I love the Kids. Why? How?
Do you love the kids? Why?
Oh yes!! Loving kids has been the absolute favorite thing i have ever done. Kids are the little angles that we get to see around us. They are pure and out of the evil intentions of going to do bad things or hurt anyone. They have kind hearts and they love to mess around just because of their curiosity of knowing things and exploring them. I was always told by my parents that i was a messy kid :D i still am very messy but maybe little less when i was a toddler.

This is the picture of me when i was a kid, look into my eyes 🤣 don't i Look naughty??
How do you show your love to them?
Tell us the result of your love for them and how it makes them feel
So basically i just enjoy the sound of their giggles and laughs when they get excited by littlest of the things I do for them. When i buy them things they know anyone could have got them but they appreciate those acts and would devote their love for me. And I enjoy being kids favorite.
Do those around you love the kids too? Why do you say so?
I cannot say this thing for sure is the case of everyone around me, because around me is the whole world which encompasses EVERYONE. I cannot speak on behalf of everyone and generalise that everyone love kids. I have seen many paedophilia roaming around in the streets being so normal around the adults. But when it comes to the kids they become the monsters no one knows of them.
Social vice i am not happy about
As i mentioned the paedophilia this is the one thing i find so worst. Those people must not be seen around the kids. They spoil the entire life of those kids and would not let them live their life. Those bad experiences would shape up the entire personality of the kid and they would get the nightmares of those times for rest of their life. Those people spoils a person's whole life for just a few moments of pleasure for them. I just wish no kid must go through anything like this.
Paedophilia is a bad act, as the paedophiles don't add any good thing to live of kids, they should be avoided
Nice post♥️
Oh you are so right. They add no good to their lives and make them even worst
Friend,it had been a very long time and am glad you are back.
Kids are the angels we see with out physical eye and therefore we all should love and cherish them all.
Thanks for this nice entry.
Yes friend. My country was going through so much in the past months. Everything is getting back to normal now and i will try to be active
Okay friend,it's good to hear that.
Kids so love made up stories, they are full of anxiety and curiosity as to how stories ends.
Oh i love adding things to those made up stories just to get those cute little faces