Furniture Production Training for Youth

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 years ago (edited)



May blessings and health always be with you. Thank you to all stakeholders in this wonderful Community.

In an effort to improve the quality of young people's hard skills, a serious effort is needed from the government. Youth is the main fundamental in national development efforts. In order to achieve the goals of national development and improvement of youth skills, it is necessary to carry out training activities to improve hard skills.


One tangible manifestation that has been implemented is through training activities in the furniture sector. This training activity was carried out by the BLKI Aceh Utara. This furniture training activity for young people is expected to provide skills development for young people in the field of furniture making.

This training lasts for approximately 42 days for free. The training participants are also given certificates and allowances after completing all the learning materials. After going through various selection processes, starting from administrative selection, question selection and interviews, I was declared to have passed to take part in this training.

This is an opportunity for me to learn the procedures or techniques for making home furnishings products. Because through this training I will have the opportunity and the basic fundamentals to jump into the world of entrepreneurship. In addition, this skill improvement training also provides an opportunity for us to become furniture builders.





In the implementation of this training, we studied learning materials for 2 weeks indoors. This training is guided by an instructor with a professional certification graduate. This training was attended by 16 young people, consisting of 2 women and 15 men.

Participants in this training activity came from various regions in North Aceh district. The learning process is carried out educatively, interactively and creatively. A learning model that is adapted to the interests of the trainees referring to the learning module.





All training participants get facilities and attributes for free that can support the learning process. Learning takes place both indoors and outdoors. This training project also includes a number of machines, building tools and supporting facilities.

We learned many things about the manufacture of furniture products, starting from the selection of raw materials, determining the type of product, the manufacturing process to the finishing stage. In addition, we also studied marketing to broaden our horizons about the world of entrepreneurship. All participants were also given learning modules and health insurance.





I am very lucky to be able to attend this training. Hopefully the knowledge that I have gained through this training can be used to support my career in the future. Therefore, I must continue to study to improve my hard skills in the field of furniture production and entrepreneurship.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post.

Special thanks to : @steemcurator01 , @stephenkendal, @pennsif, @kevinwong, @steemchiller, @xeldal

Best Regard
Discord : ponpase#2931
Jakarta, 13 November 2021

 3 years ago 

Aktivitas yang sangat luar biasa bg dalam melakukan sesuatu hal yang bisa bermanfaat bagi semua orang. Sekses bg


Teurimoeng geunaseh rakan.

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama bg

 3 years ago 

Mantap kali ilmu yang dapat dipelajari brother..
Semoga selalu bermanfaat,

Mohon Maaf sebelumnya, Harap menghapus #club5050 karena anda belum Memenuhi syarat untuk bergabung club 5050, menurut
periode 13 oktober 2021 - 13 november 2021
total Power-Up 281.184 STEEM
total cash out 25.000 SBD x 0.085167 = 293.541 Steem
untuk bergabung club 5050 masih perlu power up Minimal 13 steem, Terimakasih

Salam @heriadi

Oke, terima kasih banyak atas panduannya...

Akan segera saya hapus,

Thanks !

Screenshot (842).png

Mungken jeut keu rujukan, ngat bek le manual

 3 years ago 

Ini tidak bisa jadi rujukan karena rujukan tim steemit

Jika melakukan perhitungan dengan perkalian manual, apakah itu akan akurat ? Apakah nilai tukat SBD ke STEEM di market akan selalu sama dalam kurun waktu terhitung ?

Atau mungkin ada fitur di steemworld untuk mengetahui tentang itu yang belum saya ketahui.

Nyoe bang, menyou nyan muphom dan kaleuh meukalon.

Cuman mese perbandingan jumlah cashout ta kalkulasi secara manual dengan harga STEEM di market pada saat melakukan pengecekan, nyan hasil jih han akan akurat.

Nilai tukar SBD ke STEEM dalam kurun waktu terhitung tidak akan selalu sama.

Sementara reward yang didapatkan adalah dalam kurun waktu yang berbeda, begitu juga dengan aktivitas cash out.

 3 years ago 

Berkata yang baik-baik atau lebih baik diam @ponpase 😄 Steem On!

😂😂😂 vote for u

 3 years ago 

walaupun kita menganggap web lain lebih akurat, kemungkinan akan mendapat teguran dari tim steemit karena yang kita gunakan berbeda dengan yang mereka gunakan, ini akan memiliki efek negatif bagi akun kita jika mendapat teguran

Menurut lon, apapun yang disarankan oleh tim steemit, adalah web yang sangat cocok tapakek untuk mengecek #club5050 karena memperlihatkan hasil yang detail dalam jangka waktu real time.

Sementara fitur yang disarankan oleh tim steemit juga tidak salah, tetapi masih kemungkinan kurang akurat apalagi jika setelah pengecekan talakukan perhitungan secara manual dengan membandingkan nilai tukar SBD-STEEM di market.

 3 years ago (edited)

itu terserah kita mau ikut tim steemit atau tidak, Komunitas Steem for better life selalu mengikuti arahan tim steemit karena kami memerlukan dukungan mereka untuk membangun komunitas, terimakasih untuk kerjasamanya

Iya, nyan penting sit, hana dukungan hana can takerja 😂.

Tapi kalkulasi nilai cash out SBD yang dikonversikan ke STEEM secara manual adalah kesalahan.

Perhitungan hana salah,cuman akurat yang kureung. Karena nilai tukar SBD - STEEM tidak selalu sama.

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