Steemkids weekly drawing contest| week #20: Draw A Bee 🐝 by @eberechieme
So this week we are Drawing a bee, and also talk about it.
So before I go on to take about the bee, let's first see how I made my drawing in four(4) easy steps.
I made this drawing with:
• A flip of exercise book
• Pencil
• Eraser and a
• Sharpener
When drawing, I starts randomly but today I started with the head with a simple sketch
Step 1•
So after drawing the head I went on to draw the legs which exposed the picture of what I'm drawing
Step 2•
Though it took me a lot of time trying to guess where it will fit, so with that I sketched out the entire body of the drawing
Step 3•
And with this now I can be able to complete my drawing by shading. I use to shade and make black and white drawing, not because I don't paint very well, but because, I think they are more beautiful in the black and white colour.
So after the shading this is my answer
Step 4•
And to show I made the drawing here is a picture of me during the drawing and after the drawing

So this is all about the drawing I made, now let's talk about the bee 🐝 in the drawing
Describe A Bee
Bees are insets also fertilization agents that helps in the fertilization process of plants and flowers
They are small insects just like ants and flies.
What Can We Learn From The Lifestyle Of A Bee 🐝
Bees are small though they does a lot of hard works just like the ants. Again they do things in unity, and remains vigilant enough to protect their comb.
So from the bees we can learn to be....
- Hard working despite our natural limitations.
- In unity with others and assist them so that they may also assist us in return
- Vigilant always so as to stay away from temptations and protect ourselves from human predators
So these are the three main vital lessons I can be able to draw out from the lifestyle of the bees that are visible to me.
Have You Seen One Before? If Yes, Where?
Yeah, many times I have come across bees many places and on different occasions.
In the bush, many times I habe seen them flying around their nest(house).
At home I have seen them come to petch and suck from fallen mango fruits
At home too I have seen them come to such the nectars of flowers
So I have seen them many times
Are They Important To Man, What Significant Role Do They Play In Humans Life?
Bees are important to man, they produce honey which are very useful to man, Its honey 🍯 can be used to bake breads, cakes, and used to make snacks
Also the honey are medicinal and can also be used in advanced medicine preparations. For example when preparing a local medicine for an ulcer patient.
I can remember too, when we learn about bees in the school. My teacher thought me that the bee stings also can be used to cure a stroke patient, that's someone who can't walk.
If They Are Dangerous To Man Tell Us Their Bad Effect
I don't know much about their bad effects but they are also very dangerous to man.
Cause their stings are very painful and they are also capable of killing people. Yeah, I've heard about a lot of people that it killed
Highly, bee 🐝 honey 🍯 are recommended for everyone else, it does a lot in the body helping us be healthy.
But take caution and stay away from their comb For safety reasons.
Thank you everyone 😊 for reading through my post. Thank you for your time
I invite @ogwo @benton3 and @edidiongeffiong to come participate in this contest
Warm regards to @ngoenyi
Thank you for sharing your quality content here. The bee looks so perfect and you have draw it very well. Best of luck for contest. Keep it up.
Your fist image should be the one with a completed drawing. Or your selfie with the drawing
Okay thanks
Curated By - @simonnwigwe
Curation Team - Team 3