Hello friends and a good day to you all, I hope you all had a good night rest. Today I want to share with us factors that affect the mother of a baby during pre-natal development.

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Let me start by saying that whatever happens to the mother also affects the child during this period as well. That is why extreme care should be put in place for the mother and her baby to avoid the following factors that may affect the mother and the child as well;
- The mother’s nutrition; it is very important to take care of the mother especially in areas of nutrition. This is because what the baby eats is from the mother’s blood stream.
The fetus gets food through the placenta and it is important the food taken or eaten by the mother must contain the necessary nutrients as in proteins for tissues and body building as well as repairs.
Drugs; it is advisable that mothers should avoid taking drugs especially at the early stage of the pregnancy. On the other hand, some drugs taken in may filter into the blood stream and the fetus also takes it in and it may be of high risk to the fetus.
The age of the mother; this factor must be avoided as much as possible, because the age of the mother especially the ones under 21years of age may be affected. They might experience miscarriages, still births in most cases. And the reason may be known to be that the reproductive organs are not yet fully mature.
Bacterial infections; this factor is very dangerous. This because there are some diseases that may affect or damage the functioning of the brain of the fetus.
Emotional state of the mother; some people may think that it is not important, but let me shock you it is very important because if the mother is emotionally depressed she will give birth to a light weight baby. This also affects the baby when growing up.
In conclusion I would like to say this few factors listed here can be avoided as much as possible. Make sure you follow all instructions given to you by the physician and I think this will help reduce all the stress during antenatal and pre-natal development of the baby.
Once again, a big thank you for taking out time to go through my blog and hope to see more of your support as well.
Have a lovely day.