The Diary Game Betterlife, My activites of the day |@bhaiaslam |STEEM FOR IDONESIA| 30/10/2021|
Today I got up early in the morning and brushed my teeth. I made an ablution to offer prayer and after the prayer, I went out with one of my colleagues. It was the third day of our anti-polio program in Punjab Pakistan and I am a part of this program. I with my friend went to the place where we finished our duty. There was no camera phone me and I could not capture the pictures of the moments. I went back to finish my task of the day at about 11:00 A.M and captured this picture at home which is the first picture of this blog. After a long time, I captured my selfie and uploaded it here. I was standing in the home of my relatives because there was a small family function.
After attending that program I went to the hospital because I received a call from the hospital when I reached there my senior doctor told me that we were going to district headquarters to meet the chief executive officer of my Health Department area of mine because one of the friends of mine received his degree in PhD and therefore he was given an award sheet from there. It was a pleasure moment for me as well as for my colleagues. My colleague made history because when he joined our hospital he was only a bachelor and now he is a doctor. By the way, the person who is standing left in the picture is the senior doctor of our hospital.
We came back from the nearby Headquarters at 3:00 P.M according to our plan we reached the stadium where we played cricket and enjoyed it a lot. I captured this picture at that moment when we were about to start the game and it was a happy moment for all of us as you can see in the picture everyone is looking very happy and they are looking like a family member in this picture. This is all due to the senior doctor of my hospital as he is a very intelligent and genius man to set up a happy hospital no doubt even if it is a govt. hospital.
You can see that this person is not looking at the picture and therefore I clicked its picture at last. He reached late there because he received an emergency call from his clinic. But by the way, this doctor is a good person who always prefers his work rather than other activities. He is also a responsible person in our hospital and respects everyone in the hospital. He is a friend and a colleague of mine and he is the best member of our hospital to support the patients. If someone calls him to the hospital on his off-duty time he reaches there to serve the patients. I and all the other staff respect him a lot.
Last, in the evening I went back to my hospital as my home is near their hospital and I captured this picture where a person is asking something to my colleague and this person is probably here for some diagnosis. You can see the picture of the hospital emergency room that is small but enough for patients. The condition is good but still needs to improve. Still, this is a good place to look for patients because here about 100 patients visit the hospital for a whole day and therefore, this is a enough place for their diagnosis.
So when I was moving back to my home, I captured this picture and you can see it has been dark. This is the last picture of this blog. This is also a night picture that I captured after a long time and you can see the blurred leaves behind. The green leaves are increasing the clarity of this picture and they are giving attraction to this picture.
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