Protected animals in my country....(BANGLADESH)
I am @kuhinoor From Bangladesh.
Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all, I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also fine by God's infinite mercy. Best wishes to all. Today I'm going to participate in a content contest in the Steam of Animals community. The title of the contest is"Protected animals in my country....(Bangladesh)Thanks @steem.ofanimals for organizing such a nice contest.
✅ Animal population status (mention the name of the animal it comes from...)
For example, the Bird of Paradise from Papua, Indonesia
Shakun is a type of carnivorous bird. They eat the flesh of dead animals. Usually the wiqun flies around the dead animals and wait for the animals to die. Shakun's vision power is sharp.
- Bangladesh is found in many countries of the world including India, Nepal, Bhutan. Shakun's throat does not have any feathers on the head. Fall wings fly in the sky. Shakunas usually live on the top of the mountain, on the beginning of the tree. The animals that will fall in their eyes attack them.
✅ What causes habitat and environmental changes so that this animal is threatened with extinction or why this animal has become a typical animal of that region or country.
The animal is currently on its way to extinction due to habitat and environmental reasons. Recently, the pain of painless drugs used in cattle treatment of various countries is dying due to the influence of the drug. Due to the sufficient use of dryclofenac in our country, Shakun is under extinction.
However, nowadays, our eyes are not seen in our eyes. This creature is currently on the verge of extinction from our country. Pakistan India, Nepal, Dryklofenac have been banned. The treatment of sick beef is a type of medicine that has been influenced by our country today.
Today, after the extinction of this creature from our country, its zero quota comes. The lifetime of the bird is the longest living in the birds. Shakun is 3 years old. I used to see the sky in the sky as a kid, but now I grow up and I do not see Shakun anymore. One of the main causes of losing the loser is the use of dryclofen for livestock.
✅ Legal Status and Legal Protection (Mention the law that protects the animal. (Please illustrate to the best of your ability)
- There are laws in our country to protect this animal. Bangladesh has been banned from 20 years. In our country, in some grasslands, there are arrangements for eliminating the diet of the bodies by keeping the dead dead and old cows. In areas where dreams are still seen, the Shakun has been asked to declare.
And in our country, the grassroots level has been asked to create for some time about the role of the Shakun. That is why everyone has to go ahead together.
I am inviting three of my friends to participate in this beautiful contest.,@dekki.@nurnobi10 @robin42.
- Thanks everyone reading my content