Contest#1: What is the best way to discipline a child? @delightdear

in Steem Kids & Parents4 years ago

Hello lovely kids, i am delighted to be a member of this community. I am grateful to @steemkids for giving me the opportunity to share my suggestions regarding child raising in this community. Personally i love kids a lot, although i'm not married yet, and of course i do not have a child yet but i'm surrounded by lovely nephews and nieces.
Every child has his or her ability, the extent to which he can go or do things. To raise a child successfully , we as guardians need to pay close attention to each child in order to discover their needs. Some children are special children, so a discipline method that works for one may not work for another. Some children are fast learner, some are slow learner. What one child does perfectly another finds it very difficulty to do that, so without paying attention to their different abilities we end up beating the other one for not doing the same thing well.

If a child is a quiet one, an introvert, we need to understand that child very well and discipline him or her according to the person he is. Introvert children do not necessary need beating, for the best way to deal with these ones is to scold them, then afterwards i will go back to him or her and talk things out with him thus getting him out of that depressed mood. Once you scold a child, do not leave him in that mood, talk him out of that mood, cheer him up again ,doing this will give him the sense of belonging that he is loved even without telling him so. Of course, expressing our love to either our children or not is very important.

This is my nephew, he is an introvert , he does not talk much nor makes friends, he has just one friend. I understand the kind of person he is and i try not to compare him with my other nephews. Comparison hurts a lot even with an adult. So i try to discipline him according to the person he is. But you know kids, he can be naughty at times, just a little scolding , loving and praises will get him back on track.

This one is an extrovert, always looking for trouble. For this one a little cane will do justice to him but after beating him, call him back, talk to him and get him out of that depressed mood( this is very important, because the child will feel unloved, feel hated if not talked to )
Beating is not the only discipline method when raising a child. On the contrary, beating a child is necessary in child raising, even the bible admonish parents to use the rod at times. So to some extent beating is necessary in order to discipline a child. While using this method, we also need to understand the fact that a child mustn't be beaten always all in the of disciplining such child. We live in an era more exposed than our parent's era, aside from beating a child, we can use the bible to correct him or her.

In the Bible we have good examples set by young ones. For instance, Josiah becomes a king at 8 years. Imagine a child of 8years ruling a nation, he wouldn't have done that successfully if he was a stubborn child. Another example is Samuel who serve God at a very tender age, although he was far away from his parent, he never allowed the bad attitude of Elijah's children to influence him. Examples like these and many more can be used to teach a child or discipline a child without necessary beating that child. Our parent may have been beating us to discipline us, as at that time they were not as exposed as we are now, or i would say that the world was not that developed then.

Any little fault your body will tell, i wouldn't blame my parent that much because they method they used was what they know best, not because they hated me but they did that out of love. My father was a disciplinarian, a strong one for that matter, he will beats the demon out of you but one thing i appreciate is that after beating you he will always come around to apologize and the apology comes with goodies just to get you out of that depressed mood. Personally, i have decided not to adopt my father's method. Discipline has some psychological effects on a child, you can discipline a child and that affect him negatively or positively. Some parents are fond of abusing a child all in the name of discipline. This is wrong, that child will be affected psychologically, the child will feel worthless amongst other children. So i try as much as i can to avoid that.

Children need love and care, with these you will get them on right track.

This is my newest nephew, as little as he is he does annoying things. So i talked to him about the things i do not like and to my greatest surprise he adjusted and stopped them, and when he does that i praised him. Children are precious gift from God to us, we have been entrusted with the sacred responsibility to train them. So with the right discipline we will have responsible men and women in the future. Thank you at @steemkids for this opportunity, i invite @eliany, @gracyakan and @goodybest to join in this contest.

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