Dedicated to Labors⚒️🔨⛏️🛠
1st of may is specially celebrated as the labor day.we can not complete our needs without the labor community.the are an important part of our life the past rich families heir a special labor permanantlybfor different needs such as cobbler for repairing of shoes,carpentar for maintenace of furniture,woodcutter for fuel collection and many others.they had been paid only food for the year.but this is modern era in this time that method changed to rent a labor. we have labor bazars where all kind of labor available on our choice.
But tragedy of this time is that we do not give any importance to labors and their families.we treat with them as a salave as they earn their own money by hard work.we do not pay them properly to fulfil their basic needs as the result he can not get progress. The next generation of labor also becomes a labor.that is not fair in this world.
We shuld treat with lobors kindly to encourage him in their life.we shuld pay them maximum payment to make their life this way they will become a confident and progressive part of our society.
Special thanks
Hi @masifsattar1 thanks for sharing your reflection on labor day
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