The Diary Game : 19.02.2025 || Now dogs have increased in every area
Hope everyone is well. I am fine too. I will share my day with you today.
This morning I woke up and washed my hands and face and went to class without eating anything. Then, I took a class. After one class, there was a break and I ate jhalmuri. I went to class again. The class ended at 2 pm. Now dogs have increased in every area. I am afraid of dogs. I am afraid to walk next to my dog.
After finishing class, I went to the market. I bought chicken. I spent some more. After spending, I bought chicken and came home. I washed my hands and face and started cooking. I cleaned the chicken. I started cooking. I cooked the chicken a little. And I lightly fried the rest of the chicken. I cut the salad and sat down to eat.
After eating, I made a pitha of patisapta today. I picked a coconut for it. Then, I made pitha with my own hands. I gave the pitha to everyone in the house. I called my mother and showed her the pitha. I also showed my friend Mantasa on a video call because, for the first time in my life, I made pitha with my own hands. I also ate pitha. Then, I sat down to study. After studying, I watched a movie on my phone.
I had dinner around 10 pm. I have had a cold for a few days. So Tanni gave me black cumin. It is very beneficial for cold. I ate it. I applied the coil. Mosquitoes finished off my blood last night. The dustbin for keeping garbage is next to the house, so mosquitoes and flies are there. I went to bed and lay down, reciting the name of God. This is how my whole day passed.
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