Short Story; The Woman That You Marry

in Steem For Ladies29 days ago

Mencintai seseorang tidaklah mudah
Terkadang seseorang memerlukan alasan untuk dicintai dan alasan mengapa harus mencintai
Tidak ada hal yang pasti didunia ini termasuk bagaimana Perlakuan seseorang terhadapmu atau perlakuan mu terhadap seseorang
Bahkan cinta dan kasih sayang yang bisa berubah hanya dalam waktu satu detik, sekejap mata

Seorang wanita bertanya, apa yang akan didapatkan setelah mencintai?
Bukan perihal nafsu, namun ada yang lebih spesifik dari hanya merasakan, yaitu emosi yang terpendam

Cinta adalah masalah yang sangat sensitif
Ketika kamu mengatakan, "ya, saya mencintai kamu", padahal sebenarnya kamu hanya ingin membenarkan diri atas apa yang ingin orang lain ketahui

Cinta bukanlah sebuah perkataan, bukan hanya rasa, namun juga tenggang rasa
Cinta tidak butuh waktu, atau jika kamu memang membutuhkannya maka kamu tidak mencintai siapapun, hanya dirimu sendiri

Takdir cinta adalah saat ijab kabul "Sah" Menjadi suami istri
Namun itu awal dimana kamu berada dititik "
aku tidak mencintaimu lagi"
Satu demi satu kesalahan dilakukan, berharap kata maaf namun kembali terulang hingga bibir malas untuk berkata yang akhirnya memilih kata, "Diam itu emas"

Saat dua orang bersatu maka jangan pernah menyulitkan pasangan
Jangan jadikan dia mesin, apalagi pelampiasan amarah
Ada hati yang harus dijaga,
Ada kewajiban yang harus dijalankan,
Dan ada tanggung jawab yang harus diselesaikan

Jika ya, maka katakan ya
Namun, seorang wanita memiliki sifat istimewa dimana kekuatannya akan terkumpul setelah dia tersakiti berulang-ulang kali hingga akhirnya...
Saat dia pergi, bukan berarti dia tidak tahan lagi
Bukan karena dia tidak mencintai lagi
Namun, sudah saatnya dia kembali karena kamu membawanya untuk "berpura-pura mati" Ditengah taman surgawi

To be Continued...


Loving someone is not easy
Sometimes someone needs a reason to be loved and a reason why they should love
Nothing is certain in this world, including how someone treats you or how you treat someone
Even love and affection can change in just one second, the blink of an eye

A woman asks, what will be obtained after loving?
It's not about lust, but there is something more specific than just feeling, namely pent-up emotions

Love is a very sensitive issue
When you say, "yes, I love you", when in fact you just want to justify yourself for what others want to know

Love is not a word, not just a feeling, but also tolerance
Love doesn't need time, or if you do need it then you don't love anyone, only yourself

The destiny of love is when the marriage vows "Sah" Become husband and wife
But that's the beginning where you are at the point "
I don't love you anymore"
One by one mistakes are made, hoping for an apology but repeated again until the lips are lazy to say which finally chooses the words, "Silence is golden"

*When two people are united, never make it difficult for your partner
Don't make him a machine, let alone an outlet for anger
There is a heart that must be guarded,
There are obligations that must be carried out,
And there are responsibilities that must be completed"

If yes, then say yes
However, a woman has a special nature where her strength will gather after she hurt over and over again until finally...
When he left, it didn't mean he couldn't take it anymore
Not because he didn't love anymore
However, it was time for her to come back because you took her to "play dead" In the middle of a heavenly garden

To be continued....

Thank you also for supporting me at every opportunity

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Where thereis a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!

 29 days ago 
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Thank you for sharing this beautiful love piece with us. Indeed love is not just a word or a feeling. There is more.. cheers!…..

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

Thanks for your advice dear... 🤗😘

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