SONG OF HOPE// 20% donated to teamg-nigeria
Weep no more oh ye patriots
Lift up your hearts above despondency
Though tears burst our banks, and the echoes of murmuring heightens our fears,
we shall stand strong to console each other
Though our purse is crispy dry as leaves in harmattan and bills build battalions of complaining army threatening to snuff life out from us, we will remember how we had our worst nightmares and still came out unscathed
Though love, happiness and peace hides its angelic voice from the tyranny and ethnic chauvinism and siblings drown by water of ethnic squabbles, we not deterred because there is always a possibility of a better future
Though pervasiveness, pessimism pervades the land and the men are confuse with things unsure of tomorrow, we shall hold firm cos a day comes all our efforts will have a positive impact
Though Ruins rise daily like mountains of refuse in our cities and we walk through forest of fear, we won't be mislead because only hope can keeps us going
We must have still, love in our heart, faith in ourselves and hope for tomorrow because every long night always has a radiant morning.