SSEA-MINER : Evaluasi Minggu 28 & Peluncuran Minggu 29 - 3 Anggota Baru Non-Indonesia / Week 28 Evaluation & Week 29 Launch - 3 New Non-Indonesian Members [ID – EN]

in Steem SEA6 days ago (edited)



Salam hangat untuk teman-teman Steemian semua khususnya para penghuni Komunitas Steem SEA. Semoga kita semua dalam lindungan dan rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Ini adalah Laporan Pelaksanaan Minggu 28 dan Peluncuran Minggu 29.

ssea-miner gifbn.gif

Sejarah Ringkas

  • Program SSEA-MINER memulai minggu pertama pada 14 Agustus 2024 dengan 8 orang peserta dari total 10 yang ditargetkan pada saat itu. Kepada mereka, masing-masing telah dipinjamkan 100 SP melalui akun Ketua @anroja. Pada minggu ke dua, jumlah peserta program mencapai angka maksimal yang ditetapkan setelah bergabung dua anggota baru sehingga menjadi 10 orang peserta program.
  • Sejak pelaksanaan minggu ke tiga, program telah menemukan cara pemeringkatan dan memberikan penghargaan kepada 3 peserta dengan performa paling bagus. Kepada mereka pada saat itu diberikan tambahan delegasi SP sehingga total delegasi menjadi masing-masing 200 SP. Jumlah peserta yang sama berlanjut sampai usia 4 minggu program.
  • Di akhir minggu ke empat seorang anggota kehilangan keanggotaannya sehingga minggu ke lima hanya memiliki 9 anggota. Sampai akhir minggu ke enam, anggota program masih berjumlah 9 orang. Pada Minggu ke enam, Program kembali kehilangan 1 anggota, sehingga sejak minggu ke tujuh Program hanya memiliki 8 anggota. Pada minggu ke delapan, 4 orang kembali kehilangan keanggotaan dalam program, menyisakan hanya ada 4 orang peserta program sejak minggu ke sembilan. Sejak minggu tersebut, telah dilakukan penyesuaian jumlah delegasi kepada masing-masing peserta program, yaitu setiap peserta diberikan pinjaman 300 SP melalui akun @anroja.
  • Sejak akhir minggu 13 (awal minggu 14, 13 November), semua 4 orang peserta program yang tersisa saat itu telah memiliki SP Efektif di atas 500 SP sehingga dapat mengeset voting amount mereka.
  • Pada minggu ke 19 (menyambut minggu 20), dua peserta Program telah lulus (mencapai Own SP melampaui 500 SP). Keduanya adalah Bu Guru Sumarni123 dan Bang Seribubulan. Baca tentang kelulusan mereka pada artikel ini. Kelulusan mereka menyisakan dua anggota Program.
  • Awal tahun 2025 (Minggu 21) Program mendapatkan 4 orang anggota baru termasuk seorang peserta dari luar Asia, yaitu mhizta dari Nigeria, dan seorang Indonesia yang berdomisili di Malaysia, hidayat12.
  • Pada minggu ke 23, seorang peserta kembali lulus, yaitu ramadhayani84. Baca artikel kelulusannya di sini.
  • Minggu ke 25 kita kehilangan 2 orang anggota, sehingga menyisakan 2 orang saja. Pencarian untuk anggota baru dilakukan.
  • Pada akhir Minggu 27, tiga orang bergabung dengan program, yaitu @elidiana, @nurlina01, dan @cekbram. Disusul dua hari kemudian 3 orang dari luar Indonesia ikut bergabung, yaitu @almaguer (Cuba), @ronnie10 (Latvia) dan @naina9 (Pakistan). Ketiga orang non-Indonesia ini mendapat masing-masing 300 SP dari akun komunitas @hive-169911 ( TᗩᒪES & STOᖇIES ) yang dikelola oleh @wakeupkitty.
  • Sejak Minggu 28, jumlah delegasi yang diberikan meningkat menjadi 300 untuk masing-masing peserta program. Selain wakeupkity, delegasi juga diberikan oleh (alfabetik):

Evaluasi Minggu Ke 28

Daftar peserta pada minggu ini beserta data statistik yang relevan bisa dilihat pada tabel berikut:


Di bawah ini adalah diagram negara peserta program.


