Hunting for squirrel pests ️, to save the villagers' agricultural products | 25% of Rewards donated to world charities

Note : 25% of Rewards Donated to Charity Account: @worldsmile

Pest hunter shows 2 squirrels shot by his rifle

One of the hunters is focusing on targeting the squirrel pest that is on the branches of a resident's coconut tree

Squirrel pests are the most troubling thing for village farmers, the ferocity of squirrel pests that damage residents' plantation crops and eat community plantation products such as coconut, cocoa, areca nut, oil palm, corn and other fruit crops such as papaya, cucumber, and mangosteen. resulting in a decrease in the yield of the village farmers. Due to several factors above, this problem has become a special concern for village officials to eradicate the squirrel pest by inviting a special team to eradicate it.

The hunter is directing his team to target the squirrel pest

Today, Friday June 17 2022, I witnessed firsthand the shots of snipers who were invited by the village apparatus to destroy the squirrel pest attack that had been disturbing farmers' plantations. any direction to aim at the squirrel pest.

The presence of squirrels far above the coconut trees did not make the snipers lose their way, they casually took aim at the squirrel pests that roamed the various trees, and one by one the squirrel pests fell due to being hit by rifle bullets from the hunters.

Dozens of squirrels have been shot by the hunters

From the early morning of the hunt until noon, pest hunters have exterminated more than 100 squirrels of various sizes. The village farmers also witnessed firsthand and were overjoyed to see the many squirrel pests that the hunters had managed to destroy.

This squirrel hunting action will take place for the next 3 days, with the hope that more squirrel pests will be successfully eradicated, so that the community and farmers will return to getting satisfactory harvests as usual, and the farmers also hope that this hunting action can also be carried out in other areas. other villages, so that the squirrel pest is no longer the cause of the failure of the community's agricultural crops in general.

The hunters are gathering and taking a short break

Hama tupai menjadi hal yang paling meresahkan bagi para petani Desa, keganasan hama tupai yang merusak tanaman perkebunan warga dan memakan hasil perkebunan masyarakat seperti kelapa, coklat, pinang, sawit, jagung serta tanaman buah-buahan lainnya seperti pepaya, mentimun, dan buah manggis, sehingga mengakibatkan menurunnya omset hasil panen para petani desa. Kerena beberapa faktor diatas, membuat permasalahan ini menjadi perhatian khusus bagi perangkat desa untuk membasmi hama tupai tersebut dengan cara mengundang tim khusus untuk membasminya.


Hari ini Jumat 17 Juni 2022, saya menyaksikan langsung bidikan para penembak jitu yang di undang oleh perangkat Desa untuk memusnahkan serangan hama tupai yang selama ini menggangu tanaman perkebunan petani, ada 5 penembak jitu yang tergabung dalam tim khusus pembasmi hama, dengan sigap mereka berpencar ke segala arah untuk membidik hama tupai.

Keberadaan tupai yang jauh diatas pohon kelapa tidak membuat para penembak jitu kehilangan arah, mereka dengan santai membidik satu persatu hama tupai yang berkeliaran di berbagai pohon, dan satu persatu hama tupai berjatuhan akibat terkena peluru senapan dari para pemburu.


Sejak pagi dimulainya berburu hingga siang hari, para pemburu hama telah memusnahkan lebih dari 100 ekor tupai dengan berbagai jenis ukuran. Para petani desa juga ikut menyaksikan langsung dan sengat senang melihat banyaknya hama tupai yang berhasil dimusnahkan oleh para pemburu tersebut.


Aksi berburu hama tupai ini akan berlangsung selama 3 hari kedepan, dengan harapan dapat lebih banyak hama tupai yang berhasil dimusnahkan, sehingga para masyarakat dan petani akan kembali mendapatkan hasil panen yang memuaskan seperti biasanya, dan para petani juga berharap aksi berburu ini juga dapat dilakukan di desa-desa lainnya, sehingga hama tupai tidak lagi menjadi penyebab gagalnya panen hasil pertanian masyarakat pada umumnya.

Cc; @pennsif @liasteem

Best Regard


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