In the midst of Global Pain, Our Star Trek Future is being Birthed
People all over the world have their attention firmly on painful events unfolding all over our planet, and as a result, are not paying attention to something truly astounding happening in space. In many ways, our planet is experiencing a very painful birthing process. If we can look beyond the pain of shattered expectations, collapsing security beliefs, and personal uncertainties, something wonderful is about to happen. A Star Trek Future is slowly being birthed before our very eyes—and we are being helped by some powerful galactic friends.
In the midst of Global Pain, Our Star Trek Future is being Birthed
Secondo quello che ho letto nel tuo post, tu credi negli alieni, questi sono amici galattici, lo capisco così, io credo in questi esseri, l'universo è troppo vasto perché la nostra arroganza ci faccia credere che siamo soli, la tecnologia avanza a passi giganteschi, gli umani sono troppo egoisti per continuare con così tanti progressi, quindi se ci sono esseri che non sono così distruttivi come pensano, dicono anche che arrivano a porre fine all'umanità, ci stiamo già distruggendo a vicenda, allora meglio se loro si dedicano a vederci progredire, sono molto intelligenti, non perdono tempo a pensare a come finirci, faremo il lavoro per loro
Sono veramente tanto d'accordo con questi tuoi pensieri!!!
I amost hit the registration button for the webnair, until I saw the $55 price tag. I guess another time.
I never pay for these kinds of things because the presenter, in this case Dr. Michael Salla, usually has plenty of free information available that reveal what he talks about during these seminars. And then what normally happens is that after the seminars are done, he goes on different shows and freely talks about what was talked about in his presentation.
Everyone is busy about the bitcoin now, no focus on other things to the holders.
Aaaaah, so you must be some kind of weird bot?! No wonder your comments often make no sense at all! Could you confirm that you are human, or Data from Star Trek? No, Data was far more comprehensible! ;-)
Sorry sir, but i am not any kind of bot.
Great! Thank you for confirming that for me. Lately, I've been getting a lot of short comments on my posts; often they have very little to do with the topic at hand, and they seem to pop up not long after I publish, which is usually a sign that I am dealing with a bot.