Tabel berikut berisi informasi perkembangan Rep dan SP semua peserta program tersebut setelah bergabung di dalam program.


Dua diagram Rep (angka perubahan dan persentase perubahannya sejak kesertaan dalam program) dapat dihasilkan dari tabel tersebut sebagaimana berikut:



Dari tabel di atas juga dapat dibuat 2 diagram terkait perkembangan Own SP (angka perubahan dan persentase perubahannya) sebagaimana berikut.



Selain Rep dan Own SP, program juga memantau jumlah artikel, jumlah reply, voting CSI, dan Club. Berbeda dengan Rep dan Own SP yang sampai saat ini tidak memiliki ketentuan yang mengikat, maka:

  • Jumlah Artikel. Minimal jumlah artikel yang harus ditulis setiap minggu oleh setiap peserta program adalah 4 artikel, dengan minimal 2 di antaranya dikirim melalui komunitas Steem SEA.
  • Jumlah komentar yang dibuat (bukan diterima). Sejak Minggu 28, setiap peserta diharuskan mengirim komentar minimal 35 dalam satu minggu.
  • Voting CSI. Diminta setiap peserta program untuk menjaga angka Voting CSI di atas 5.0. Dengan 300 ekstra SP, setiap peserta bisa lebih leluasa melakukan voting. Perhatikan angka ini dan Voting Power (VP) dengan menggunakan SteemWorld ( SteemWorld adalah karya @steemchiller, salah satu witness di Steem. Saya menyarankan kalian memasukkan dia dalam daftar Witness yang kalian pilih.
  • Club. Semua peserta program HARUS berada dalam club100. Club100 secara resmi dihitung dengan memperhatikan kegiatan transfer dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Hal ini tidak mungkin dilakukan pada Steemian dengan umur akun lebih rendah. Jadi dalam program ini dilakukan modifikasi yaitu dengan mengesampingkan ukuran waktu pemantauan (3 bulan). Dalam program disyaratkan, sejak bergabung dengan program, setiap anggota melakukan power up pada semua STEEM dan SBD cair yang dimilikinya baik yang didapat karena kegiatan menulis ataupun dengan cara lain. Menyimpan dan / atau mengirim ke Saving akan dianggap mengirim ke luar dan berarti tidak dalam club100.
  • Delegasi Ke Luar. Sejak Minggu 29 kita akan memantau delegasi ke luar. Tidak dibenarkan setiap anggota, sejak bergabung di dalam program, mendelegasikan kekuatannya ke akun lain. Pergunakan semaksimal mungkin Own SP dan Delegated In SP Anda untuk mendukung akun-akun lain, tanpa mendelegasikan ke luar, inilah esensi dari program dukungan ini.

Berikut adalah tabel yang memperlihatkan catatan jumlah artikel, jumlah komentar, voting CSI, dan Club para peserta pada minggu ini.


Catatan minggu ini:

  • Ini minggu ke tiga secara berturut-turut @hidayat12 tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan. Jika Anda tidak memperlihatkan perbaikan performa pada akhir minggu ini, maka kami terpaksa mengeliminasi Anda.
  • @maira27, jumlah minimal postingan dan komentar per minggu tidak tercapai.
  • @nurlina01, jumlah minimal komentar per minggu tidak tercapai.
  • @cekbram, jumlah minimal postingan yang harus dikirim ke Steem SEA tidak terpenuhi.
  • @almaguer, jumlah minimal postingan tidak terpenuhi.

Dari tabel di atas, diagram-diagram perbandingan bisa dibuat sebagaimana berikut:




Permintaan Membantu Komunitas

Kepada setiap anggota komunitas khususnya anggota Program diminta untuk mengeset payout sebesar minimal 10% untuk akun komunitas @steem.amal saat mengirim tulisan di komunitas Steem SEA. Inisiatif ini dimaksudkan untuk semakin memperkuat komunitas.

Peluncuran Minggu Ke 29

Berikut adalah tabel peserta program untuk minggu 29 (26 Februari – 4 Maret 2025).


Berikut diagram-diagram yang relevan terkait statistik peserta program pada awal Minggu ini.



