Official Assessment Report: Rp 43,600,000 (436 SBD) is needed to support 2 Burned Houses

in Steem SEA4 years ago (edited)

50% of the payout will go to @steem.amal and another 50% will be allocated for operational budget

As I reported on April 9th, we conducted the field visit to see the implementation of the program closely. We stopped to conduct a preliminary assessment for two burned houses in Syamtalira Aron sub regency and decided to support them with steem.amal emergency response as much as possible.

Following the first assessment on April 8th, the team of steem.amal visited the location for the second assessment which was conducted by @klen.civil and @heriadi in Peureupok and Pante Syamtalira Aron sub-regency.

The data has been collected from the field and village authorities as below:


The First Fire

Owner: Fakhruddin
Age: 40
Occupation: Farmer
Dependent: A wife and 3 underage children
Location: Peurepok, Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh
Date of Fire: April 5th, 2021
Total Loss: A semi permanent house, a motorbike and all belonging

Data Provided by head of village as below:

Peureupok Kebakaran.jpg

Second Fire

Fisrt Family of the house
Name: Muhammad Azmi
Age: 42 years old
Occupation: Carpenter
Dependent: A wife and 5 children (under age)

2f2bf64e-7962-476e-966d-10228b09ba5e (2).jpg2be41792-a625-4f41-853a-e91afd956f86 (2).jpg

Second Family of the house

Name: Vera Maulina
Status: Widow
Dependent: 2 children (Under age)

e7e22d74-dc77-46f5-b06c-4022f2541879 (2).jpg

This is the only room which they want to renovate and to mount the roof

The initial needs for both families as listed in the below table:


A total 436 SBD is needed to cover both family

For the clothes, blanket and kitchen set can be supported by Indonesian steemians, especially those who lives in Lhoksemawe and North Aceh. You are please to support them where possible with the second hand (usefull) things

Especially for Indonesian readers, I would like to request as below:

Khusus untuk steemian indonesia yang ingin membantu meringankan beban korban kebakaran rumah bisa menyumbangkan barang-barang sebagai berikut untuk:

NoItem yang bisa disumbangkan
1Pakaian untuk lelaki dewasa
2Pakaian untuk wanita dewasa
3Pakaian untuk anak-anak dari umur 2.5 - 13 tahun
5Alas tidur
6Alat makan
7Peralatan masak
8Bahan Makanan Sehat

Anda juga boleh menyumbangkan mainan anak-anak dan buku sekolah, seragam sekolah, buku gambar dan pencil warna, dan bahan-bahan lain yang ingin anda sumbangkan untuk meringankan beban mereka dan menciptakan kebahagiaan dengan kepedulian kita.

Bagi yang ingin menyumbang bahan-bahan tersebut, anda bisa mengirimkannya ke @radjasalman @heriadi dan @klen.civil , silahkan mengontak mereka untuk donor langsung kepada kedua korban kebakaran. Jika ada yang ingin mengantar langsung kepada korban, anda juga bisa menghubungi ketiga nama yang saya sebutkan diatas.


In the near future steem.amal will accommodate ACT-MRI volunteers to register 65+ new steemit accounts, it is a big shoot of #promo-steem in action. A complete update and budget plan will be announced on the next post

Thank you for your attention and supports



With my best regard


 4 years ago 

Terima kasih atas dukungannya bang @el-nailul untuk STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE PROGRAM. Sudah sangat banyak orang yang menerima kebaikan melalui program ini. Salut👍👍👍

 4 years ago 

Semoga semakin banyak yang mampu kita bantu dengan terkumpulnya donasi hingga saat ini

Sukses terus falam berbuat baik

Very good reporting.

Hope this extra upvote can help the families who lost their houses.

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much @steemcurator01 for the extraordinary support, it definitely very useful to support their needs

FYI: the action in the field gives a huge impact to the community, more people are getting interested to register into the steemit platform. And I am preparing the personal budget to support the event of account registration, including mentoring them for the 1st and 2nd achievement in newcomer's community

Best regards

luar biasa ada yang mengatakan bahwa Menolong orang yang kesusahan sebenarnya menjauhkan kita dari kesusahan.

 4 years ago 

InsyaAllah bang @muammar, semoga kita mendapakan kebaikan dalam setiap tindakan kita.


 4 years ago 

Sangat menyedihkan melihat Korban Musibah kebakaran ini, semoga cepat terkumpul bantuan untuk mereka dan pemerintah cepat tangani ini. Dan semoga korban musibah ini tetap tabah dalam menghadapi cobaan ini.

Semoga apa yang telah Allah ambil dr musibah ini akan di kembalikan lagi lebih dr yg telah Allah ambil sekarang, dan barang siapa yg meringankan masalah hambanya di dunia, Allah akan meringankan masalah orang tersebut di akhirat, semoga anda termasuk salah satu dr orang tersebut @el-nailul..

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