Betterlife - The Diary Game |Dated on: 26 May, 2024 | Spent a pleasant time with younger at the roof at afternoon
Assalamulaikum (peace be upon you) |
I am @shahajahanali
I am from #Bangladesh
Dear Friends,
I hope you all are well. Alhamdulillah I am fine with your prayers and love. Appeared before you after almost a week. Last week I could not come because of my personal work and no power and network due to many cyclones in our area. So without further ado let's start discussing how I spent my days.
I went to bed a little late so I woke up late. I woke up fresh and had breakfast. Then I got ready and went out and had tea and an uncle was coming from my village. His case date was today. After meeting him we have tea. It's too hot outside to stay. My clothes are soaked with sweat in this heat.
The heat felt unbearable so I said goodbye to him and went home. After getting home again I changed my clothes and lay down on the floor for a bit of relaxation. After resting for a while I took a bath and performed the Zuhr prayer. After praying, I had lunch and rested on the floor again and I can't say when I fell asleep
After waking up, I offered Asr prayer and went to the roof and watered the plants on the roof, because in this extreme temperature, if water is not given for one day, the plants will die. So I and Rakib watered the plants on the roof. I, along with Rakib and Rakib's friend, sat there for a long time and spent the afternoon sitting on the roof. Our roof garden has a variety of fruit trees. There are flowering trees, lemon trees, mango trees, etc. When Maghrib call to prayer is given, we come down from the roof and pray. Then I sat down to read after breakfast. After finishing my studies, I prayed Isha and had dinner. Then I went to sleep refreshed.
All of you stay cool place in this summer. If not absolutely necessary stay at home. I hope you all will support me and stay by my side. I am leaving here today. May you all be well. May God bless you.
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