The Diary Game | 12 Mei 2021, Töt Bude Trieng

in Steem SEA4 years ago

Dua hari jelang lebaran, saya menemukan status Facebo ok yang omengetengahkan tradisi keramaian malam hari raya yang sudah banyak hilang di Aceh. Seperti yang Anda dapat lihat, nama penulis status Hayat R. Sejak pagi, setelah sahur dan shalat subuh, saya buka telepon pintar saya. Dan status Hayat R membuka satu kenangan bagi saya di mana saya menemukan sendiri peristiwa tersebut saat saya baru-baruan menikah dan bermalam lebaran di rumah mertua di Lamlo. Satu sisi saya setuju dengan kemauan Hayat R (saya akan ceritakan betapa konyolnya tradisi perayaan malam lebaran) yang mengiang-ngiang dalam statusnya. Namun di sisi yang lain, tradisi tersebut telah membuat para lansia ingin segera tutup usia.

Two days before Eid, I found the status of Facebook which highlighted the tradition of the festive night crowd that has been lost in Aceh. As you can see, the author's name is Hayat R. Since morning, after sahur and dawn prayers, I opened my smartphone. And the status of Hayat R opened up a memory for me where I personally found the incident when I recently got married and spent the night at the house of my in-laws in Lamlo. On the one hand, I agree with Hayat R's wish (I will tell you how ridiculous the tradition of celebrating Eid al-Fitr nights) keeps his status. But on the other hand, this tradition has made the elderly want to die soon.



Just now, from Meunasah's announcement funnel, he continued the appeal from the District: Community Village Aree not to "Tot Bude Trieng" the night of Eid.
I think this is an appeal, in my opinion, it is very much appreciated by the elderly.
In the midst of a world that is chaotic and raging wars here and there, it is important for those who live in peace to be a little muhasabah.

Frasa Tot Bude Trieng bisa berarti meledakkan meriam bambu. Tot bahasa Aceh, bakar dalam Indonesia. Bude trieng berarti senjata bambu. Tapi karena bambu yang bentuknya agak sama dengan meriam, lebih tepat kalau diartikan meriam tinimbang senjata.

Namun, entah sejak kapan, malam lebaran di Garot, salah satu kemukiman di Caleue atau yang kemudian diindonesiakan Ali Hasymy menjadi Indra Jaya, bukan hanya meriam bambu yang diledakkan, tetapi berkembang sampai pada pemakaian karbit dan petasan olahan pabrikan. Pemakaian karbit inilah yang jadi masalah. Daya ledaknya melebihi kapasitas alat dengar manusia. Untuk yang muda, bisa jadi semakin besar daya ledaknya, semakin menyenangkan. Tetapi bayangkan untuk para balita dan lansia. Saya rasa malam lebaran telah berubah menjadi malam jahanam bagi mereka.

The phrase Tot Bude Trieng could mean detonating a bamboo cannon. Tot Aceh language, burn it in Indonesian. Bude trieng means bamboo weapon. But since bamboo is somewhat the same in shape as a cannon, it is more accurately interpreted as a cannon rather than a weapon.

However, who knows since when, Eid al-Fitr night in Garot, one of the settlements in Caleue, or what Ali Hasymy later induced into Indra Jaya, not only the bamboo cannons were detonated, but they grew to the use of carbide and manufactured firecrackers. The use of carbide is a problem. Its explosive power exceeds the capacity of a human hearing instrument. For the young, the more explosive it may be, the more fun it is. But imagine for toddlers and seniors. I think the night of Eid has turned into a night of blasphemy for them.



Sebagai warga Aceh dan pernah muda, saya mengalami sendiri malam perayaan dengan töt bude trieng sebagai bumbu. Bayangkan, sejak pukul 21.30 atau setelah pembagian zakat fitrah, tiap meriam diisi minyak tanah (ketika itu masak-memasak menggunakan minyak tanah), ada juga yang dicampur bensin. Bambu bagian bawah yang tebal dilobangi di satu ujung. Kemudian bambu itu dibolongi, kecuali bagian belakang. Setelah diisi minyak, ditiup beberapa kali, ada satu fase yang harus dilalui sebelum meriam bambu meledak kuat. Kami menyebutnya fase pemanasan.

As a resident of Aceh and once a young man, I experienced firsthand a celebratory night with töt bude trieng as a spice. Imagine, since 21.30 o'clock or after the distribution of zakat fitrah, each cannon was filled with kerosene (when it was cooking using kerosene), some was mixed with gasoline. The thick bottom bamboo is perforated at one end. Then the bamboo is inserted, except for the back. After being filled with oil, blown several times, there is one phase that must be passed before the bamboo cannon explodes strongly. We call this the warm-up phase.

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