Artikel Dokumentasi SSEA-MINER (Kronologis, Terbaru Paling Atas)

Artikel-artikel program SSEA-MINER yang disusun dengan cara kronologis terbaru di atas bisa diakses melalui tautan ini.


Demikianlah hasil observasi dan evaluasi pelaksanaan Program SSEA-MINER Minggu Ke 28 (19 – 25 Februari 2025), serta peluncuran Minggu ke 29 (26 Februari – 4 Maret 2025).

SSEA-MINER banner v4-thx.png
Program SSEA-MINER (Steem SEA Minnows Help Care) :
Ide & Supervisi : @anroja
Delegasi (alfabetik) : @aneukpineung78, @anroja, @wakeupkitty, @walictd
Implementasi, Data, Evaluasi, Laporan : @aneukpineung78

ssea-miner gifbn.gif


Artikel Perkenalan Saya | Telegram | Discord | X

Picture created by @aneukpineung78


Greetings to all Steemians, especially the residents of the Steem SEA Community. May we all be in the protection and the grace of God Almighty.

This is the Week 28 Implementation Report and Week 29 Launch.

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Brief History

  • The SSEA-MINER programme started its first week on 14 August 2024 with 8 participants out of a total of 10 targeted at the time. To each of them, 100 SPs were delegated through Chairman @anroja's account. In week two, the number of programme participants reached the maximum number set after two new members joined, bringing the total number of participants to 10.
  • By the third week of implementation, the programme had figured out how to rank and award the top three performers. An additional SP delegation was given to them at that time, bringing the total delegation to 200 SP each. The same number of participants continued until the fourth week of the programme.
  • At the end of week four, one member lost their membership, leaving week five with only nine members. By the end of week six, the programme still had 9 members. In week six, the programme lost one more member, leaving the programme with eight members in week seven. In week eight, 4 more people lost their membership in the programme, leaving only 4 programme participants as of week nine. Since that week, an adjustment has been made to the delegate amount to 300 SP through the @anroja account.
  • Since the end of week 13 (beginning of week 14, 13 November), all 4 remaining programme participants at that time had an effective SP of over 500 SP and thus had the flexibility to set their voting amount.
  • In week 19 (welcoming week 20), two Programme participants passed (reaching Own SP beyond 500). They were Sumarni123 and Seribubulan. Read about their graduation in this article. Their graduation left the Programme with two members.
  • Early in 2025 (Week 21 of the Programme) the Programme gained four new members including a participant from outside Asia (mhizta from Nigeria), and an Indonesian based in Malaysia, hidayat12.
  • In week 23, another participant graduated, ramadhayani84. Read her graduation article here.
  • Week 25 we lost 2 members, leaving us with just 2 members. The search is on for new members.
  • At the end of Week 27, three Steemians joined the programme: @elidiana, @nurlina01, and @cekbram. Followed two days later by 3 others from outside Indonesia, namely @almaguer (Cuba), @ronnie10 (Latvia) and @naina9 (Pakistan). These three non-Indonesians received 300 SP each from the community account @hive-169911 ( TᗩᒪES & STOᖇIES ) managed by @wakeupkitty.
  • From Week 28, the number of delegates awarded increased to 300 for each of the programme participants. In addition to wakeupkity, delegates were also awarded by (alphabetically):

Week 28 Evaluation

A list of this week's participants and relevant statistics can be found in the following table:


Below is a diagram of the programme participants' countries of origin.


The following table provides information on the Rep and SP progress of all programme participants after joining the programme, at the end of the reported week.


Two Rep charts (number of changes and percentage change since participation in the programme) generated from the table as follows:



From the table above, two diagrams can also be generated regarding the development of Own SP (the number of changes and the percentage change) as follows.



