My today flowers photography
Assalam-o-Alaikum! Everyone, and good night
I hope all of my friends are fine doing well and enjoy the blessing and precious moments of life with his family by the grace of Allah Almighty.
I get up early in the morning it was time to offer the prayer. So, I performed ablution went to the mosque and offer the fajar prayer. After the prayer I go the morning walk. Morning walk is very necessary for our health. It keep us fresh and healthy. Morning time very precious for us.
Everything looking very fresh and beautiful. I walk on the green grass. I also sit on the green grass. Dew drops on the grass shine like pearls. The sun shine very brightly. Today, I am going to share with you guys beautiful flowers. The are like cauliflower and big. Flowers are found in different types. And all types are very beautiful and attractive. Wherever I see flowers anywhere I capture in my phone camera. I always spend my morning with these beautiful flowers.
I hope all of my friends are like and comment my post.