Aplication For Community Curators September 2022

in STEEM INDONESIA3 years ago


Dear Steemit Team

I say thank you very much to the Steemit Team for this very valuable opportunity for us.

The Rationale Basic

I know this is not an easy opportunity for me. It's hard and very hard! but I have much bigger hopes and efforts for the platform and for all the steemians at community, Especially for the Steem Indonesia country community which has just been formed and is still very green.

The obligation of engagement, freedom of choice and support for all exclusive content is work that should have been done from the start by everyone on the platform. At least, there are 32,309 accounts on the platform Data. although this data cannot be considered fixed because there are a number of parked accounts and some farming accounts "possible". So, I want to say that proportional and professional attitude must always coexist in carrying out the role of voice controller (curator), not only able to give but also able to see, invite, educate and encourage each user to enrich the theme and how to use the platform well, and narrowing the space for accounts performing wicked and dangerous activity.

We are not only sharpen yourself but can be an example for others, because nothing is superior except being able to build good communication between individuals and all community on Steemit.

My Brief History on Steem

I thank my friend @ fujaxxi who introduced the steemit platform to me in July 2017. At that time there was no team that managed and controlled the voting for quality content like today because the witnesses were more involved in that. This forced me to join the Naggroe Steemit Community (NSC) until we agreed to hire an upvote bot. I continue to build communication with great people in it to get to know the platform more deeply and learn to write well.

My account was silent for a moment around 2019 because my work is in the real world as a staff who works in the field at the North Aceh Land Service office. At that time I was part of the Identification and Inventory Team which had to go to several locations to collect data for land acquisition. Then, before the Steemit Team issued a policy to support Club status, I had started to actively write again on Steem. Since the Steemit Team decided to support club status, I started actively writing and investing (powerups) Steem, will consistently maintained #club100.

Details of my Position and Responsibilities on Steem

  • Carrying out duties and responsibilities as an Admin in the Steem Environment Community is my first experience on the Steemit Platform.
  • Undertaking a stint as one of the community curators for the month of August in the Global Curator Team for the "My Life" theme. (steemcurator06).
  • As an Admin of the Steem Indonesia community.The Indonesian Steem Community is a steemit community for the country that is supported by all CR Indonesia.


Details of Specialist or Professional Skills or Expertise I have in the real world.

Working within the scope of "cloud computing" and field officers is appropriate my position at the North Aceh land office is as Landreform Data Management Staff.

  • My main skill (Skill) is operating arcGIS. arcGIS is a windows-based software used for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or ArcObjects to collect/process spatial data and create maps.
  • Cadastral Surveyor: It concerns the activities of cadastral measurement and mapping. The work is a bit complicated because I have to adapt directly to the survey and measurement equipment "Optik", namely Theodolit during land acquisition activities (land acquisition) for plans to build various infrastructures for the public interest.


The country I live in and the language I can read fluently

  • I live in Indonesia. Precisely in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province.
  • I can read English fluently.


My main status, own SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegate


I use Steemworld app to control account stats. From these data can show some information, namely:

  • Total Steem Power: 10,373.00
  • SP delegate: 2,432.42 SP
  • CSI 14.1 (130 Upvotes, 70 accounts) for the last 7 days
  • Account reputation: 71,450



The subjects I'm particularly Enjoy to curating

The writings that are very interesting for me are about the environment and nature, Health, Horticulture, Agribusiness and stories of daily activities (the diary game).


The Minimum Team Seat I am willing to serve.

7 people in one team Actually more flexible to work. But whatever the amount, I am personally ready to work as a curator for September if my application is approved by the Steemit Team.

This is the description and completeness of the requirements for submitting my application for the September 2022 Curator Team.



About MeHERE
Discord: ridwant#6212


akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga. Ini adalah harapan terbesar bagi saya ketika bapak telah menjadi bagian dari partisipan dalam aplikasi ini. Integritas merupakan hal positif yang patut ditiru untuk pengembangan kepribadian saya. Selamat pak

 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah... Terima kasih banyak atas semuanya kanda @irawandedy karena anda adalah salah satu inisiator melahirkan banyak ide baru yang harus saya tiru.. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas dukungan dan motivasinya.

Hello mate, good to read a good application today, I am very much treated in your work as a cadastral surveyor,

This is also my occupation here in Nigeria, ideal with measurement of lands and representing them on a paper in form of layouts and perimeter,

How is work over there, is It government related or you do it as a technician
Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

I work for the government and do measurements and surveys for infrastructure development activities in the region, not personal activities. Thank you for coming to my post, I know you really understand this activity from the way you comment. Thank you very much my friend.

Ohh, for the government, you must be licensed, go to know this about you.

 3 years ago 

Tidak diragukan lagi kapabilitas anda untuk menjadi kurator sangat layak pak @ridwant

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih tgk @abialfatih atas dukungan anda.

 3 years ago 

Semoga sukses pak

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih banyak adoe @walictd , aminnn

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama pak

 3 years ago 

You are a very hardworking and dedicated steemit user .You have all the qualities to Be a curator ..Best of luck for your entry brother

 3 years ago 

You are welcome, my sister. This is a great compliment to me. but you are greater than me.. my brother

 3 years ago 

Harapan besar saya untuk kesuksesan bang @ridwant terpilih lagi sebagai kurator komunitas di bulan September..

 3 years ago 

Kita berharap yang terbaik kanda @harferri , terima kasih banyak atas motivasi besar kanda untuk saya.

 3 years ago 

Wish u all the best.
Semoga terpilih ya mr @ridwant

 3 years ago 

Kita semua berharap yang terbaik bu @sailawana , terima kasih dukungannya.

 3 years ago 

Aplikasi yang luar biasa dengan kemampuan yang anda miliki sangat layak untuk menjadi bagian dari Tim kurator. sukses selalu buat kanda

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih atas pujian dan dukungannya kanda @afrizalbinalka

 3 years ago 

Your role on the platform is extraordinary sir @ridwant. I believe and believe that you are worthy to carry out this task.

 3 years ago 

Kita hanya berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk platform. Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya pak @f2i5

Sebuah dedikasi dan track record yang luar biasa dalam pengembangan plathform Steemit, Pak @ridwant. Semoga aplikasi letternya terpilih. untuk mewujudkan steemut semakin eksis dan berkembang.


 3 years ago 

Terima kasih ibu @ ettydiallova telah berkunjung, memberi motivasi serta supportnya. Saya berusaha yang terbaik dan harapan besar adalah terus bekerja dengan baik meskipun tidak terpilih.

Kembali kasih Pak
Good luck ya, Pak @ridwant🔥

 3 years ago 

Siap bu! 😂

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