In addition to Rep and Own SP, the programme also monitors the number of articles, number of replies, CSI votes, and Club. In contrast to Rep and Own SP, which until now have had no binding provisions, then:

  • Number of Articles. The minimum number of articles to be written each week by each programme participant is 4, with at least 2 of them submitted through the Steem SEA community.
  • Number of comments made (not received). Since Week 28, each participant is required to post a minimum of 35 comments in one week.
  • Voting CSI. Each programme participant is required to keep the Voting CSI above 5.0. With 300 extra SP, each participant can vote more flexibly. Keep an eye on this number and Voting Power (VP) by using SteemWorld ( SteemWorld is the work of @steemchiller, one of the witnesses on Steem. I recommend that you include him in your Witness list.
  • Club. All programme participants MUST be in Club100. Club100 is officially calculated by observing the transfer activity in the last 3 months. This is not possible for Steemians with lower account age. So in this programme, a modification is made by disregarding the monitoring time (3 months). The programme requires that, from the time of joining the programme, each member powers up all the liquid STEEM and SBD he/she has whether earned through writing activities or other means. Leaving and/or sending to Saving will be considered sending out and means not in club100.
  • Outgoing Delegation. From Week 29 we will be monitoring outward delegation. It is not permissible for any member, since joining the programme, to delegate their powers to another account. Make the most of your Own SP and Delegated In SP to support other accounts, without delegating out, this is the essence of this support programme.

The following table shows the number of articles, number of comments, CSI votes, and Clubs of the participants this week.


This week's notes:

  • This is the third week in a row that @hidayat12 has not met the requirements. If you do not improve your performance by the end of this week, we will have to eliminate you.
  • @maira27, did not reach the minimum number of posts and comments per week.
  • @nurlina01, minimum number of comments per week not met.
  • @cekbram, the minimum number of posts that must be submitted to Steem SEA was not met.
  • @almaguer, minimum number of posts not met.

Dari tabel di atas, diagram-diagram perbandingan bisa dibuat sebagaimana berikut:




Community Helping Request

Every community member, especially Programme members, are asked to set a payout of at least 10% for the @steem.amal community account when posting in the Steem SEA community. This initiative is intended to further strengthen the community.

Week 29 Launch

Below is the table of programme participants for week 29 (26 February - 4 March 2025).


Below are relevant diagrams of programme participant statistics at the start of this week.



SSEA-MINER Documentation Articles (Chronological, Newest on Top)

The SSEA-MINER programme articles arranged in chronological order (most recent above) can be accessed via this link.


These are the results of the observation and evaluation of the implementation of SSEA-MINER Programme Week 28 (19 - 25 February 2025), as well as the launch of Week 29 (26 February - 4 March 2025).

SSEA-MINER banner v4-thx.png
Program SSEA-MINER (Steem SEA Minnows Help Care) :
Ideas & Supervision : @anroja
Delegation (in alphabetical order) : @aneukpineung78, @anroja, @wakeupkitty, @walictd
Implementation, Data, Evaluation, Report : @aneukpineung78

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My Introduction Article | Telegram | Discord | X

Picture created by @aneukpineung78

 5 days ago (edited)

Pertama, ucapan terimakasih kepada @aneukpineung78 yang telah merangkum hasil program SSEA-MINER sehingga kita tau sejauh mana usaha kita dalam minggu ini ,dan terimakasih juga kepada @anroja @walictd dan @wakeupkitty ,
dan kepada peserta program SSEA-MINER tetaplah berusaha semaksimal mungkin supaya bisa mencapai ketentuan yang diberikan oleh admin kita, supaya anggota tidak berkurang lagi, atau tereliminasi.
Dan kepada non-indonesia @naina9 @ronnie10 @almaguer salam kenal buat kalian, yang telah bergabung di program ini.
Selamat berjuang semuanya....

Thanks and greetings to you =D,

Well, you have mentioned that you will fix for the upcoming week. But, from what I saw that, you have already reached the minimum requirement for the program.

Keep it up!

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

 5 days ago 

Hehe walaupun saya sudah mecapai minimum, tapi saya merasa kurang puas. Karena dua hari kebelakang saya sedang sibuk sedikit .

Please use #wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment below your comments. These are the rules we have to follow

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

Thanks a lot for the mention
Best wishes to you☺️
Have a nice day.

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

 5 days ago 


Did you make a plan how to fulfill what is asked and how you can grow do you know that since it beats me but I admit I don't want to spend my days on Steemit. There should be some plan or suggestions what where to post to make growth possible.

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment 2

 4 days ago 

Saya rasa di steemit ini tidak ada yang menang, ataupun kalah kita sama sama berjuang berbagi cerita kita untuk diketahui oleh sahabat yang ada di stemian.😀😀😀
Bukannya menghabiskan waktu di steemit ini cuma, kalau ada waktu luang baru kita berbagi cerita, seperti saya mana mungkin saya tiap hari bisa online selalu karena ada keluarga di belakang yang butuh saya.

