Cuando los libros te abren las puertas de a tus sueños (Wattpad)/ When books open the doors to your dreams (Wattpad) [ESP/ENG] @ADDLAMR
Hello friends, I hope everyone is well, today I want to talk to you a little about Wattpad and about some books that are in physical form today. Wattpad is an application that allows people to read books or create them, it became a sensation when Many people began to find stories that they liked and were written by ordinary teenagers, romance, mystery and thriller books, all the genres that you wanted and you will find them on Wattpad.

Many young people began to read fanfics in this application, which were fantasy and romance stories where people from the artistic world were involved with the characters that the writer created, the dream of many fans. I draw so much attention to this application that today it has millions of subscribers.

Imagine being a teenager with a normal life with the dream of being a writer and that thousands of people like what you write, it seems like a dream, but it was the reality for many young people who today thanks to Wattpad and readers have their physical books, Anna Todd, Ariana Godoy, Joanna Marcus, Mercedes Ron, Flor Salvador and many other young writers have fulfilled their dream and all because many people supported their talent.

Les hablaré del caso de varios escritores y les contare un poquito de que tratan sus libros/ I will tell you about the case of several writers and I will tell you a little about what their books are about
- Anna Todd, una joven escritora estadounidense, conocida por su obra After, saga de superventas de novelas juveniles, Anna Todd tuvo como inicio un amor y fanatismo por el grupo One Direction, en la aplicación Wattpad y es así como está jóven escribio un libro basándose en las características de varios de los integrantes de One direction y logro crear una novela juvenil que hoy en día cuenta con su saga física de libros y además la producción de las 3 películas de dichos libros
After es una historia de un romance adolescente un poco tóxico entre Tessa Young una joven universitaria y Hardin Scott un chico con mala reputación que logra cambiar el mundo de Tessa cuando se enamoran.
Anna Todd, a young American writer, known for her work After, a best-selling saga of youth novels, Anna Todd had as a beginning a love and fanaticism for the group One Direction, in the Wattpad application and that is how she is young wrote a book based on the characteristics of several of the members of One direction and managed to create a youth novel that today has its physical saga of books and also the production of the 3 films of said books
After is a story of a slightly toxic teenage romance between Tessa Young, a college girl, and Hardin Scott, a boy with a bad reputation who manages to change Tessa's world when they fall in love with her.

- Ariadna Godoy una joven venezolana que bajo el usuario Ariana_godoy ha publicado más de 20 historias en la plataforma y ha acumulado más de 745,000 lectores. Su primer libro en salir a papel fue "Mi amor de Wattpad" pero hoy en día ya tienes varios en físico como es el caso con a través de mi ventana, una novela de romance adolescente que cautivo a muchas personas y hoy en día cuenta con su primera adaptación filmografica lanzada recientemente por Netflix.
A través de mi ventana nos cuenta la historia de Raquel Mendoza una joven que está enamorada al punto de obsesión de Ares Hidalgo su vecino, un joven guapo, inteligente y atlético que la tiene enamorada desde que tiene uso de razón, pero gracias a un problema con el wifi ambos se involucraran.
Ariadna Godoy, a young Venezuelan who, under the user Ariana_godoy, has published more than 20 stories on the platform and has accumulated more than 745,000 readers. His first book to come out on paper was "My love from Wattpad" but today you already have several physical ones, as is the case with through my window, a teenage romance novel that captivated many people and today has his first film adaptation recently released by Netflix.
Through my window tells us the story of Raquel Mendoza, a young woman who is in love to the point of obsession with Ares Hidalgo, her neighbor, a handsome, intelligent and athletic young man who has had her in love since she can remember, but thanks to a problem with wifi both will be involved.

- Joana Marcus es una joven española que inició como escritora en Wattpad, creando diversas novelas donde a obtenido diferentes reconocimientos y premios. Joana Marcus es la creadora de Antes de diciembre una novela que hoy en día se encuentran en físico y que muchos fans esperan que también tenga muy pronto su adaptación filmografica.
Antes de diciembre es una novela que nos cuenta la vida de Jen y Jack Ross unos jóvenes completamente diferentes que se enamoran de manera casi inmediata cuando se conocen, aunque al principio es un amor no correspondido porque Jen tiene novio, pero Jack Ross la ayudará a alejarse de su relación tóxica mientras Jen lo salvará a él de sus adicciones.
Joana Marcus is a young Spanish woman who started as a writer on Wattpad, creating several novels where she has obtained different recognitions and awards. Joana Marcus is the creator of Before December, a novel that is currently in print and that many fans hope that she will also have its film adaptation very soon.
Before December is a novel that tells us about the lives of Jen and Jack Ross, two completely different young people who fall in love almost immediately when they meet, although at first it is an unrequited love because Jen has a boyfriend, but Jack Ross will help her get away from his toxic relationship while Jen saves him from his addictions.

