Today I will share roasted bean sprouts with you.
From Bangladesh.
Dear friends,
I hope the Creator has kept you well. Alhamdulillah I am also well. I hope my friends are also well and safe.
I have come to you today with a recipe. Today I will share bean sprouts with you.
The ingredients I used to cook this recipe are,
🌷Bean sprouts-500 grams
🌷Pepper as needed
🌷Salt, turmeric as needed
🌷Oil, spices, raw chili as needed
Step 1 |
In the first step, I separated the sprouts from the beans and soaked them in water.
Step 2 |
In this step, I peeled the betel leaves and fried them in light oil.
Step 3 |
In this step, I chopped the potatoes, onions, green chilies, and garlic.
Step 4 |
Then I cracked the eggs and fried them.
Step 5 |
In this step, I fried the chopped ingredients in the pan for about 5-7 minutes.
Step 6 |
In this step, I will add the bean sprouts and stir for 5 minutes and add enough water to cook.
Step 7 |
Now I will add salt and turmeric.
Step 8 |
After adding salt and turmeric, I will cook for another 10 minutes and add the batter spices. I will cook for another 5 minutes.
Step 9 |
Now I will cover it with enough water. Then when the water reduces a little, I will fry the eggs. Then I will cook for another 5-7 minutes and reduce the heat.
I hope you like my recipe. If you like it, you should definitely try it at home. I bid you all good health and farewell here.
Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.
Good luck to you.
Rumana Afroz

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