indian behaviour like as a police. Indian covid-19 position is 3rd in the world ranking list of worsen. Bangladesh and Pakistan conditions condition is bad. If South Asian leaders leader and people was concerned firstly. South Asian region don't face this condition. South Asian countries could have not ensured quarantine mandatory who have from abroad.


COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of the South Asian region. The region is fraught with the burgeoning double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases limited, low access to quality health care, widespread poverty and malnutrition. The South Asian countries have nevertheless shown much grit and determination to fight the pandemic covid-19 . These low-and-middle-income countries with huge amounts of populations did not hesitate to lock down manufacturing units and other non-essential businesses, and prohibit religious and social gatherings . COVID-19 has done a devastating effect on of the South Asian countries national economic. This will affect the livelihoods and well-being of the South Asian. This issue is made up as international trade came close to a standstill during the pandemic. This could lead to an estimated 132 million people being pushed into extreme poverty, and will widen inequalities, including an increase in food hunger, malnutrition.

I think that it is helpful who want to South Asian covid19 condition.


Very important research paper you published here in steemit. Where was the virus initiated, South Asian country-wise analysis, and there are many more topics deeply analyzed. Today total number of deaths in Sri Lanka counted as 2425. I feel all equations created for growth analysis is failed so far.😀😁😂😃😄😅😆.Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful research.

My research is also based on covid 19 Asia. Valuable details❤

Ya same project.. 💕

have you published your one?

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