[ENG/DEU/ESP] Competition series | My FoodPIC | Mein FoodPIC | Mi ComidaPIC

in Steem Germany3 years ago

Please read the rules and comment on other entries

Announcement of the winner Short and Painless | Best Science Fiction Film & description of the new competition.


New rule - the winner will now always be decided by @greece-lover. Unfortunately, the last winners were always given to members from the same country and I also think there are some people with many accounts here.*

The winner of this competition will be announced on 7 February at 2 pm Time zone CEST | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

The winner from the Best Science Fiction Film | competition is | @josua1 with his comment The best science fiction film for me is and remains John Carpenter's "They Live" (1988 year)


Here you will find a small series of competitions that only run for 3 days. Here you don't have to write extra posts, but you can participate in the comment field below the post

At the request of @greece-lover the theme of this competition is

My FoodPIC

Post a picture of food you have eaten recently. Of course, it would be great if you show us something that you have prepared yourself. If you then publish the recipe as well, your chances of winning the competition will increase :)

And this time, too, you can do it easily without getting up :)

For this competition (as for all the others) @steemchiller is sponsoring the competition and the winner will receive a 100% vote (approx. 1,5 STU $ !) from him. Thanks a lot for that !

From now on, there will be several small competitions here every week, where you can simply participate in the comment field. I will find some sponsors who will then always reward the winner in the form of a vote. Surely one or the other will get a higher vote

I hope you will enjoy this little competition series and that some of you will take part in it. You are also welcome to suggest a competition, which I will then post here for you.


Bitte die Regeln durchlesen und kommentiert auch andere Beiträge.

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners Kurz und Schmerzlos | Bester Science-Fiction-Film & Beschreibung des neuen Wettbewerbs


Neue Regel - der Gewinner wird jetzt immer von @greece-lover bestimmt. Leider wurden die letzten Gewinner immer an Mitglieder aus demselben Land vergeben und ich denke auch, dass hier einige Personen mit vielen Accounts mitmachen.

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners aus diesem Wettbewerb ist am 7. Febuar 14 Uhr Zeitzone MESZ | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

Der Gewinner aus dem Wettbewerb Bester Science-Fiction-Film | ist | @josua1 mit seinem Kommentar Der beste Science-Fiction-Film ist und bleibt für mich John Carpenters "Sie leben" (Baujahr 1988)


Hier findet ihr eine kleine Reihe von Wettbewerben die immer nur 3 Tage laufen. Hier müssen auch keine extra Beiträge geschrieben werden, sondern, man kann im Kommentarfeld unter dem Beitrag teilnehmen.

Auf Wunsch von @greece-lover ist das Thema von diesem Wettbewerb

Mein FoodPIC

Stelle ein Bild ein von Essen ein, dass du in der letzten Zeit gegessen hast. Toll wäre natürlich, wenn du uns etwas zeigst, das du selbst zubereitet hast. Wenn du dann sich das Rezept mit veröffentlichst, werden deine Chancen steigen den Wettbewerb zu gewinnen :)

Und auch diesmal geht das locker vom Hocker, ohne aufzustehen :)

Bei diesem Wettbewerb (so wie bei allen weiteren übernimmt @steemchiller die Patenschaft und der Gewinner bekommt ein 100 % Vote ( ca. 1,5 STU $ !)von ihm. Vielen Dank dafür !

Es wird ab jetzt hier jede Woche mehrere kleine Wettbewerbe geben, wo ihr im Kommentarfeld einfach mitmachen könnt. Ich werde einige Sponsoren auftreiben die dann immer in Form von Vote den Gewinner belohnen. Sicherlich wird der ein oder andere dann auch einmal ein höheres Vote bekommen.

Ich hoffe, euch macht diese kleine Wettbewerbsreihe viel Freude und es nehmen auch einige von euch daran Teil. Gerne könnt auch ihr einen Wettbewerb vorschlagen, den ich dann hier für euch einstelle


Por favor, lee las reglas y comenta las otras entradas

Anuncio del ganador Corto e indoloro | Mejor película de ciencia ficción y descripción del nuevo concurso.


