WSP - 1000 watt Solar Power Energy Finally Installed !!! [3rd July, 2022]



Hello Donors,

Smilenigeria would always prove its transparency as it was promised from the onset. And so, this is us keeping to our bargain.

Knowing very well that our funds come from the steemit platform and most users who appreciate the work of the charity.

This is the Official Report and the report of the financial activities that have happened in the account for the past seven days.

This report would be shown here weekly to prove our fairness as we promised from the beginning. This will help users to appreciate how their donated part of their income through the distribution of rewards to this fundraising account is been used.

Please note that in this report, there was a transaction of 200 steem that took place on the 3rd July 2022 for the Purchase of Refreshment which would be used on the 7th July 2022 during the Launching of the Solar PV.

Concerning the recent Claim in the account, please look at it below.

Before now, we had 0.000 SBD, 1243.791 Steem Power, 502.391 Steem, and 1,177.548 TRX in the account of smilenigeria, but today which is 3rd July 2022 After claiming Some rewards of 39.987 Steem, 39.987 SP, 37.870 TRX, there was no SBD.
Adding that to the previous balance we now have 1,283.786 Steem Power, 542.378 Steem, and 1,177.548 TRX as we can see below on the screenshot.

The screenshot below shows how the account was before and how it is now after the reward was claimed today to the wallet of smilenigeria by the WSP leader of Nigeria.

Before our Claim of Reward

After our Claim of Reward

Total Expenditure On this Project


The Above Shows the total Fund Spend on this Project. It will also be great to bring to your notice that the total amount mentioned over there in Naira(Nigerian Currency) Which is Two hundred and Nineteen thousand, four hundred and Seventy-Five Naira (N219, 475 ) is Approximatelate Equivalent to 2,013 Steem Using the exchange rate of Steem and naira when the transaction was done two weeks ago.

Latest Update !!!

It Is our Great Pleasure to Inform you all that Our Solar PV has been Successfully Installed at the designated location.

This Is the First Project of its kind and it is going to Speak So loud about our Great Platform In Nigeria.

This System Was Installed yesterday by the Crew and the WSP Nigerian Leader who was also part of the Installation Engineers.

The System was tested and it was Working perfectly Okay.

However, the crew advised the WSP Leader of Nigeria to allow the System to Charge for two good days in other to enhance the battery.

It Is also our pleasure to inform you that this System Would be Commissioned on the 7th July 2022 by 9 am Nigerian time.



Propose LocationNwanaiba, Uyo
Potential Beneficiaries40 and Above Including Steemians Living Within
Plus Code :
Map:Google Map

The Villagers have been informed and the steemians around are also informed.
It is Finally Installed!!!

We want to use this opportunity to thank all our donors around the world who have contributed their income by sharing part of their rewards to smilenigeria and we also want to thank the steemit team @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for all your support.

We aim at achieving our goal by providing Solar Energy Electricity in Nigeria and also supporting humanity around the globe through the direction of the world smile.

We are indebted to our international team of worldsmile and the international body of the Worldsmile Project for this opportunity and for always making prompt posts on their various Accounts in Support and updates of this Project.

We are grateful for your attention, and hopefully, we can provide high-value feedback for steemit and steem at this time and in the future.

Let's keep donating...! and make Nigeria and the world smile

ubongudofot (WSP Leader For Nigeria)

Cc:@el-nailul @pennsif @heriadi @miftahuddin @irawandedy @klen.civil @sofian88


Great news to see this project reaching a successful conclusion.

Where will the next SolarSteem project be?!?

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much sir, i am glad it has come to an end in this manner.
I will announce the next place just very soon, i am still working on the data.😊

 3 years ago 

Whoop whoop! Only 4 more sleeps before I can see those smiles!
Well done my friend 🤛🏻

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much Ma, ofcourse 4 more sleeps and we are there.
The smile most show !!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 84177.38
ETH 2215.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.64