The diary game: My Saturday 13/02/21

Lights went out the previous day before I went to bed so my sleep wasn't that good because of the heat in the room. I woke up around 7am. Our TA called me (he actually woke me up with that call) hoping to fix a class but it didn't go as he had planned.
I got up from bed, prayed and freshened up.
I did some pushups(53), cut my fingernails and made some calls. I was supposed to go to church today because I'm an Adventist but I hadn't ironed my shirts or prepared for church in any way.
The power was still not back on and my battery percentage was like 14 at the time.
I decided to go to a friend's place to get my phone and laptop charged but I had already lent my bike to a friend who was also going to get his phone charged so I had to wait.
I had my breakfast; coffee and bread.

picture of the breakfast
I hadn't finished eating my breakfast when the power came back on. So I charged my phone and laptop.
I made some light soup (with beef and chicken).
I had to grind the spices the traditional way before blending it because the blades of my blender are a little blunt now and it's not that big enough to blend so much at a time. Using the earthenware bowl was a little challenging for me but it was exciting at the same time.

grinding the stuff

meat with the blended spices

soup almost done
After the soup was done, I took my bath, ate something small for lunch and took a long nap.

my lunch
I woke up later to work on a project work and learnt a little. I made some supper with gari (eba) and ate with the soup I made.

supper. Quite heavy, huh?
I actually decided to visit the gym today and register but, nah, maybe some other time ;-p
And I think that's all there is to say about how my day went. Thanks for reading.
God be with you.