"Prime Minister For 24 Hours"

in Steem For Pakistan14 days ago (edited)


I hope you all the people will be well with the blessing of Allah Almighty. Today, I am glad to join this contest based on an important, logical and decisive question of what if I become the prime minister of my country (Pakistan) for 24 hours. This is a logical one and everyone who lives in any state must think whether what can he so if he become the prime minister. I would like to pay thanks to @muhammad-ahmad to organize this contest. So, now let's move to the steps taken by me if I were the PM for 24 hours.

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Image taken from the Parent Post due to my Canva Account Inactivation

Peace and Prosperity
  • When we talk about making our country into a heaven, an English word can be used to describe it: Prosperity. And when we talk about Prosperity, there's an English phrase, Peace and Prosperity, because prosperity cannot be achieved without peace. Peace refers to safety as well. They are like the foundation of any country. It can have many different aspects.
  • First step to maintain peace will be border security. If any other country goes to war against our country or tries to infiltrate our borders, then our defense forces should fight back and ensure our safety.
  • The second is the safety from terrorist attacks. Recently, a terror attack in the mosque of Nowshera caused the death of six innocent people along with the death of an Islamic scholar. Such cases spread islamophobia and realize the people's insecurity in their own home town. There are several examples in past when Pakistan faced terrible terror attacks.
  • The third step that I will take is to overcome the riots on religious issues between Muslims for different sects especially when any religious debate is aroused at national level I will assure to the all sects that they are secure and save to perform there religious activities as because they all are Muslim. I will set a committee to overcome all the riots for please add prosperity in an Islamic state Pakistan.
  • Fourth is lynching; an abuse or violence faced by minorities from majorities or among the people of same religion. For example the lynching faced by Mishal Khan from Mardan or murder of Priyanth Kumar on the name of disrespecting religion. Such incidents present extremism in State and after coming the Prime Minister I will definitely pay heed to this matter.
  • Fifth is the control over crimes. As an Islamic state, it was to be a state of peace but Pakistan carries lowest rank among crime free countries. Many rape, murder and dacoity cases are reported everyday in newspaper. After becoming a Prime Minister ,I will try my best control over the crimes. Such crimes can be only controlled by fasting police and para-security departments. Moreover, providing fast tele-services to women will reduce rape cases.


Image taken from Pixabay

So, this was all about promoting peace in the state.

Justice and Equality
  • The second reform that I will take is to ensure justice in my state as it is not only an important pillar of democracy but a basic need of people to live peacefully. I will give the people right to equality to realize them that the worth of the a life of a billionaire is equal to the life of a poor peasant.


Image taken from Adobe Stock

Taking Practical action to Diagnose and Solve problem
  • And then comes the another reform: to take action to solve the problem. In most cases, most politicians ignore this step. Their speeches are full of false promises: "Children are the future of the country," "Respect women," "The people are the source of power." They make such statements, but they will never diagnose the problem. They will never talk about the problems, and they will never accept the problem.
  • Many politicians in the government know only how to sweep the problems under the carpet. To ensure that the crime rate of their state is not very high, that if a journalist exposes a crime, then they make sure that the journalist is jailed. Media is scared in our country.
  • But if I were the Prime Minister, then I would tell people to speak up, to raise their voice. I would tell the media to raise their voices, to report on the safety issues across the country. These incidents of crime, the cases where people die by falling into pits, sometimes they die under falling bridges, sometimes they die due to adulterated medicines. Report everything without being afraid. Because I will protect you. Because I know that the first step to solving these problems is to diagnose them. Once a leader has diagnosed a problem, and has accepted it, then it is not so difficult to find a solution.
  • For example, if a local police station refuses to file an FIR, then there should be a facility for people where the complainant can go to the SP's office and file an FIR there. Along with that, there should be a departmental inquiry as to why the police officer did not register an FIR in that police station. What do you think of this simple solution? Does it sound impractical? It is not impractical.


Image taken from Adobe THE DAWN

Media Empowerment
  • Should the media be scared of you? First of all, if they are scared of someone, they shouldn't be in this field. In a democracy, if the media isn't strong, the democracy will not work. No country wants a scared media. A media that runs away from important issues. We need a strong media, who can hold their stand even when opposing politicians. We need media like this. Don't talk about a scared media. If they are scared, I will protect them as a PM of the country.


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Safety and Security
When we talk about ensuring safety and security, there are two categories of such solutions.
  • The first category is Preventive Solutions. That is, we take such steps because of which the problem stops existing. Stop the problem before it happens.
  • The second category is Punitive Solutions. If the problem does exist, then fight against it and punish the people who cause the problem, so that the rest of the people are discouraged and don't do the same thing again.
Example for Preventive Solution
  • Let's see an example. Let's with cross-border security. What can be the Preventive Solution here? Having an effective foreign policy. Building good relations with the neighbouring countries. So my government will try its best to build good relations with all the neighbouring countries, so that we don't see any border clashes.
Example for Punitive Solution
  • But if this fails for any reason, then our country should be ready to counter any attack. Whatever things the Pakistan's Armed Forces needs, should be given to them. Guns, machine guns, rifles, ammunition, bullets, bullet-proof jackets, protective headgear, camouflage uniforms, night vision goggles, bomb disposal robot, naval ships, torpedoes, submarines, fighter aircraft, helicopter, radar. Not only should these be available but they need to be readily available. If it is necessary to buy these from other countries, that's fine. But, we should also try to internally manufacture these. Technology should be outsourced from other countries and the products should be manufactured in our country. Along with that, the money allocated for defence research should be increased. The research and development budget will increase. Regular inspections should be done so that no soldier dies due to any malfunctioning aeroplane or helicopter.


