In a village of warfare, the peaceful man is the king. Therefore, when you wake up every morning give thanks to God for surrounding you with peaceful love.
It is very erroneous to just conclude how beautiful love is from one’s relationship when you haven’t yet involved yourself into one.
A few years ago, a man decided to fall in love after witnessing a lot of tremendous relationships. However, he decided to troll in the street of ”papaye village” to find his ’lost rib’.
One good Sunday morning, after he has trolled in the street for a week, he met this cute fair girl called ”Diana”. He lived with Diana for some months and really sussed that the lady is indeed his soul mate. In fact, they had shared good memories and lovely moments concurrently more than enough so Sampson decided to introduce Diana to his parents for the relationship, to climb to the next phase. After the introduction, the family of Sampson accepted Diana and gave them enough advice to strengthen the relationship. Diana felt Honored for the love showed to her by the parents of Sampson and for that matter promised to equally introduce Sampson to her parents.
They were living a promising relationship which made Sampson believed that love is indeed beautiful.
Few weeks on, Diana invited Sampson to her house. Surprisingly, she introduced Sampson to her parents too, it was really a surprise because Sampson wasn’t hinted which made him happier. Diana’s parents too loved to have Sampson as their son-in-law, which of course made Sampson’s ”fetched Fufu fell in a soup”. Right from the lovely scene of the introduction, Sampson proposed marriage to Diana.
Sampson thought he has found a lovely wife, which made him employed considerable ingenuity in the planning of their wedding ceremony. The moment when your devil becomes your Savior. This devil in question is the younger sister of Sampson called ”patience” who never supported the decision of his brother- to marry Diana. According to Patience, the brother should put a series of test to verify the lady’s love for him before he puts his self into a regrettable situation. Low and behold, upon all the coveted secrets Diana kept for all these months, Sampson later found them: he found her to be lazy in all forms and the worse of it all she doesn’t respect. Sampson upon knowing all these decided to keep it a secret because of the love he has for her until his parents too began to notice that side of Diana. In fact, Diana was disdained by Sampson’s parents as an inferior rabble after knowing she isn’t any good to their son, which made her angry and for that matter, decided to bring out what she has hidden for so many months. Right after she decided to show her true colors, she could shout on Sampson for no reason, and gets angry on childish things. Moreover, the lady told him when he marries her, she doesn’t want any of his family members to come to their house. Sampson now saw the good thing in what his sister told him, initially, he thought the sister was a devil until the ample time he gave to himself as the sister asked saved him from entering into a bad relationship.
Furthermore, after Diana too noticed Sampson’s decision to marry her was declining, he meddled in Sampson’s decision and decided to coerced him to marry her whether he likes it or not.
The Journey of Sampson’s love now became a lucid dream. Diana too informed her parents upon knowing Sampson’s parents were solidly behind his change of decision; Diana’s parents came into the scene and all Sampson asked for was to get some days with Diana to see if she could turn ”a new leaf”. Lest did he know that a decorated monkey is still a monkey. Nothing got changed but he still decided to persuade her to change due to the respect he has for her parents, Sampson did not want to quit the relationship without given enough poofs to her parents.
@cherub27 @nattybongo @njaywan @oppongk @lovveday @fombae @seo-boss
The suspense was good, i really loved the read but i dunno if it is concluded, perhaps a part two is on it's way?
Next episode loading..@nattybongo