Thousands of Students Take Part in the Grand Tryout at Al Muslim Bireuen University.
A total of 1,800 High School (SMA), Vocational High School (SMK), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) students as well as children who have finished school and want to continue their studies took part in a grand try out at the East Campus of Almuslim University or Umuslim Peusangan, Bireuen Regency. , Aceh Province, Saturday, 16/9/2023.
This activity was attended by school students from 17 sub-districts in Bireuen. This free activity was held in collaboration between Umuslim and Teknos Tutoring and various other institutions.
The grand try out activity for the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) for entering universities and official schools began with a committee briefing on the east campus, then the participants entered the various rooms that had been provided.
Some of the participants came from various high schools/equivalents in Bireuen district accompanied by accompanying teachers, their parents were very enthusiastic about coming to the location.
The chairman of the organizing committee, Dr. Halus Satriawan Satriawan MSi, who was accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of Umuslim, Zulkifli M Kom, said that the grand try out for preparations for SNBT and official schools in 2024, reaching 1,800 participants, took place at Umuslim's East campus and the main campus behind Keude Matangglumpang Dua, Bireuen Regency. .
Dr Halus Satriawan, MSi added, the free grand try out was carried out thanks to the collaboration between Umuslim and Teknos Aceh test guidance, supported by the Regency Government, DPRK, Almuslim Foundation, IDI Bireuen, Education Office and several other parties.
"The try out was attended by around 1,800 participants, according to data that registered online," said Halus Satriawan.
The Chancellor of UMuslim Affairs, Dr Marwan, MPd, when opening the try out, expressed his gratitude to BimBEL Teknos Aceh for collaborating to hold a free try out for students in Bireuen.
The grand try out was carried out in order to prepare students for the SNBT test and official school in 2024.
"Hopefully you can take advantage of this good opportunity to improve your understanding of the test," said Dr Marwan MPd.
Director of Teknos Aceh, Muradi said, participants took the exam indoors using their respective smartphones (Android/IOS).
Muradi praised Umuslim's facilities as very good and the best, worthy of a try out for students here.
The aim of carrying out try outs is to increase students' knowledge in preparation for joining SNBT and official schools.
After completing the try out, the results were announced, participants with the best scores were given certificates and prizes, apart from that, participants were also provided with attractive door prizes from Umuslim.
The highest scorer in the grand try out for the official school test category in 2024, ranked first was Faiz Nabil Fasya (SMAN 1 Bireuen), second was Athiyya Nauli Napitupulu (SMA 1 Bireuen) and third was Nisa Ul Atigah (Al-Muslim Integrated Islamic Boarding School).
Meanwhile, in the Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) category, the highest score was achieved by Najla Mizata (SMAN 1 Bireuen), followed by Mekadina Adisa Rahmatillah (SMAN 1 Bireuen) and Naila Husna Rahmadani (SMAN 2 Peusangan).