Loving myself so I can love you better(my struggle for compliments)
Leather pants, jackets, boots, make up on fleek! I dressed this way to make heads turn and mouth fall wide open, yeah! Not really because I felt so comfortable, I was feeling so hot inside, but I dare not show my discomfort.
So I walked down, my head held high, but my eyes still searching for appreciation from anyone I pass......I didn't get any! I doubt if anyone even noticed everything I was wearing was new.
Well, I doubt if I'm the only one on this table, taking extra efforts to look good, talk better, change our accent just so we feel more accepted and like we belong...after I sweated for the better part of the day, walking around with my heeled boots(all black), my makeup already looking like a mess, I came to a conclusion that the most important person to please in this world is me! yes me!
All around the world, people seem to live and die within because of compliments or lack of it, but if we can sit back and just ask ourselves why this obsession?
The problem starts when we reach out to other people to give to us what we can't give ourselves.
We reach out to people for affection, love, acceptance, compliments and to even authenticate our value.
All this and more are what the human heart seek for, and it's actually all within our power to give first to ourselves before we receive it or give it to others.
This was who I was few years back, now people call me beautiful! bold! sweet! pretty! name it! without making so much efforts..I think what changed was when I came to realize that whatever people see about me is how I actually see myself.
I don't live for the compliment or acceptance of other people any more, I love and appreciate myself first and then what I feel on my inside affects my environment.
true compliment comes from the place of love.
The love of ourselves and others.
When we learn to accept ourselves and intentionally admire, compliment others uniqueness and appreciating each effort it took in making them stand out.
It impacts on their soul and creates a new cycle that spreads across to people you don't even know all around the world.
Our little whispers of "You look beautiful!" "Nice shoes!" "that dress must be from heaven!" "colour red has never been better!" goes a long way to building confidence and validating a person's self worth.
Compliment is a very important part of life's necessity, else why the insatiable desire for it? Compliments drives, it encourages, it validates, it gives one the sweet feeling of accomplishments and builds a strong sense of self awareness and confidence.
We come to enjoy the beauty of life when we learn to give, to as much people, to ourselves and compliments cannot be taken out of the picture.
It's always sad to see how people hunger for a compliment and if said they don't know how to respond.
It's somehow a lack of attention, encouragement during the childhood with the result of a broken soul, and most of all lack of self-esteem.
It takes time, to some a life to realize you are good as you are. Indeed if your inner shines your are attractive, beautiful and receive all the compliments in the world.
I loved reading you!
Thank you so much. It's always a delight to have you around. Pls hope you don't mind me mentioning you in my next story?
You can mention me, no problem.
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