 6 days ago 

Click on the image to see it on

Wow! Quite a motivating program. My account was hacked about a month ago and sbd was stolen so I don't qualify for club100. Have start at club5050 for now. So it looks like I wouldn't be able to join this. I can check back later when the effect of the hack wears off.

 6 days ago (edited)

The program is for Steemians with Own SP lower than 300. The measurement of Club100 in the Programme is done from the moment a participant joins. Everyone, even with No Club can join, but after joining, they will have to power up anything that's coming in to their wallet.

Oh. thank you. Good program....

Thanks for the effort you put in to make this post.

I have to say that I am glad that I was able to tick all the boxes for the first week. Exactly as @wakeupkitty was saying earlier.

I was concerned about the comments at first. But, now I can see that I am easily there and I think this week will be even more than the previous one.

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

If you continue like this you are the number 1 in all the comments lists!

I sure am at this point.

I was little bit occupied in the previous days. So, I had many comments to respond to today. Plus, I wanted to be part of the contest. So, I have checked some posts in Italy community which I don't often do.

But, being honest, my numbers aren't realistic for today. I had more free time today that I spent most of it in here. So, I think that this will drop a bit. But, surely, I will have a high number this week.

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

You only need 5 comments per day which is enough if everyone answers and you answer the replies as well.

 5 days ago 

One question: did you really read the post? Or just some parts of it? 😅

Oh! Did I miss something in the post?

I have gone through the whole English section.

 4 days ago 

Maybe not, just want to make sure. Haha.

Alright. That's good then. Because, when I saw your comment I thought that the post was saying something entirely different then my comment. So, I took a second look at the post and didn't see anything that is contradicting with what I said. LOL

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

 3 days ago 

You were the one who really wanted an English section, I want to make sure my work is really appreciated. 😅

Oh! C'mon! You make me feel like I made you go through a hassle to make a new section. That doesn't feel good. XD

But, your efforts are visible. You can write in Japanese or in any language that non of the people in the program understands and it will still be appreciated.

#comment #wewrite #miner-wewrite

I have read the entire post, means, every single word. And I am grateful to you for putting in so much effort.
It is a very difficult task to review all the accounts.

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

 3 days ago 

It's not easy, but it is something to be done.

I would like to invite my friends here to see my performance:-
@aminasafdar @abdullhahsafdar

And I salute your hard work @aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty

Estimado @aneukpineung78
No sé, si fue que leí mal, pero creo que entendí que debía publicar, dos en SEA y las demás publicación en otras comunidades. Tengo Seis días en el programa. Dos publicaciones en SEA y otras en otras comunidades. Me deja saber entonces cuantas debo publicar.

? @wakeupkitty

 5 days ago 

The obligation to publish two posts per week in the Steem SEA (SSEA) community is part of the membership requirements for the SSEA-MINER Programme. And for that you can send articles related to the MINER-WeWrite (MWW) contest, although other articles are also allowed. While MMW also requires two posts per week through SSEA. This means that by submitting 2 MMW articles to SSEA, you have killed 2 birds with 1 stone (I don't like this metaphor because it involves the unnatural death of birds, but...).

Don't worry, the first week for each member (especially Non-Indonesian) might be confusing as there is a time difference and it can be big that may affect the report. Also included in the calculation, is the fact that you've got 6 days in Week One. So, don't worry, it won't affect anything.

 5 days ago (edited)

cc @nurlina01, @cekbram, @hidayat12, @elidiana, @maira27, silahkan berikan komentar, laporan ini pada dasarnya dibuat untuk kalian para peserta program. Setidaknya buktikan bahwa kalian ada, telah membaca dan memahami apa yang ditulis.

 5 days ago 

saya di sini dan saya sudah membacanya,mohon maaf atas kurang nya produktifitas saya dalam menjalankan program SEA-MINER dalam beberapa minggu terakhir,mohon maaf sekali lagi,kedepan nyaa akan saya lakukan peforma yang lebih baik lagi.

