SIZ Approved Course | 04-Week Course On canva designs| Lecture 03 | Business card| 20% reward to @siz-official
Hello everyone my name is Abdulmalik kehinde but on steemit platform i am kkown as "nova001". I have Been on steem infinity zone community for i while now.
I am currently running the siz approved course on canva dasigns, lecture 1 and lecture 2 are completed and i am here to do my lecture 3 on how to make business card
Lets begin
First you have to download and intall canva app on your device if you haven't refer to my lecture 1 i gave a complete guide on how to download and install the application on your divice
The link
- Step
Click on the canva application on your device
- you will be taken to the page below, scroll to the left as indicated by the arrow below until you locate the banner slide
- ones located click on the slide as marked by me
then you click on it the following page will load Scroll down and choice any template of your choice from the ones provided.
- the slide marked below is the one we will be using for today. So lets begin
- edit the colour by tapping on the area marked in red
- locate and click on your preferred colour (i choose gray)
- click on the back button and u will be taken to the page below.
Click on the area pointed out by the arrow and edit in your company name before edit
- click on the slogan marked and edit it with your own
after edit
- next click on the slide pointed out by the arrow to turn to the other side of the banner.
- lets now edit the back
Click on all the marked areas and edit with your
Address before edit
after edit
- now to download the image
Click on the downlaod button as marked
- tap the save as button
- select your preferred gile type to save your banner in (i choose 'jpg')
- click on the downlaod button and the image will automatically save into your smartphone
the end
thanks for reading till the end. lecture 4 coming up soon

Good post dear friend please make a justify your text because then your post is more valuable and attractive to see for everyone.
Regards, Faran Nabeel