How to save our Forest to fight climate change in our community
The judiciary, executive, legislative are all the arms of the government they have the obligation to protect our forest there by putting in place some policy by these arms of government in Cameroon to help save our Forest .
it is the responsibility by all both national and local level to save the green house esmission and save our ecosystem,forest are the lungs of the Earth's essential for environmental stability and human health and happiness,if the current deforestation rate continue tropical rainforest could be gone within the lifetime of young people . below are the strategy to save our Forest,:
conserved trees and forest in your area: forest and trees especially big trees and macture forest have many benefits,they provide habitat for a multitude of specie's ,store carbon, maintain water quality, stabilize the climate and provide place for people to creat and connect with nature, encourage your local government to conserve forest and creat parks.
plan trees:
trees planting which is one of my passion for nature which I engaged in tree planting every year to help mitigate climate change which help to fight against climate change and restoring previously degraded escosytem, plan trees around in your community or donate to organisation that plan trees around the world, keeping in mind that planting trees should never be and excused for destroying existing forest when you donate restoring native ecosystem.
teach kids about forest through books ,kids are the future inspired in them a love a love of our planet .educate them about forest , ecosystem,not only is nature good for kids exposures to nature as children is correlated with positive environmental altitudes.
share your love of forest with others:
one of the powerful cause of forest destruction is ignorance,as there is increased in population the demand for timber is at increasing rate causing us to separate from nature by so doing we must all do our best to spread the word about the importance of forest ecosystem,this word can be spread through local conservation organisation spread awareness of forest issues you can also do this on social media ,human will not survive without forest .visit forest often ; spend time in forest and green space they are awe-spiring ,you will have a greater appreciation for and connection with natural world as well as positive effect on your health and well-being,the society is growing vastly people are separated from the nature
advocate for climate change solution: climate change is not a new topic in our society today which is already impacting all aspects of human society and natural world , Especially forest ,forest offset climate change by storing carbon and directly control rainfall and other climate patterns campaign to enact progressive climate policies in your community
Thanks for reading
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Isn't this a scam??!!
In as much as we say we should create parks and stop cutting down trees, in our setting it may not be very plausible as not only do these things take time, the population themselves are not as willing as they should to ensure that this comes to pass. Either way, little grains of sand make a seashore.👏🏾
"Visiting the forest for inspiration" this statement works best for me because i experienced it. Thanks for sharing these tips.
The forest is the one best thing we can rebuild to save our climate.
Anything environment-loving, i am fully supportive. Let's contribute positively, not only by appreciating, but also contributing to better the environment