 4 days ago 

Syukurlah Alhamdulillah saya masih diberikan sehat jasmani juga rohani saya, sehingga masih bisa berkomentar dalam SSEA MINER ini, Oia tak lupa pula saya ucapkan terimaksih buat @anekpineung78, @Wakeupkitty, yang sudah merangkul kami peserta, mudah mudahan kita semua bisa memenuhi kemaksimal dalam program ini, ya,,, walau saya sudah agak morosot sih, tapi saya insyaallah akan berusaha lebih giat lagi, mudah-mudahan kedepannya bisa mengejar yang sudah agak merosot, semoga kita semua tetap semangat, sukses selalu buat semuanya,,,,!

I looked at the letters and look at the tables does that count? Got no idea where to look and what to think am I the only idiot? I scrolled a bit 'cause I thought @cekbram is the best but I believe he ain't and is absent (I read the comments does that count?).

My remarks or call them questions: this sounds like an overview of the past, since the project started which I find confusing, next it's mixed with the info of those joining today (more confusing) and I wonder who those are who left but also the reason (dropouts or 500SP).

Compared is rep (growth) as I understand by age of account but shouldn't it be when getting active with the account and next date of joining the program?

How fast can one grow if not being around 24/7? Did anyone measure that? What does bring most profit except for knowing the right people?


Congrats to @naina9 @ronnie10 and @almaguer

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment 1

 4 days ago 

I am confused about what makes you confused. I can simply say to you about this report: It is a weekly report that records the activities of each member in the past week. It monitors whether each member fulfilled his/her obligations in the reported week. The fulfilment of these obligations becomes the benchmark for whether a person will continue their membership in the programme or be eliminated.

I scrolled a bit ‘cause I thought @cekbram is the best ...

Not necessarily to look who's the best or who is better than who. No reward for the best. All have been delegated 300 SP until they reach 500 Own SP.

How fast can one grow if not being around 24/7?

We never measured that.

Let's say the Brief History dominates and confuses.

Can it be measured if growth is possible?

Good question if it can be measured. I looked at my .pal account and not matter how much I write it takes me 8 months to have a dolphin. The Tales & Stories entries/posts I write are never upvoted which make me think why bother and not using and upvotebot @aneukpinenung78 since here is where the Steem went I bought and why should I leave it idle and not earn with it?

If it comes to it growth is about luck and not about writing since I am the person who writes for all accounts and the posts are not equally rewarded.

 3 days ago 

That's the truth on Steem and I have learnt about it years ago.

 3 days ago (edited)

Let's say the Brief History dominates and confuses.

I just want to keep track of what the program has been doing. Well, thanks for the input, I will try to find a way, but maybe you have some suggestion to what to do with it?

Can it be measured if growth is possible?

In the report we record the initial data when the participant joins (rep, sp, and so on) and we can see the development each week through the weekly report. Any suggestion to what more to do?

When I looked at those numbers for the past week. I thought he was the best. Especially after I saw that he passed the 800 comments. I mean, how could someone reach to that point. I remember a day when I was most active around here. I wrote in total something close to 30 comments in that day. So, I am not sure if that was for a week or something else. Maybe, I was reading a number for something else too.

Thanks and best of luck to you too on the journey..

#wewrite #miner-wewrite #comment

There's a huge difference between a comment and a comment. I write entire days and guess what? I rarely made it in that noise list and was always beaten by others (moderators and even SCs using AI to answer!). I fought it many times in 2024 till I told them to remove my name from that list.
A comment and a comment are not the same and if there's no reply, there's no engagement and the comment added nothing to the post or this platform. That's my opinion.

Clear to me the entire overview isn't either. Perhpas two posts would be better? It's too much info @aneukpineung78 and the average person has no idea where to look.

 3 days ago 

I don't even know what the noise list is. Maybe it's similar to the comment contest that @paulag used to run when she ran the witness programme on Steem.

I like to see the community and friends motivated. Actually, that's what matters. The meeting of like-minded people in a common place. With equal interests of improvement and exchange. Under the wings of promoters and artists who like to keep art and culture in the skies. Respect for those who sometimes go unnoticed, but without them these spaces would cease to exist.

 3 days ago (edited)

I and the rest of implementers of the SSEA-MINER (@anroja, @wakeupkitty, @walictd) like to see not only they are motivated but also growing. That's the origin of this programme, actually.

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