My Town in 10 Pictures[[Various Football ⚽/Tennis 🎾 Playing Grounds Around Bamenda]] Supporting #Burnsteem25

Hello there, steemians 👋
I greet y'all dear friends, i believe everyone is doing great in this beautiful platform. I'm here again to show you guys how my town looks like In 10 pictures but this time around, let's have a view of how some football fields and Tennis courts look like in my town.
Without wasting any futher time, let's get started so that you all can see how the various football fields and Tennis courts found in my town

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This is a Tennis 🎾 court which is located right inside the University of Bamenda. This tennis court was renovated in 2017 when the University of Bamenda was hosting the University games. It is just one of the courts found in the University of Bamenda because we have about 3 tennis courts in total in the University of Bamenda

This is another tennis court in the University of Bamenda but this one is located outside the campus which is directly opposite the the University stadium in CCast bambili. Since it's outside the University, most students usually visit this court to practice their tennis games and some even use the court to carry out their various sporting activities such as dancing, singing, stretched-out exercise so many others

This is a football field which is located in mile3 Nkwen Bamenda. It's a baptist football field which is Owned by Menda-baptist church. But mass majority of knwen youths(both baptist youths and the inhabitant youths) and veterans play ball in this field. Competitions and Tournaments are oftenly organized on this playing ground. Most Regional league competitions are also played on this field

This field is located in bambili. It's G.S(Government School Bambili) and it's a primary school. This also happened to be the field I have grown up playing ball there in my entire life because I happened to have schooled in this primary school from primary1 right up to the last level which is primary 6. This means I started and completed my primary education in this school. We oftenly use to play ball in this school field. Since I'm not base in bambili now, I hadly play ball in the field again

This is G.S Nibum field which is located in mile4 Nkwen Bamenda. This field was renovated just of recent because it was really bad since it's an old school field that have been existing for a long time now. This field was renovated because tournaments will soon be launched there

This is G.B.H.S(government bilingual High school) Atielah which is located in mile4 Nkwen. It is also located just besides the G.S Nibum school field. This is the field I always go and play ball every Monday since I'm based now In town though in Mile3 Nkwen

This stadium 🏟️ is located in bambili and it happens to be the University of Bamenda main stadium. It was formally CCast bambili school field but it is now the main stadium of the University of Bamenda. This is where university football competitions usually holds. This is also where a few division 2 competitions is often played. This stadium was renovated in 2017 mainly because of the launching of the University games that held that year

This is St Paul school field and it's located here in mile3 Nkwen Bamenda just behind the St Paul church. This field is owned by a Catholic institution since it's a Catholic school field. Though it's a Catholic school field, this is where most popular of the mile3 Nkwen youths/veteran usually play ball. Most Regional league competitions are also played on this field

This is another catholic field that is located in mile5 Nkwen Bamenda. It is G.S Futru school field. It is also a field owned by catholic institution. Though it's a Catholic school field, this is where most popular of the mile5 Nkwen youths/veteran usually play ball. I have played ball in this field only once. Most Regional league competitions are also played on this field

This is a baptist field that is located at mile2 Bamenda. It's Hope baptist church field. Though it's a baptist school field, this is where most popular of the mile2 Nkwen youths/veteran usually play ball. I have played ball in this field only countless occasions

I hope you guys now know some football fields and Tennis courts that is located in Bamenda/Cameroon. They are still many more fields and Tennis courts found in my area. I just happened to share this ones for now. With time will continue sharing.
Catch you guys next time
Much regards : @chiabertrand
In my country Nigeria, we also have sandy football fields like this. Nice post