Siz Tech education by @jannat12 | #club5050| 01/07/2022 | Generation of computer š„ļø| 10% pay out of this post to siz-official
Hello everyone š
How are you people? I hope that you all people will be fine by the grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and I am fine too Alhamdulilah.
Generation of Computer š„ļø
The development of electronic computers will be divided into generations relying upon the technologies used. The generations of the pc square measure as follows:
ā¢First Generation
ā¢Second Generation
ā¢Third Generation
ā¢Fourth Generation
ā¢Fifth Generation
First Generation
The beginning of the business laptop age is from UNIVAC ( Universal Automatic Computer). it absolutely was developed by 2 scientists MUCHLY and ECHERT at the Census Department of united Statesin 1947.The first generation laptop were used throughout 1942_1955. They were supported vacuum tubes.
ā¢Vacuum tube was the sole electronic elements out there those days.
ā¢ These computers may calculate information in milliseconds.
Second Generation Computers
These computers used transistors. The scientists of Bell laboratories developed transistors in 1947. These square measure John Bardeen, William Brattian and William Bradford Shockley. the dimensions of laptop was shriveled by exchange vacuum tubes by transistors.
ā¢ Smaller in size than initial generation
ā¢ a lot of reliable
ā¢ Wider business use
ā¢ higher movability
Third Generation
These computers used integrated circuits. Jack kilby developed the thought of integrated circuits in 1958. He computers became smaller in size, faster, a lot of reliable and fewer costly.
ā¢Smaller in size
ā¢Less costly
ā¢Totally general purpose
ā¢Could be used for top level languages
ā¢Used less energy
Fourth Generation
These started with the invention of chip. The microprocessors contain thousands of ICs. Ted Hoff created the primary chip in 1971. the massive scale integration circuit and VLSI circuit were designed. It typically reduced the dimensions of laptop. the dimensions of chip is typically one area unit.
ā¢More powerful
ā¢Less want of repairing
ā¢Cheapest among all generations
ā¢Commercial production
Fifth Generation
Scientists square measure currently engaged on the fifth generation exploitation recent engineering advances. it's supported the technique of computing. Computers will be spoken words directions and imitate human reasoning. the flexibility to translate an overseas language is additionally moderately attainable with fifth generation computers.
Hope you guys will like my post ā¤ļø.