Contest: Finding Your Motivation On Steemit.
It is very important to have an aim in whatever we do. We need to have something that motivates us on whatever platform we are on either working or just having fun there. Before joining steemit platform, there are a few things that motivated me and that will continue to motivate me to be a part of the steemit world.
This contest in the Steemit Entrepreneurs community will help every member especially newbies like me to set their goals and think of how to achieve them.
Reasons for joining Steemit
Firstly, we all know that we are in this world in which people get rewarded from most things that they do. I've been on other platforms like this so I'm not just here for the money alone. I wish to make new friends here. It will be good to have different friends from different parts of the world. I wish to make friends and also learn about the cultures and also the ways of life of other people in other countries.
I'm also sure that there will be other earning opportunities here so I would love to learn about cryptocurrency and that was what motivated me to join this wonderful platform.
A moment when I felt inspired on the Steemit platform
Firstly, I'm a cryptocurrency lover. I have so many coins and I always love to acquire more even at the slightest chance. I wish to acquire Steem token. I felt inspired when I joined the platform and saw people who have so many Steem tokens. I can be like them someday right? So, I'm motivated to keep on being here.
Obstacles I faced in the world of Steemit
The first and only obstacle I faced here was the first verification process. I'm glad I have gotten the first step of verification. I'm glad about that. It took days for me to get verified but I'm glad that it happened. Also, I'm working on the second verification. I need to learn a few things before I apply for the second verification.
How my experience on Steemit has helped me.
Well, I have not spent so much time here but with the little time I have spent, I've learnt a lot. I learnt to always engage and make friends wherever I am. They may even help me when I'm in need or help me with some corrections that I may need.
At the same time, my experience on Steemit has helped me to become a better writer. Back then, I don't cross check my works but not anymore. Right now, I always make sure that I check my work so as to prevent myself from making silly mistakes. Mistakes are normal but checking for the second time will help me to correct it.
I invite my friends @joshwolfman @allison001 @bossj23 to join me on this challenge.
Cc: @harferri