Agriculture contribution to climate change in Cameroon
Agriculture,deforestation and other land use account for 20% of all green house gas emmision.
there have been increase in productivity since the advern of the green revolution, improving the world food security for the growing population has imposed environmental costs while global agriculture face a number of challenges the most surprising challenge to food security may comes from agricultural impact on climate.
Agricultural sector in Cameroon which empolyed the greater part of the population mostly the rural areas approximately 60% and it contribute to the county Gross national product of a country .
Agriculture activities such as management , and land clearing account for a greater proportion of green house gas emissions from agriculture,deforestation are three times greater than emissions from the global building sector and equal to industrial emissions the following are the contribution from agriculture
- emissions from agricultural activities,we are suffering from emissions enaminating from agriculture, activities such as clearing land for farm and farming itself contribute a greater proportion of global emissions much more than emissions from car,plan, and train
- agriculture is often the reason for deforestation and a change in land used from natural ecosystem that take up and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to farm this activities can not be view independently ,green house gas has different source from agriculture.landused changes relating to agriculture have a far more significant impact plan absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,so plan , forestry and many natural ecosystem that have developed over thousand of years store vast amount of carbon changing the function of this uncultivated land from being a source to greenhouse gas emissions due to burning plan material,or farming has a negative effect on the emissions balance.
3)management of woodland ,also have impacts on green house gas emissions,interms of direct emissions from agriculture fermative process from soil management from Fossil fuel and change in land use are the most important source of green house gas emissions.
agriculture is also responsible for a negative impact on green house gas emissions to the environment fertilizer rich in nitrogen can pollutes water and threatened aquatic ecosystem, peticide, herbicide and mono culture can lead to a loss's in biodiversity as population expand agricultural production come with greater demand.
increasing the areas of land for farming offers one option for increasing production but has a negative effect on green house gas emissions.
clearing uncultivated land for farming can lead to the destortion of natural ecosystem which can have effect on local wildlife and biodiversity may sector need large amount of water which may cause water scarcity and drough constant expliotation of soil cause erosion and compaction leaving them useless for future generations.
I really enjoyed reading your post. It was so informative. But i am confused. Most of your points were in the negative. Are you saying that farming is bad for our community despite it being a major source of income and feeding?
Great post
Your points really bring to light the fact that agriculture affects the planet
Waouh! What a great post here sir, so much info in one single post. But i got a worry, I'm much more informed about the negative aspects of farming 😂 aren't there positive ones?
Coz it looks like you're saying farming is bad 😅
You have a great idea but I think it’s better you show the connection that exist between agriculture and climate change. In that light I think you should be talking of the kind of greenhouse gases produced as a result of some agricultural practices. Thanks