To begin,I would like to explain the meaning of accident.
Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens without a persons concious and therefore results in damage.
Many Accidents happen each and everyday across the world.More like road Accidents and at our homes too.Examples of some accidents are collision of two cars
Now ways by which Accidents can be prevented are as follows ;
1.Always make sure you wear your safety seat belts before you start a journey.Most at times drivers do not wear their safety belts which is very bad.wearing of the seats belts helps you to stay intact with the car seats and with that you’re protected.
2.Limiting Of night driving :you should mostly drive in the day time and go errands with the car at the day time to avoid driving anytime even when it’s in the night.
3.cell phones are to be put on emergency use only:One of the bad habit one can get his or herself into is switching the cell on while driving
Keep the cell phone with you in the car for emergency situations only
4.Dont drink and drive:when drunked before driving ,you feel very high which isn’t very bad
So avoid that before starting a journey with the car
We always tend to downplay some of the causes of road accidents In Ghana and as you rightly pointed out some of the causes are always hard to resist but I hope we can take measures to prevent them.
Thanks for sharing☺️
Though is really nice points you’ve raised out there but I’m sure these are to limit the causes of accident but with total prevention unless we get rid of that word Accident😀😃..anyway is hope that we are all save from accidents. Thanks for sharing