Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2| My Favorite Product : Beautiful and Cute Bag
Hi, Steemian friends wherever you are. On this occasion, I would like to publish content to take part in the latest contest organized by the Steem Entrepreneurs community. Like the contest theme, I will share posts about my favorite products.
I am a woman who likes to collect bags. There are rows of bags neatly arranged in the bag cupboard. Every time there is a new bag model if it attracts interest. It will be placed in my bag cupboard too. It's nice to have several collections of bags with all their uniqueness. I like branded bags, but sometimes because of my partner's fault, I'm deceived by the product I receive.
I feel more confident when wearing a bag. Bags have become a part of my life. I can not be separated from the bag when traveling far or near. Bags are my staple. And I feel awkward when traveling without a bag. From the list of bags I have, I group them by use;
I use this bag for daily activities. I need a bag to put some products that are inseparable from my life. In my casual bag, I put my smartphone, power bank, and lipstick. It's not very premium. It is used because its benefits are greater.
This bag seems more premium, unique, and glamorous. I just put lipstick and a smartphone in it. I rarely use this bag. I only use it when there is a family event. Like attending a friend's wedding, alumni reunion, and seminars.
As the name suggests, the bag is used because of its function. It is bigger than the others. All my needs can be accommodated in this bag. For example, various cosmetic tools, power banks, smartphones, and wallets. It is used whenever needed.
That's my post to participate in this contest. Thanks to the organizers for making this contest a success. I invite @jyoti-thelight @monz122 @vivigibelis to participate in this contest. Thanks to all Steemian friends who have supported me. I appreciate it.
Quede enamorada con cada uno de tus bolsos, son espectaculares y muy bonitos, tienes buenos gustos. Cada uno para diferentes ocasiones. Me encanta esa marca Guess, ellos hacen bellezas.
Me gustó tu participación 🤗
Saludos y suerte en el concurso mi reina.
Thanks for reading my post and supported, dear. I love collecting bags. 🥰🥰🥰
You have such a beautiful handbag, I am looking forward to your selection and thank you for inviting me. I will prepare and publish a similar post soon
I am glad to hear that. Thanks for the support, dear. 🥰🥰🥰
Anda mempunyai berbagai macam model tas, dengan banyaknya tas yang anda miliki anda bisa menggunakan model apa saya yang anda minati saat bepergian.
Rata-rata wanita memiliki banyak koleksi tas di rumah mereka.
Saya juga membagikan tentang barang yang saya sukai, bila anda punya waktu silahkan melihatnya dan saya sangat senang.
Terimakasih atas support dan kunjungannya. Dengan senang hati saya akan membaca postingan anda. 🥰🥰🥰
Terimakasih atas sambutan hangatnya @nadiaturrina.
Saya senang mendengarnya.
Thank you @nadiaturrina for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 4 (Week #2) by sharing your favorite items or products with us in the Steem Entrepreneur community.
Steem Entrepreneurs community really appreciate your engagement with other users through relevant and meaningful comments.
Team verification results :
Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team
Thank for the support and review @f2i5
It makes me more excited to participate on the other contest theme.
Will be released today for week 3 contest with a more interesting theme. I hope Sista @naditurrina doesn't miss it. haha
Sounds great
Thanks for the information, sir
You're welcome Sist
Don't call me sir. With the name will look better.
I am sorry
Ini adalah produk yang semua wanita suka dan mencintai nya,
Anda memiliki tas-tas yang bagus dan yang serbaguna itu terlihat sangat indah,
Anda pasti akan terlihat lebih percaya diri dan semangat kemanapun anda pergi,
Produk ini menyempurnakan segala sisi, serta kegunaannya juga sangat penting,
Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya sayang
Terimakasih atas support, kakak.
Wish all the best for us
Hermosos tus bolsos, es un accesorio que no puede faltar en nuestro armario y que nos genera seguridad y elegancia. Me encantó el rosado, yo no tengo muchas carteras pero quisiera tener más. Me dio gusto leerte querida. Un abrazo.
Thanks for reading and supported my post, dear. Wish all the best for us
Hola amiga hermosos tus bolsos sin duda alguna es un accesorio muy importante para una mujer, le da un toque chic a la hora de salir, mucha suerte 🙏✨☺️🎊
Thanks dear
I am very confident when wearing a bag
Curated By - @chiabertrand
Curation Team - Team 3
Thanks a lot @chiabertrand and team
Saludos amiga @nadiaturrina, tienes un hermoso bolso, yo he visto muchos modelos pero estos realmente me encantaron, tener una colección de bolsos es asombroso porque puedes combinarlos con tu outfit, te felicito amiga, te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso.
Thanks for the support, dear
Yes, I combine it with the color of the clothes and the purpose of use. 🥰🥰🥰
Koleksi tas nya banyak ya sist, dan cantik2 pula. Saya jadi salfok. Hehe😁. Sebagak wanita tas juga merupakan bagian dari fashion sehari-hari. Sukses selalu ya..
Terimakasih atas support nya kakak