50% payout is to fund the project

It is true happiness for all of us to announce that World Smile Project Programs are running smoothly both in Venezuela and Aceh Indonesia. As of today, the Manuel's Housing Project has been reached up to 97% and the Free Education Center in Aceh has reached 50%. It is a great achievement with the limited budget available at the moment. It means the budgeting management is well maintained.

Venezuela Housing Program

The first housing program in Montalban, Carabobo- Venezuela has reached the final stage which means it has been 97% and will be finished within 7 days (expected time). The Venezuelan team showing us great progress while actually there are some other ongoing programs taking place there. As you have already known, not only Manuel's Housing program is ongoing but also the free medical check-up is also running well with the expert team involved to freely check the health condition of the societies around. It is getting better and better, and we hope the acts of the World Smile Project Venezuela team, the steem promotion will lead to great achievement and able to bring the steem become the most influential social media in there. Please have a look at the pictures below to see the progress:





This is how Manuel's house looks like with a total of $ 7564.67 and the budget still remains about $ 855,33 for the construction itself. But in the implementation, the budget is also used for the steem promotion material as much as $ 469.70. The remaining budget from this construction will be accumulated and re-plotting again for the next project that is going to be implemented in Venezuela

Initially, the medical equipment is great to continue with purchasing additional tools, those can be benefited more people in other places (Still In Venezuela). The next program that is most will be implemented is a community center, this space will be the steem promotion and education center in the area and will provide professional teachers such as English and other applicable skills for the kids. The detailed information about the program will be posted by @mariana4ve because she is the one who knows it better.

Here are some of the medical equipment that has been purchased for the meanwhile:



After all, this humanitarian action with the fund from the platform has affected a lot of positive impacts as you can see in the conversation screenshot below:



It is proof that doing the humanitarian is an important part to promote the platform to the people, they will finally understand that they can invest and earn on the platform while they are seriously involved on it

Free education center in Aceh

Another World Smile Project that is smoothly running right now is a free education center in Aceh. The program has been started 3 weeks ago, and now it has reached about 50% more and less, @klen.civil has published his report recently. As confirmed by the program manager @irawandedy, it is the pilot project in the education sector in Aceh which includes the organic sustainable food program in one go. In Indonesia, the World Smile Project will focus on the infrastructure, Sustainability Health program, and the main program in the World Carbon which will take years for implementation. The World Carbon Program is focusing on the re-planting (reforestation) of the mangrove and restoring the mangrove ecosystem.

The ongoing free education classroom is actually for the vulnerable children in the area, this program is expected will benefit at least 50 children. The construction progress you can see in the pictures below:



20211025_220353 (1).jpg

20211025_232413 (1).jpg


They work overnight to speed up the progress since it has been the rainy season in the area, and most of the carpenters work at other places including cultivating the rice field during the day.

The overall financial report of the World Smile Project is well maintained and you can see in the table below, and for better visualization, you can see the link of the google sheet attached here as well:

World Smile Project Indonesia:

Please find the complete report here

And this is the link to the World Smile Wallet:

World Smile Project Venezuela will be added later since the complete report is being produced by @mariana4ve

Thank you very much for your kindly support of the project and our special thank you to the steemit team

With my best Regards


Better Life Project Management Leader



 3 years ago 

Hola, mañana y pasado mañana estaré comprando las últimas cosas que hacen falta para terminar la casa, siempre hay algunos detalles extras que salen al final del proceso. Me gustaría presentarles el informe final de gastos lo más ordenado posible y que definitivamente sea el último jeje.

También tengo pensado hacer una pequeña reunión para la inauguración, dar una conferencia a las personas presentes y que todo se vea muy bonito.

Separaré los gastos de promoción en un documento aparte y reformularé los gastos de la construcción en el informe.

Esta semana tendré bastante trabajo, pero estoy feliz de que todo ha marchado sin contratiempos y no nos excedimos del presupuesto a pesar de que incluimos muchas cosas extras.

Tales como: las paredes internas, la conexión de agua municipal, la conexión de luz municipal, extensión del techo, incluso restauramos la pared límite de fondo (la que separa el terreno con el vecino) nada de esto estuvo en el presupuesto original, pero con habilidad administrativa y creatividad de los constructores (@francisco01, @eduardo.herrero, @humberto84) lo logramos.

Estaremos muy felices de presentar a la Comunidad de Steemit este sueño hecho realidad.

Saludos Cordiales.

 3 years ago (edited)

Estoy seguro de que todo saldrá según lo planeado

Has hecho algo muy bueno por las personas que te rodean, y lo más importante es que les has hecho promociones steem / steemit con trabajo real.

Esto es algo muy importante en el crecimiento futuro de steemit.

Con suerte, la entrega ceremonial de esta casa saldrá según lo planeado.

Saludos cariñosos a todos en Montalbán


 3 years ago 

Ya todo está listo. Saldrá muy bien 😃🌟🚀

 3 years ago 

Estoy muy feliz de escuchar esta buena noticia, y creo que el día de la inauguración todo saldrá a la perfección.

 3 years ago 

Espero que si jeje es muy emocionante.

Gracias a Dios todo a salido bien, esperaré la inauguración .

 3 years ago (edited)

Dear @francisco01

Estamos todos muy contentos con el desempeño que has mostrado.

Un pequeño consejo mío sobre la actividad de su cuenta, le recomendamos que realice el primer logro en Newcomer's Community si aún no lo ha hecho. Su objetivo es ser miembro de la comunidad Steem For Better Life, ojalá puedas desarrollarte bien en esta comunidad.

Nota: esta publicación debería haberse realizado en la comunidad de recién llegados (

Saludos de amistad para ti mi amigo


 3 years ago 

Amigo todo este proceso a Sido maravilloso, quiero colaborar en el próximo programa estaré atenta. Bendiciones para ti.

 3 years ago 

Gracias por su apreciación de este programa, también estoy muy agradecido por su contribución para que este programa pueda ser implementado.

Puedes contribuir a otros programas en el futuro


 3 years ago 

Most likely for the free education center will also reach 75% more after the roof installation is done in the next few days, and for houses in Venezuela next week or early this month it will be 100% complete.

 3 years ago (edited)

That is great achievement, thank you very much for your great work



 3 years ago 

Ur welcome

Quietly this programme has achieve apppreciative valu. Thank you for sharing such information with us.

 3 years ago (edited)

You are most welcome and thank you for your appreciation


Amigo saludos, feliz del progreso de la construcción de la casa de Manuel y de antemano estamos a la orden para los venideros programas.

 3 years ago (edited)

Estamos muy agradecidos por su arduo trabajo y participación en la realización del sueño de este Proyecto Sonrisa Mundial, ojalá haya más programas humanitarios que podamos ejecutar en Venezuela.

Le sugiero que también logre un logro en la comunidad de recién llegados para poder convertirse en miembro de la comunidad de Steem For Better Life, de esa manera podremos ayudarlo más en nuestra comunidad.

Saludos a todos


 3 years ago 

Thank you for the report. Let's work together for the success of humanity

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your hard work and lead the team to implement the program


 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, progres dari program World Smile Project. Semakin cepat selesai, semakin cepat pula bisa dimanfaatkan bangunan tersebut.


 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah dan terimakasih atas dukungan anda


This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for your appreciation


 3 years ago 

I have included this post in the 17th issue of Steem News Magazine For Steemit Platform | November 02, 2021.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for your appreciation


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