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Educational Reforms
  • The first step taken by me in the field of education will be to increase the educational budget from 1 to 5% which means that rupees 5 billion will be added for educational progress in Pakistan. In the mentioned budget more institution will be established and the pre-existing institutions will be given more facilities scholarships add infrastructure to strength education in Pakistan, Along with, I will also suggest the introduction of skill based curriculum to reduce the cramming system in our educational complexes.


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Solution for Unemployment
  • Unemployment is one of the biggest issue of today's Pakistan and there are hundreds of reasons behind this issue like population growth, economical instability, education and skill mismatch, limited industrialization, corruption. lack of entrepreneurship, social and cultural barriers. economic burdens, low investment in infrastructure at absence of technological advancement and automation.
  • Among these the biggest reason behind unemployment is unavailability of vacancies for government and non government platform and there is a simple reason behind this unavailability is that the present government as nothing to pay salaries for new commerce and therefore they do not allow new vacancies to fill. This is one of the simple problem but it has caused a social and political instability in Pakistan.
  • This problem can be solved by using a simple methodology and that is to increase the taxes from higher classes and corporate industries because our government charges very low taxes from high industries and burden of taxis is born by lower classes and if I were the Prime Minister then I will definitely put taxis on higher industries and corporates to collect more revenue for government and collection of tax means more sources will come to the government and government will be able to offer jobs. This solution will not only solve the problem of unemployment but also the issue of political instability and economical imbalance will also be solved.


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Corruption and My reforms
  • Lack of accountability weak judicial system political instability add poor accountability add management has been lead Pakistan towards hi ratio of corrupt states. There could be many other reasons like cultural factors, lack of transparency in government dealing add public procurement along with week enforcement has also been a part of this corrupt state unfortunately many government have been promised to eradicate corruption but no government got success in his mission in the state of Pakistan corruption could be overcome only when accountability measures judiciary political reforms and economical management are set to a normal line that a democratic nation requires. We have nab and number of anti corruption departments but still Pakistan is failed to control it.
There are some reasons behind corruption listed below.
  • The first reason behind corruption is up to down approach when you ask somebody in Pakistan who is taking barbary then he will say that he is going so because he has to pay it to the upper officers and upper officers also state the same line add directly this statement and on chief minister or Prime Minister of this country which means that corruption starts from Prime Minister and and on a constable.
  • The second reason behind the corruption is low salaries of government officers with high designations suppose that a deputy commissioner in Pakistan earns only 1.5 lac as per month while she has power to control whole district. This higher power with low pay leads to the corruption.
  • The last reason behind corruption is greed which I think is the least reason because this could be easily controlled by introducing citric laws. After becoming a Prime Minister I will surely pay heed to the above mentioned parameter to reduce corruption.


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So, above are some steps taken by my if I were the PM for 24 hours. All the steps are possible in any situation especially for the country like Pakistan and all the steps are practical to take. Any government and state can take such steps.

At the end, I would like @adnanliaqatali, @bhaiaslam and @afzalqamar to participate this contest.

Thankyou for inviting me dear @ghiasahmad. I will surely write my mind view to this contest.

 11 days ago 

Brother, thank you so much for your participation.After reading you post.It seems that you would be a god option for the seat of Prime Minister.Becasue the reforms introduced by you are super impressive.I was also very sad when I heard the news of blast in Nowshera where 6 civilians were killed among with them one of the great scholar Hamid ul Haq was also killed in this socite bomb as you mentioned too.Also the father of Hamid ul Scholar was also one of the big Islamic scholar acd he was also killed just like this.Also I agree with you that the Media should not afraid but however this is also true that anyone who tells against the Government is sent to jail or he is being killed.Just like that Imran Khan Riaz was also killed just of this.You are also true that on government level we should support the Media! Besides this the education is also very important for the better future of Pakistan, so the step which you are thinking to increase its budget from 1% to 5% is good.Besides this skills should also be learned by the students becasue in today's era it is very important.Although you have clearly and greatly participated.I am highly obliged.Best regards brother.

Thank you very much brother to understand my words. And thank you very much to organize this contest.
Our beloved country, Pakistan is losing day by day and the present govt. is only giving the people short time solution just to show that they are really working. Media has been controlled by the present PM and there has been spread dictatorship in this country. Hospitals in Punjab has been privated due to deficiency of budget. Our natural resources are being used carelessly. 😪😪

 11 days ago 

Exactly brother.I agree with you.I hope for the betterment of Pakistan.By the way best wishes to you my brother.

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