Nueva regla - el ganador será ahora siempre decidido por @greece-lover. Desgraciadamente, los últimos ganadores siempre se daban a miembros del mismo país y además creo que hay gente con muchas cuentas aquí.*

El ganador de este concurso se anunciará el 7 de febrero a las 14:00 Zona horaria CEST | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

El ganador del Mejor Película de Ciencia Ficción | concurso es |@josua1** con su comentario La mejor película de ciencia ficción para mí es y sigue siendo "Ellos viven" de John Carpenter (año 1988)


Aquí encontrarás una pequeña serie de concursos que sólo duran 3 días. Aquí no tienes que escribir posts extra, sino que puedes participar en el campo de comentarios debajo del post

A petición de @greece-lover el tema de este concurso es

Mi comidaPIC

Coloca una foto de comida que hayas comido recientemente. Por supuesto, sería estupendo que nos mostraras algo que hayas preparado tú mismo. Si además publicas la receta, tus posibilidades de ganar el concurso aumentarán :)

Y esta vez, además, puedes hacerlo fácilmente sin levantarte :)

Para este concurso (como para todos los demás) @steemchiller patrocina el concurso y el ganador recibirá un voto del 100% (¡aproximadamente 1,5 STU $!) de su parte. Muchas gracias por ello

A partir de ahora, habrá varios concursos pequeños aquí cada semana, donde simplemente se puede participar en el campo de comentarios. Encontraré algunos patrocinadores que luego premiarán siempre al ganador en forma de voto. Seguramente uno u otro tendrá más votos

Espero que os guste esta pequeña serie de concursos y que algunos de vosotros participéis en ella. También sois bienvenidos a sugerir un concurso, que luego publicaré aquí para vosotros.



So this dish is what i ate 2days ago and its called garri and eru. To prepare the garri is very easy. All you do is boil water, pour it into a bowl, then add you garri and mix well. There is white and red garri actually.
Raw white garri.


The ingredients you need are waterleaf, palm oil, crayfish, then you can add canda, meat,snails if you have. Mine had canda(cow skin)


First you can prepare, wash and season the meat or whatever you are using and while its on fire, start by fixing, washing and slicing your waterleaf into a bowl.
Sliced waterleaf

You can also prepare everything and keep to make the work easier. Next put the water leaf into your pot and when its a bit soft add your eru after washing. Stir well then add your maggi, salt, pepper meat or fish etc.
Now add your oil and lastly add your pounded crayfish and stir. And your meal is ready.
Well that's all guys and it's ts very delicious.

NOTE; All pictures are taken from the internet for illustration sake but the first picture is mine. Taken before i ate 2 days ago.
Thanks for reading!!!

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

Mi participación


Huevos frito con jamón!
yo misma lo prepare ayer, es comida rápida, sencilla y sabrosa .

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

gracias por su apoyo


I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day



Ingredients for Kunafa

  • 500 grams Kunafa Dough (strands)
  • 300 grams Butter (Salted) , melted
  • 1/4 cup Pistachios , chopped
  • 500 grams cheese (Beyaz peynir "removed salt") + 100 grams Mozzarella

Ingredients for Sugar syrup

  • 1-1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Rose water


I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

This is Caesar salad. Usually Caesar salad has chicken too, but i put some bacon in it. Also we had chicken and i could eat them separately but I preferred to incorporate them.

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

This is our lunch for today. Pancit Bihon with chicken toppings, White rice, beef kaldereta ( Beef with carrots and potatoes ) Chicken feet marinated and Ham.

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day


I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day


medio litro de agua
250 gramos de pasta
1 cucharada de sal
salsa de tomate
200 gramos de carne molida

I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

Pizza is love


I am glad that you have taken part in the competition. Please also have a look at the other competitions. You can also win votes there and always get a small vote for participating.

Every day there is a different competition in the following categories

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

Picture of the day

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