- Mercedes Ron una joven escritora argentina- española que también comenzó a publicar sus novelas en Wattpad y se fue haciendo conocida gracias a dichas novelas, logro tener gran popularidad gracias a la plataforma con la trilogía Culpables, pero principalmente por su novela Culpa Mía la cual que actualmente cuenta con más de 100 mil ejemplares vendidos.
Culpa mía: Noah es una chica normal, vive únicamente con su madre, la cual decide un día darle un gran anuncio que cambiará su vida, al regresar de una vacaciones en crucero la madre de Noah decide contarle que se ha enamorado y que se ha casado por lo cual tendrán que irse a vivir con su nuevo esposo para crear una nueva familia. Noah conocerá a Nick su hermanastro del cual se enamora perdidamente, pero ambos tendrán que solucionar traumas y secretos familiares para poder estar juntos.
Mercedes Ron, a young Argentine-Spanish writer who also began to publish her novels on Wattpad and became known thanks to these novels, achieved great popularity thanks to the platform with the Culpables trilogy, but mainly for her novel Culpa Mía la which currently has more than 100 thousand copies sold.
My fault: Noah is a normal girl, she lives only with her mother, who decides one day to give her a big announcement that will change her life, when she returns from a cruise vacation, Noah's mother decides to tell her that she has fallen in love and that she has married so they will have to go live with their new husband to create a new family. Noah will meet Nick, his stepbrother with whom he falls madly in love, but both will have to solve family traumas and secrets in order to be together.

- Flor Salvador escritora mexicana, comenzó a hacerse conocida la aplicación Wattpad gracias a sus novelas publicadas bajo el nombre Ekilorhe, Flor salvador es la autora de Boulevard, novela que consiguió muchos seguidores lectores debido a su magnífica trama. Hoy en día boulevard también se encuentra en físico y es el amor de muchos adolescentes
Boulevard: Una novela adolescente que nos cuenta como Luke Howland ha dedicado gran parte de su vida a ingerir sustancias toxicas a su cuerpo, viviendo bajo las sombras de sus recuerdos obligándose a desvanecer cada aliento de certidumbre. Luke jamás se imaginó que alguien podría amarlo teniendo aquel desastre de vida, pero alguien si estará dispuesto a ayudarla.
Yo no he leído Boulevard, pero todos dicen que te deja sin estabilidad emocional por el final así que amigos, quiero leerla pero al mismo tiempo no me quiero enamorar de los personajes sabiendo que les pasaran cosas malas.
Flor Salvador Mexican writer, the Wattpad application began to become known thanks to her novels published under the name Ekilorhe, Flor Salvador is the author of Boulevard, a novel that got many readers due to its magnificent plot. Nowadays boulevard is also found physically and is the love of many teenagers
Boulevard: A teen novel that tells us how Luke Howland has dedicated much of his life to ingesting toxic substances into his body, living in the shadow of memories of him forcing himself to vanish every breath of certainty. Luke never imagined that someone could love him having that life disaster, but someone will be willing to help her.
I haven't read Boulevard, but everyone says that he leaves you emotionally unstable by the end, so friends, I want to read it but at the same time I don't want to fall in love with the characters knowing that bad things will happen to them.

Todos estos 5 libros fueron escritos por jóvenes con grandes sueños que gracias a sus esfuerzos y a su amor por la escritura lograron hacer realidad sus metas y tener sus ejemplares en físico.
All these 5 books were written by young people with big dreams who, thanks to their efforts and their love for writing, managed to make their goals come true and have their physical copies.

Wattpad es una aplicación increíble que te permite crear tus propias historias y quizás en algún momento tu también logres tener tu libro en físico, nada es imposible así como estás increíbles jóvenes lo lograron muchos otros jóvenes también pueden, ellas son el ejemplo de que con disciplina y amor los sueños se hacen realidad.
Wattpad is an incredible application that allows you to create your own stories and perhaps at some point you will also be able to have your physical book, nothing is impossible just as these incredible young people have achieved it, many other young people can too, they are the example that with discipline and love dreams come true.

Espero que les haya gustado este post amigos, ¿Han leído alguno de estos libros? Me gustaría saber que opinan/ I hope you liked this post friends, have you read any of these books? I would like to know what you think.